15 months in…. When do I sleep again?

@allisonbella So, the way I have found works for me in order to get my sleep with my now 14 month old is to have 2 bottles ready at bedside (1 formula and 1 water) and a couple diapers handy at bedside. He'll whine maybe 3 times throughout the night but if I get him changed into clean diaper, or a bottle for him to eat he'll keep sleeping and it's quick enough that I'll be able to keep sleeping myself making it fee like uninterrupted sleep.
@allisonbella My almost 2 year old was the worst sleeper until about 2 months ago. Woke 2 to 3 times per night, coslept after her 1st wake up of the night (feel asleep on her own), demanded milk to go back to sleep. I suspected the milk was the reason why she woke so much as it seemed to be something she depended on. Finally I cut out the milk and sleep association. It took a few days. Now she either sleeps thru the night or only wakes once to get in our bed. It wasn't until then that I was able to feel rested it and even start a consistent workout routine to start losing weight
@allisonbella It never stops 😮‍💨😂 My kids are 3 and 4 and it’s still tough. It takes about an hour and an half to put them to bed until they fall asleep, and my daughter still wakes up 2-3 Times per Night. And my son is up at 5:30 ready to start his day 🥲 Strangel, I still manage to get through my day without too much trouble, but at night i’m exhausted and go to bed around 9 👋🏻
@allisonbella I’m so sorry 😣 yes it will get better! Hang in there!! Mine took a bottle at least once a night until 20 months. Is there any excessive drooling/gnawing on stuff/ teething going on? I had to do Tylenol at bedtime for a while during the teething time period. Mouth pain at night is the worst. Ice chips helped with teething pain in the night too.
@allisonbella Yeah, it could be a combination of things for sure. Molar time is sooo hard. I’ll never forget being at an AirBNB with family during Thanksgiving and our little guy screaming all night with his molars coming in (everyone was awake 😩) It’s only for a season and it will pass!

Every season of sleep is different for each kid and you know your little one best! People who sleep trained swore by it, but it never worked for my peanut who didn’t eat enough during the day to sleep all night! He let us know what he needed… which was to wake and eat or wake and cuddle… it didn’t last forever. He still eats small frequent meals to this day. At around 2years he was sleeping through the night… but it’s good to remember any time they are working on a milestone it can disrupt sleep (learning something new, a new vacation, a new daycare, walking, climbing, reading, words/ talking). Also illness and/or pain/discomfort can disrupt sleep. The Wonder Weeks App helped me to remember they have sunny times and stormy times…. And I believe this continues into childhood too☝️

Parenthood is a rollercoaster of love and challenges!😅But just know that you know your kiddo best!! And you’re doing great 💕
@allisonbella It’s gonna be a few years, hang in there. This is the main reason I don’t want another 😪 mine is 6 and has been sleeping 10-12 hour stretches without waking at all maybe a year or 2 consistently. Before that he would wake almost every night
@allisonbella I have a two month old that sucks at sleeping and this thread is depressing. I’ve been lied to by so many people that “it gets better after 3-4 months” but now I see on Reddit that depending on the baby could be years….sigh….I miss sleep lol
@marysmother Totally agree! I felt lied to for so long! And also bought like all the sleep things guaranteed to help (Merlin sleep suit was the only thing worthwhile and yes, we bought a Snoo).
@allisonbella I co-sleep with a 20-month-old who wakes up several times/night for a drink or comfort. According to my Oura ring I'm up 3-6x/night to give her milk or water or just rub her back.

I think I've adjusted more than she has... my overall sleep quality isn't terrible but that's because I go straight back into a deep sleep and sometimes don't even remember waking.

4 weeks pregnant with my second now, so I'm guessing I'm not going to be sleeping properly for a few more years... 🙃
@allisonbella My 2.5 year old just slept through the night for six nights in a row!!! So of course last night he was up for two hours 🤦‍♀️

Normally he's up once for about half an hour, and maybe a couple times a week he's sleeps through. We gave up and got him a full sized bed so I just go lay down with him when he gets up in the middle of the night. It helps me feel rested.
@allisonbella I have a 4 and 2.5 and we have good nights but we also have night like last night where I was up and down with one or both of them between 10-15 times. I am a walking zombie today.
@allisonbella I think it depends on the kid. My three oldest started sleeping well around 14-18 months. Then sttn pretty consistently. My youngest is 2.5 and still wakes up every night.

One thing I did was put my kid to bed at the pm of when they wake up. If she's up before 6a have you tried a 6p bedtime?
@thistimeitsfatal Typical day she is up around 6:30 and just shifted to one nap during the week around 1230 at daycare. The nap is usually between 1hr 30min to 2hrs. Then bedtime is 7/7:30.

Weekends we still do one around 10 and 2 but it doesn’t seem to change the nighttime situation. And we’ve tried to stick to the 1230 daycare schedule but she just ends up being insanely cranky or falling asleep.

For a while this switch down to one really seemed to help but now we’re back to waking up at 5:30 and she usually ends up falling asleep in the car on the way to daycare :/