2 MC's in one year. On pregnancy 3 of 2023. HCG went from 15 (at 10DPO) to 40 (at 12DPO) does that sound okay?


New member
Hi all! After two losses this year I'm on my third pregnancy of 2023. I got my first HCG beta draw at 10DPO and it came back at 15. OB said it was "on the low side" and wanted to see the repeat draw (that I did at 12DPO) first before booking a placement scan. Well I got my results back today. HCG came back at 40. Which definitely doubled but idk I feel like it should be higher for 12DPO? Probably just me being paranoid after 2 losses but does that sound okay? My period technically isn't due until Sunday/Monday so I haven't even missed my period yet. What we're your betas at 12DPO? My FRER test is almost a dye stealer at this point from my 13DPO test. It's just as dark as the control line (for context my first pregnancy of 2023 that ended in a blighted ovum was a dye stealer at about 17 or 19DPO) I also had a chemical in April so im absolutely terrified of not even making it to the placement scan in the first place. I'm currently 4 weeks 2 days so almost out of the clear but then again my last chemical happened at about 4 weeks 5 days.
@viettransdt 10 DPO is so early and there’s really no way to know the exact time of implantation; it could have taken place less than a day before your first blood draw. And the increase looks good. Nothing to worry about as far as I can see.
@rund87 Thank you friend! Yea I guess it's just general pregnancy after loss anxiety 🙃 my first vvvvfl was at 9dpo and bfn at 8dpo so I very may well have implanted near the time of my first draw!
@viettransdt 50+ by 14DPO and 100+ by 16DPO is what a lot of IVF clinics apparently want to see, and what some studies have shown have a better chance of viability.

Try not to worry with those numbers. They look good. Early pregnancy is such a crapshoot. A lot of waiting and seeing...
@viettransdt 10dpo is (roughly) when a pregnancy test can first pick up hCG in the system. This level is around 10. I really dislike when doctors say it’s low, when it’s only 10dpo.

Mine was 17 at this time. Currently 27 weeks.
@cfranco Thank you! Yes especially after two consecutive losses it was not fun hearing the doctor say it was "low". And I didn't even get a vvvvfl till the day before (9dpo) so I think I just caught baby very early. My repeat results which showed at a 40 came in today, Saturday, so I'm waiting to see what my doc will say monday
@viettransdt Totally get it! I’ve had 4 myself. Being that babies implant on days 6-10… sounds like yours implanted the day before at 9dpo! Sticky baby dust to you!! ✨
@viettransdt It’s possible they just said it was “on the low side” because I think technically speaking they won’t diagnose a pregnancy until your HCG is above 25 (at least that’s the reference range for pregnancy where I live - I work as a medical lab tech)

Wishing you the best with your pregnancy!!
@waynemorss Thank you! I got my first vvvfl at 9dpo and a much clearer line at 10dpo when I did my first beta. Which is crazy bcs my earliest I've ever gotten a bfp was like 11dpo
@viettransdt Mine was 36 at 12 DPO and 100 at 14 DPO. I was worried about my betas several months ago too, but hcg always has to start somewhere! I’m now 27 weeks with a healthy baby!
@viettransdt Mine was 34 on 12dpo. So far so good. I'm 11 weeks. As long as your betas are doubling don't freak out. I had the same concerns about my low numbers.
I too had two losses before this pregnancy so I understand your anxiety.
@viettransdt I was paranoid too! But try to stay calm. My doctor had me do 48 hour betas upto around 25dpo and the doubling slowed down around 3000 hcg and I was freaking out. All ended up being okay though.
@viettransdt Mine at 12dpo was 51 and 47 at 14dpo. Not doing any more betas but still going to use up the rest of my tests testing in the morning to see line progression
@viettransdt My first draw this pregnancy was at 12dpo and it was 50. So not much higher than yours. My second was at 14dpo and it was 108.9. This was two weeks ago but my midwife’s nurse called me and said as long as it’s doubling that’s what really matters. So far so good mama :) prayers and love for you that this is it ♥️