2.5 yo b/g twins. Constant fighting

@mesosearch Don't lose hope! There are plenty of fun times. It's weird, because my boys hate each other sometimes, but they're also best friends. The fighting is less often now, but when it happens, it's more intense. There's plenty of awesome play together.
@mesosearch We sometimes use a alarm clock/ timer to have them take turns with a toy (or attention) they both like and are fighting over. They seem to accept that for some reason.
@mesosearch Mine are about your age. Boy/girl too. I don't think there is much we can do about it. We also do the two minute time out and we have the offender say sorry to the other one, but beyond that it is just where kids that age are at developmentally.

At the end of the day, the problem is just that there isn't "supposed to be" more than one of them at the exact same developmental stage. For the vast, vast majority of human children, any other kids around them are at least a year different developmentally. Either a year younger, so not as mobile and easier to keep apart, or a year older and more ready to understand and deal with the problems they are facing.
@mesosearch Mine don’t tend to be super violent but one is a biter and on the days she’s more bite-y, I keep her with me the whole day. Moms in the kitchen? Biter is in the kitchen. Mom goes potty? Biter comes with. It’s tough on me but it mitigates most of the biting without punishing anyone