23/24 DPO faint line on test


New member
Hi everyone.

I am 21 (f) and I was supposed to get my period on 3 July but I missed it. I usually have a pretty regular period except for last year when I have a an ovarian cyst that I healed. At first I thought it was the stress from the exams I was writing and not sleeping as much or that well was the cause. I also thought that the weather was to blame as it’s winter in my country and my period always acts strange in winter months.

I took 2 pregnancy tests last week (7 and 10 July where I was 17/20 DPO respectively) and they were both straight negatives. One test was a cheapie I bought from my local pharmacy and the other was a clear blue early detection test I believe (if not rapid). I haven’t had sex since the 16th of June and my partner and I always use condoms. There hasn’t been any breakage that we can testify to so it’s very confusing that I got a faint line today when I took a test again (14 July 23/24 DPO) with the same brand cheapie as last week.
Because my ovulation day was 19 June I’m trying to rack my brain about it but it doesn’t make any sense as we’re always protected. I know that condoms break or leak but it seems unlikely. Is it possible that it could be a false positive?
I just started my career and am doing my postgrad so a baby isn’t really something I want as yet.

Please assist me.
@ammi Blue line tests are notorious for bad indents and evap lines. At this point you should have a very obvious positive. If you post a pic of the test though to r/lineporn you can get some feedback to confirm.
@ammi Apps are not accurate with ovulation. Your period is late because you ovulated late. Implantation happens about 8-10 days after ovulation and a pregnancy test will show positive soon after implantation. When not pregnant a period starts about two weeks after ovulation.

The lines on that test you posted on r/lineporn look like they are in the wrong spots and it could be invalid. Try another test and maybe a different brand.
@gilliannno In that case is it possible for a child to have been conceived if I had sex way before ovulation?

And I’m Sorry about the pictures. The picture I took on the negative one is upside down hence why it looks like it’s on the wrong side. That’s my fault 😅
I do understand the whole implantation thing but the faint line really spooked me a bit. I did go out to buy two more tests of a different brand but I have to wait til morning to test.
@ammi A woman is only fertile the 5 ish days before ovulation through to the day of ovulation. So the general rule is that a test is reliable 14 days after sex and definitive 21 days after sex.

You don’t need to wait until the morning to test. A 3-4 hour urine hold while limiting your fluids before the test will yield the same results as first morning urine.

And in terms of your tests… the first test has the control line on the side where it should be and the second test has the control line closer to the middle, which makes it look funky.
@gilliannno That information definitely puts me a bit at ease about this whole situation.

Now that you mention it, I do see that the control line is towards the middle. Perhaps the test was defective. I’ll definitely take another one and make an update. Thank you for your help so far!😊
@gilliannno UPDATE: I took one test around midnight and the other a few minutes ago. they were both negative. Perhaps the test was defective.

Thank you for your help!💕