3-6 months - What’s next?

@benvi85 Something I wish I knew was that a lot of the hunger cues I was looking out for in my newborn were no longer trustworthy. I definitely stressed a lot thinking my son was hungry when he wasn't and was just figuring out his hands and maybe teething a little bit.
@benvi85 I sometimes miss when all that was need was my milk, I could sit on the couch with him in my arms and relax. Now with solids it's trickier, and I was not expecting the amount of laundry... I mean, that's what bibs are for right? To protect the clothes. Well, no. At times I wonder why I even put it on him, he gets purees literally everywhere, sometimes I have to change all his clothes after a meal. I now use those waterproof bibs with sleeves, with an additional cloth bib on top, that way I can sometimes save something. Sometimes. But hey, at the same time, it's so exciting to see him trying new things ♥️
@benvi85 Haven’t read all the comments so not sure if this was one already said but one of my biggest frustrations during this period were the catnaps. Oh dear lord, my kid would sleep for max. 20 mins three times a day. It was sooo tiring. Other than that, it’s a cute period where they’re a bit more mobile than before 🙂 with some big milestones like turning. I felt like it was also a time where we worked hard to get him to sleep longer throughout the night and weaned off the night bottles (we finally got a full night of sleep at 7 months!)
@benvi85 Months 9 to 18 months for me were pure hell, PPD was the worse, me and my husband weren't seeing eye to eye, work stressed me out. Plus, having a baby/toddler who was beginning to become more mobile while eating actual food was very stressful
@benvi85 3-5 months was such a great time. Baby was "awake" and interested in things, but immobile, exclusively breastfed, and totally fine with a completely random chaotic nap schedule. She also slept really well at night. We took her everywhere and had many adventures. Month 6 brought solids (complicated! messy! constipation! allergies!), teething, sleep "regression," mobility, and more of a schedule to naps that needed to be planned around (pro and a con really). So that was harder imo, but also still tons of fun. She's 7mo now and we brought her to a toy store yesterday and looking at all the different stuff blew her little mind. So cute.

Just enjoy the ride. It's crazy and inherently unpredictable. Embrace the chaos and have fun.
@benvi85 Get ready for those long gibberish conversations in which baby is having his own little conversation with you, or the feeling, or the window or thin air. Get ready to move everything away from their reach, and play them a bunch of YouTube videos with high contrast, vivid colors and hopefully where there is Ms Rachel (
) teaching stuff. Not that I endorse Ms Rachel but I found out here videos keep my baby interested and the more you stimulate now the more equipped, and efficient they become.
@benvi85 Not all babies go through sleep regression at the proposed time of 4 months!

Mine started waking up for one feed a night but I think it’s because she needed more food but won’t drink more during the day. She caps herself at around 3oz per feed. Rarely does 5-6 and sometimes just does 2.5oz

I spent months worrying about her 4 months sleep regression since she had just gotten longer stretches but I’ll take 1 wake up for a feeding vs every 1-2 hours lol

Their personally shine so much starting at 3 months +

They become so much more aware of things. All the fomo during sleep. It’s been much harder to put her to sleep and keep her asleep longer. I no longer have much free time to do things during her naps. But so much more fun to hang out with now vs 0-3 months. They laugh and smile when they see you, sooo precious!!
@benvi85 Personality starts coming through. You’ll get used to certain noises they make and what they mean even more so than you do now. My daughter is only six months old, getting ready to be seven, but she’s starting to get clingy whereas she wasn’t before. Like if she even thinks I’m going to leave the room and she isn’t with me, it’s a problem. She’s rolling so much more now, and with ease. You may miss just being able to put your baby down and not worry about them moving with this lol. She loves watching Cocomelon. She really enjoys sitting up, and loves having baths. I’m actually going to get swimming lessons for her soon. She gets SO excited when I put a bib on her and I put her in her chair because she knows some food other than a bottle is coming (not that she doesn’t get excited about a bottle too, but it’s a different kind of excitement).