4 year old will not go to sleep and I am losing my mind

@jonderdonk4 Idk but I’m currently struggling with my 4 yo atm. Over and over coming to my room with questions, comments, concerns.. and it’s 9:50! He says he’s scared and I guess he also had to poop but wow it really puts me on edge. Solidarity!
@jonderdonk4 What works for us is bath time right before bed, then story time and then bedtime. If they’re in the pjs and it’s still playtime or snack time, then it’s not the sleep association you want. Maybe just readjust your time after dinner, make that more rowdy and fun. Then bath time, etc. My kids bedtime around age was 8:30 or so.
@jonderdonk4 We have a pretty similar schedule with my 5yo, except he's almost always up by 6am. He gave up naps like two years ago and after that would often be awake after "bedtime".

At first we were frustrated about it, but we just decided to make the rule that he doesn't have to go to sleep right away, but he needs to stay in his room (unless he needs to go to the bathroom). Sometimes he'll be up till like 9:30 but not usually. He almost never falls asleep right after books but he's usually asleep after 30 minutes.

Kids need alone time in their own space. They need time to unwind just like we do probably more because their life is so regimented.

This is slightly tangential, but might help. We added cleaning his room to the bedtime routine at around 4yo. Sometimes I'll help a little, and sometimes I'll help by telling him which type of thing to clean up next, while I relax in the next room.

He used to make a massive mess of his room every night after we wrapped up the bedtime routine. Now that he's used to cleaning his room and getting a little older I think he's figured out that he doesn't want to make a huge mess because he'll just have to clean it up later.

Also, I would cut out the "laying down for 5 minutes" pass. I doubt that's helping.