4-5 weeks pregnant and bleeding


New member
Long post & TW ectopic pregnancy

I’m looking to gather people’s experiences (good or bad) to easy my mind until next week.
3 years ago I had an ectopic pregnancy, related or not idk.

I recent found out I’m pregnant estimates 4-5 weeks (unsure ovulation date) went in yesterday for vaginal scan & blood work given my history of ectopic. Of course nothing was seen on the scan, and not alarmed. They took my blood and I go again tomorrow for blood to compare quantities.
A day before my appointment I lost all the pregnancy signs I was having. I.e sore boobs cramps etc. I felt “normal”.

I woke up today and felt find about 2 hours after being up I got period like cramps and shortly after felt a “gush” went to check and it was bright red blood. Put on a pad and went about my day checking every hour or so. No more gushing but for about 4-5 hours consistent steady low/med flow bright red. After that it turned to dark dark brown only seen when wiping. And now 8 hours past the “gush” it is rust colored coffee ground like when I use the bathroom.

I did call my dr and told her all of this (except the coffee ground detail bc they are out of the office now) she didn’t seem concerned and told me what to do if certain things happened & that we would check my levels again tomorrow.

I have not tried to re test. But my boobs are sore again & i am slightly cramping - all the symptoms have come back?

I have a good vibe. Not the feeling of impeding doom (which I struggled with my whole ectopic before finding out it was ectopic), but wondering if anyone has gone through this before? Advice? Positive / not so positive shares welcome