4 month sleep regression vs something else


New member
I have a 4.5 month old. At a bit over 3 months, we went through a super unsettled sleep phase where he was up every 30-50 minutes, after a while he settled down and we noticed some definite changes in his sleep plus we helped him learn to settle himself. He’s great at falling asleep and often we just put him in to his cot, stay there to stroke his hair or talk to him for a bit, walk out, and he can fall asleep.

Over the last 10-14 days we’ve had SO many night wakings due to hunger. He would otherwise wake 2-3 times a night for a feed plus a big one in the morning. Now he’s up 5-6 times, often hourly between 2am-6am and then sleep for 2-3 hours from 6am to 8-9am easily and a 10pm-2am stretch at the start of the night. He has a full feed and doesn’t settle if he’s not fed (the longest we’ve tried is 20 mins of settling) even if he’s just eaten an hour before.

Everything I’ve read says that the 4 month sleep regression is over once the baby’s sleep changes to be more mature and independent. We have that and he always goes back to sleep well after feeding (often falls asleep feeding). Is this still the 4 month sleep regression or is it something else? We’ve tried so many different ways of feeding (he’s EBF on demand) including formula top up’s during the day and night and dream feeds but nothing really works.

EDIT: it’s been almost 2 weeks and we figured out he was too hot. I always hears to dress the baby in one extra layer but the MCHN said they adjust to our body temp, so since I sleep with a sheet and my husband with a doona, we swapped the baby into a long sleeved/footed onesie only and he started immediately doing 6-7.5 hours in the first stretch. With the exception of a couple of nights, he’s only woken 1-2 times.
@bobyi Teething pain?
I see a lot about the 4 month regression but I don't have much belief in it. It's been said this is a buzz word used to sell sleep courses/books which I believe.

I will post a link when I can find it.

I think it's strange that this "regression" timeline is the same as when babies start teething.

The increased hunger can also be a self soothing practice as baby is in pain due to teething. If you are happy to, try some paracetamol and see if it helps?


Found the link

[The science of healthy baby sleep]

@dinahtab It is fairly well defined that the ~4 month sleep regression (or whatever you want to call it) is because that is when babies start making melatonin, start spending more time in non-REM sleep, and their sleep patterns and stages start to look more “grown up.”

I chuckled a little bit, because people loooove blaming every little new behavior on teething (source: I work in pediatrics).
@dinahtab We have given paracetamol or ibuprofen at bedtime but I didn’t even consider that he could be waking up after it’s worn off due to the pain. I just assumed it was actual hunger since he’s so chill about it (well, fusses and then cries after a few minutes, fall asleep easily after). Definitely worth trying giving him a top up at 2am though! I’ll try anything to go back to our usual 2-3 wakes.

Thanks for the article, I do tend to agree that the sleep regression is overhyped. I definitely noticed a change in my baby’s sleep around that 3-3.5 months towards lighter sleep and he did start to be able to fall asleep more independently. It does seem like every single sleep problem between 3 and 5 months is just said to be the sleep regression regardless of the issue, which I don’t believe at all.
@dinahtab My baby's sleep went haywire at 3.5 months, constant wake ups and feeds. He didn't teeth until 8 months, so that wasn't it.

He didn't feed less at night until we started solids. He's 9.5 months now and wakes up twice a night to eat, down from 3 just last week (while he was teething).
@sirvanosnoodle That’s so interesting. We’re slowly starting to introduce solids (more letting him play with it than actually feeding) and I have heard of a few babies where they got better sleep after solids. I’m really hoping it works for us, but it feels like so much false hope.
@dinahtab So last night we gave him paracetamol at bedtime and a top up with the 2am feed and he only woke up once at 5am after that! Thank you for the suggestion, even if it was a fluke, I feel so refreshed as I slept from 2am-8am (my husband did the 5am feed) and ready for tomorrow night now!
@bobyi Are you me? I feel like we hit sleep regression a bit before four months and had a couple weeks of terrible nights and days (compared to before). This was followed by a good few weeks and now we seem to be back with wakings and nap refusals 😴