2yr PP, still not myself


New member
I am almost 2 yrs post partum and I feel like I am still lost. I will go days without sleeping - not up worrying or anything, just tossing/turning w my eyes closed all night till the morning. I also have no sex drive at all still. I don’t even masterbate anymore and we have sex about 1-2/month. And we are talking about having another baby next summer and I am terrified of what that will do to my mental health. I would love to have another baby but the idea of being pregnant again and going through Pp again is agonizing. Any advice?
@richj Just curious if you’re seeing a therapist and/or on antidepressants? This happened to me during my first and I started taking antidepressants. (I have a history of anxiety and depression so I figured PPD was going to happen.) If this was your first child there is just so much new happening, and give yourself some grace. When was the last time you did anything for yourself? Us moms tend to forget that we need to “getaway” at some point too. Even if it’s just for a few hours to reset. Motherhood is such a roller coaster. After my first I could have sworn I didn’t want to be pregnant again and go through all of this all over again. Fast forward 3 years later and I’m now holding an almost 12 week old in my arms while she’s sleeping.
@richj I echo what the other poster said about medication. I was scared after my first baby but I was more than ready to take it after my second. It, along with therapy, has helped so much. I'm a much calmer, present mom for my kids and also a better wife. Sex life comes and goes because our kids are still young but we're a great couple who loves each other and is more patient with each other.
@richj I got on mirtazapine 15mg. Never increased the dose. It’s been almost 3 months and I feel great now. I was going 48 hours without sleep. Restless and just felt out of my mind.

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