3yr old child won’t stop touching mother’s breasts?

child (3M) stopped breastfeeding from mom (24f) a couple months after his baby brother (5mo,M) was born. Boy gropes the mom, touches/pinches nipples, finds excuses just to touch. Getting to the point where it’s seems obsessive and the child/mom need to even sleep separately? Mom has expressed to me that she doesn’t know what to do anymore and is concerned that maybe he has been touched possibly by another family member? He has groped his aunt (7,F) as well. She’s considering therapy for the child, but I wanted to see if anyone else has input for her first. Thanks.
@engageministries Edit: they did this to their mom. I just read the part about the cousin. It might be curiosity but teach him we keep our hands to ourselves.

I mean…I grew up in the islands where women breastfeed on the bus and openly at hospitals. It’s only recently they start using a sheet to cover their breast and child’s head because of western influence on disapproving public breastfeeding.
I remember kids would do this, little boys or girls. There wasn’t anything weird about it when they were young because everyone knew they did it for comfort. Mom is god and the source of comfort. The breast is their dining table and where they can be in their mom’s arms and feel all the love from them. They outgrew that as they were weaned and mom would sasa or just move their hand away in the beginning of weaning.
I’d talk to him and just gently teach him to not do that and we keep our hands to ourselves unless you want a hug or cuddle from mom and dad and sibling.
He probably sees mom breastfeeding his brother and sees brother getting comfort and time with mom he was pushed out early from that.
Just teach him.

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