2 under 2 with no support?


New member
I have a 6 month old currently and go back between being One and Done and wanting him to have a friend close in age. If we were to have another one I would either want one soonish or not ever.

The thing is that we don’t have much support. My husband’s family is nearby but I don’t fully trust them to watch our baby alone. Maybe when he is older but for now I just feel like they’re too careless with everything and it bothers me.

My point and question of this post is: is 2 under 2 possible with little to no support? I see people with 2 under 2 on social media all the time but behind the screens there’s no telling how much support they really have. Would we have to get a nanny? If that is the case I don’t want another one because of financial reasons. Basically my husband would have to get another job to solely pay the nanny. So there’s really no point. We would just never see each other anymore.

Thank you for reading and I appreciate any advice/input!
@niqhtcore I don’t have any support, SAH and am a solo parent about 4 months of the year as my husband travels. I couldn’t have done 2u2 with no support and was terrified to get pregnant when my daughter was under 2 (she was not an easy baby or young toddler). But I’m pregnant with my second now and my daughter will be close to 3 at this baby’s due date. It seems totally doable, now. My first sleeps better, talks well, has been potty trained a while, likes to help clean and do chores, and is even easy going compared to her baby self.
@niqhtcore Would you be working? I had mine 2.5 years apart and we have a part time nanny. Since I went back to work early and we took the older out of daycare. But at this age gap it's doable alone, imo. 2 under 2 would have been brutal but the option wasn't fully there since I have a c-section and waited the recommended 18 months before trying again. The toddler adores the baby, it's awesome so far.
@kimosabe2019 I wouldn’t mind 2.5 or even 3 years in between! I’m not super set on “2 under 2” I just think it’s a catchy saying and gets the point across of having 2 tiny babies at the same time haha.

But no I wouldn’t be working I would be a full time SAHM. That’s why I’m like debating. I’m like I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew. 😅

So basically while you work from your home your part-time nanny watches the kids but otherwise you watch both alone? Thank u so much for your input! Ugh I would so love to see my child adoring a little sibling. So glad it worked out for you.

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