2 month old won’t nap during day


New member
My son turns 2 months old this Friday and he has been STRUGGLING with day time naps for almost two weeks. He won’t go down for more than 45 minutes at a time (if that). He then is either up and alert or crying. We allow him some self-soothing (which he was getting really good at for a while) and pick him up if he cries. From there it can take a long time to get him back down to sleep. He sleeps wonderfully at night and always has. We’ve tried so many tips (car rides, carriers, holding, singing, reading, rocking, outside) and none of them seem to work. He does appear to be light sensitive so we are looking into blackout curtains. It’s been so hard. My wife is on leave for a few more months and I work from home as a therapist, so I have short breaks which we are so grateful for. That said, this is emotionally draining for us and we worry he is not getting enough sleep. Any suggestions I am missing? Or even encouragement/validation would go a long way.

Thanks all!
@themadbaron Unfortunately, that’s normal. Mine only would nap for 15-30 min at a time, and I wasted so much energy trying to fix it, but nothing worked. I would recommend rolling with it for now, and then once LO is 4 to 6 months, you can try sleep training and it will likely be effective. In our case it only took 3 days once son was 7 months.
@themadbaron That's normal, don't worry it gets better around 12 weeks , u can always check "safe sleep and baby care evidence based" group on Facebook. It was SO much help to me when I had my baby, I learned what to expect, how to deal with it and how to keep my baby safe during sleep
@themadbaron That's normal. A sleep cycle is 45mins and they don't link cycles until they gone through the "4 month sleep regression" which happens between months 4 and 6, when they gain more adult like sleep cycles and even then it's still going to be hit and miss. You cannot expect a newborn still to nap for long or consistently. They just won't.

Best bet is to download the app Huckleberry. It used to be free, it's pay now but you can input age and sleep times and it will give you a "sweet spot" for the next nap so you aren't trying when baby is over tired or under tired. At first it's just a general "at 2 months it's X" but over time it will learn your baby and suggest a more personalized schedule. For example our dude has always has longer wake windows then average. But know that your baby can't read and won't necessarily stick to a schedule anyway.

And don't bother with curtains. You need black out flim. The curtains still let in tons of light around the edges.
@katrina2017 Thanks for your feedback. I totally forgot we downloaded Huckleberry but never used it. I’ve read it’s normal for the short naps and inconsistency. It’s just hard to see how much he should be sleeping per day but isn’t. Thank you again for your feedback!
@katrina2017 I’m sorry the 4 month regression can happen at 6 months? My baby is 4.5 mo and so far her sleep seems to be getting better and better, she sleeps through the night 7/10 nights and I thought we just didn’t have the sleep regression or that she just connects her cycles. Is is possible is had not happened yet?