3.5 y/o sleep


New member
Does your 3.5 y/o sleep through the night? That’s it. Just want to now if it’s just mine who never has and still does not.
@mayz I have a 1.5 y/o who has never, not once, slept more than 6 hours straight. Wakes up chattermaxing away these days. Wide awake. Sometimes it's hours before she'll go back to sleep again. Been this way for always. Hopefully we are paying our dues now, and will have a better sleeper in years to come...but I'm in no way counting on it was. Good luck! 🥱😴
@derekjm That's on you. Don't give in to that kind of demand. Your kiddo doesn't need it for nourishment or comfort - not at your expense. You both need your sleep
@ckaf How are you going to blame someone like that over breastfeeding? Breastfeeding at any age is still nourishment. It's funny you say don't give in to demand; if your 1.5yo is still waking up every 1-2 hours then that's on you.
@ckaf Excuse me? What’s with the judgement? It’s what MY kid wants and so it’s what he will get. Just because YOU don’t want to breastfeed doesn’t mean I don’t want to. Take your judgement elsewhere👋 and btw. My baby DOES get nourishment AND comfort from it. Please educate yourself! A child gains a lot of nutrition all the way up to 2 years old. And breastfeeding is a NATURAL source of comfort. Take your anti breastfeeding self away from me and read up on World Health Organisation.
@derekjm Yep, always fed on demand, and even at 1.5 years old there’s no hint of her slowing down or stopping. She has always been a big eater. Sleep training is a very new field, breastfeeding when your baby cries, during sleep or otherwise is an incredibly natural thing to do. Some babies can sleep long stretches when drinking breastfeeding at night. Every child is different. Some keep waking after weaning. It’s up to the parent and child.
Mine is a high needs toddler and still needs my comfort at night.
@mayz Yes but he’s gone through periods of night wakings and early wakings that we’ve had to work through. He’s been doing well the last month after getting him a comfortable new big-kid bed (plus toddler light) but I assume there’ll be more interruptions down the road…
@mayz I posted a couple weeks ago in this sub asking when kids start more consistently sleeping through the night, and some of the responses were along the lines of “mine has since I sleep trained at 6 months old!” It was disheartening to me because we’ve tried that and it still is inconsistent. I have sleep trained my kids (3 years 4 months, and 21 months) multiple times and it works for a while and then they get sick or teeth and everything goes to shit. My younger one seems to sleep more consistently through the night, but we’ve always struggled with our older one despite trying EVERYTHING.

You’re not alone. I keep telling myself that one day, they’ll sleep. (Right?… right?!)
@akblessings Every child is different. I have two (different) friends whose children slept 12+ hours consistently since they were a few months old. No trouble, just easy sleepers. One's a girl, one's a boy.

Our son was very difficult at the start: he needed contact sleep day and night for the first 4 - 5 months. He wasn't reliably day napping in a bed / cot until about 9 months. He improved after one year, but still woke 2 - 3 times per night. Since 2 he's slept fairly consistently through the night. However, we've just changed from a cot to a bed, and he's now waking again once per night.

None of these children were sleep trained. My wife and I weren't comfortable leaving him to cry.
@karendel This. As baby grows, their sleep length and wake windows change. You drop naps, lengthen windows, figure out total night sleep as they get older and then base total wake sleep and nap length on that. Right now because daycare lets my boy sleep all willy nilly, he gets 2 to 2.5 hr nap. However, he only needs 11.5 to 12 hrs of sleep in 24 hours. So if he sleeps 2 hours, we know he needs 9.5 at night. Then we look at when he woke up in the morning. 7am wake up means 5hr for first wake window. This will make his second wake window 7.5 hrs. If he takes a 2 yr nap and wakes up at 2, his bedtime will be 9:30. If he takes a 2.5 hr nap and wakes up at 2:30, sleeps at 10.
@mayz NOPE. She'll be 4 in March and she still wakes up and comes into our room 2-3 times per night. She goes right back to bed with no fuss, but yea it's every damn night.
@jorgeh Perfect sleeper until about 2 years 9 months. Now he goes to bed at 830-9PM and wakes up 2-3 times a night. Goes right back to sleep, but c'mon man...

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