4 months PP from C-section


New member
I want to scream it from roof tops but I’ll just post it here instead. I did a 2.5 mile stroller run yesterday. No pain or pulling at my incision scar. I felt good besides it being super hot and humid. And I’m going to do it again today. Feels good to be back.
@dbazil Massage the scar and the skin above and below. The TVA breathing is really important too for core strength. I took it really slow tbh. The nice thing about C-sections is it doesn’t impact your pelvic floor as much as vaginal, although the recovery is longer. Long walks are great starting points too.
@penny7 Thank you! I’ve been doing the long walks and starting the TVA breathing. Bummed at how big my tummy area still is 5 weeks pp, I definitely still have a low bump. How long before you felt like your abdominals were close to back to normal?
@dbazil Ahhh I’ll be honest, I didn’t have bad abdominal separation. I didn’t really show a baby bump until like 34 weeks. I hid my pregnancy the entire time and no one really knew. I looked chubby but not pregnant.

Adding on: I felt so much more weakness on my first c-section. It took me 6mo until I could do weighted leg exercises. This time around I started doing weighted leg exercises around 12 weeks. So I guess I would say better core strength by 12 weeks. So around the 3mo mark.
@penny7 Congrats!!

So for a stroller run does baby fit in the stroller as is or are you running with the car seat attached?

Thinking of buying a jogging stroller but wondering about timing
@cryptowasabi Internet says wait until 6 months at least, sometimes 8 months so baby has better head control. I think if baby is in a car seat and it’s a really smooth path and you’re lightly jogging like OP you’re probably ok! But in theory wait til 7 months.
@cryptowasabi I am running on a paved path with car seat attachment. I did it with my first born too. I believe strongly in getting the baby used to being in a stroller so I started with long walks and at his 4mo appointment when doc said his head control is great and he can start on some purées, I took that as he can start stroller jogging too 😅
@cryptowasabi Our pediatrician said 6 months, but when we clarified that we had a stroller designed with an infant car seat attachment he said we were fine to go now (at our 1 month appointment). Our stroller walks have been AMAZING! I’m 10 times more patient to laze around nursing all day when I get out of the house. It’s been great bonding for our dog too- she trots along and must be building pack mentality or something like that. I we have a Graco jogging stroller with the Graco infant car seat. Highly recommend!!!

And awesome work OP! We are building up to jogs too, can’t wait to be there. Already have plans for a family 5K this fall. 🥰
@cryptowasabi It is already worth the money for our mental sanity! We’ve even packed it up on two outings and it travels super well. It will only be easier to use as our little one grows too.

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