2.5 yo b/g twins. Constant fighting


New member
Ever since they turned 2... It's been nonstop fighting. I literally cannot turn around for 5 seconds or someone is pulling out wads of hair, hitting with a toy, wrestling the other one to the ground... It's mostly boy twin attacking girl twin, but not always. She instigates a lot by stealing a toy.

I've tried the gentle parenting way. "I won't let you hit, hitting hurts. Use your words, you can say 'stop!' or 'I need space.' " But nothing seems to be getting through. We've started doing a 2 minute time out, because it's becoming a safety issue. We frame it as they need some space from each other and then we talk about what they can do besides physical harm...

It's terrible and I'm dying inside.

Any other ideas? Anyone experience the same? Did it get better? Thanks, brave multiples parents!
@mesosearch The biggest thing that’s helped my kids stop fighting out in anger is to let them roughhouse a bit. Once I stopped getting in the middle of their wrestling matches, they started getting along better and now they have great relationships. They’re 12, 11, 11 & 9. They definitely do not get along at all times but it is much calmer than it was.

edit: typos
@mesosearch Absolutely no advice just pure solidarity, also have 2.5 year old b/g twins and the fighting is CONSTANT. I've also tried everything, and have accepted this is just a(nother) crappy phase we have to get through!

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