15 months in…. When do I sleep again?


New member
Our 15 month old has always had trouble staying asleep. Sure we’ll have good stretches (couple of days maybe) but typically she still wakes up 1-2 times a night and then is up at 5:30/5:45 WIDE AWAKE.

When does it get better and how the f&$k do I get her to sleep longer? (Yes we have a good bedtime routine around 7/7:30pm)
@hsong I have the same experience with my girls. I've learned the hard way that it really has nothing to do with the parent how a baby sleeps.
@allisonbella My daughter’s 19 months and has hit the worst sleep regression/sleep issues she’s ever had. I don’t know when it stops but I know for sure 19 months isn’t it😭 My daughters been whine/crying herself to sleep for a week straight and nothing I do helps, nothings wrong with her either like sickness, physical pain, anything. It’s so rough and I’m exhausted.
@maskil I’m so sorry! Have you checked for teeth coming in? It’s right around the time for molars and that pain might keep her from sleeping well. I remember doing Tylenol and ice chips at bedtime for a while during the teething times… good luck!
@allisonbella I think it depends on the baby. My son has begun sleeping al night thr last week - hopefully it stays - he's 13 months. For the longest time we were up once or twice. I will say I found for us that he sleeps better with a later bed time. He normally goes down around 8:30, he then gers up around 7:30-8.
@allisonbella Well… my first slept through the night starting when she was 3 months old

My second… somehow I survived him LOL… he didn’t sleep through the night until he was almost 2….
@allisonbella Sleep stuff is the trickiest stuff and is super individual. We figured out after our first kiddo that white noise, cool room temperature and blackout curtains, and later on weighted blankets were helpful. Not sure about weighted blankets for very little ones though, it might not be safe.
@iwonder777 Personal question but did you or are you thinking about another one??? In theory we want more but I miss sleep SO MUCH. I can’t imagine getting sleep back and then going through this again….
@allisonbella We originally wanted 2. We're now one and done after everything. I had awful PPD and sleep issues still set off bad depressive episodes for me now. I know I couldn't be the best mother for my daughter let alone another one if I went back to newborn sleep issues. We'd have to either blow our savings on night nurses for however long or my husband would have to take nights, which is hardly fair to him/not possible with his work right now (he's up for a big promotion so not a good time for a long paternity leave!)

All said and done, we are very happy with where we are now and don't want to roll the dice going back into the thick of things!
@allisonbella What’s the rest of your schedule? Our first didn’t start reliably sleeping until 2.5-3y but there are always spurts of “bad” sleep throughout.

Our twins will be 2 next month. Their sleep took a turn at 15 months when the illnesses rolled in. They’ve improved but it’s still typical that we need to go in at least once for someone overnight. Average is 2-3 times overnight.

At this age, they get over tired easily but typically need the nap capped.
@allisonbella My daughter is almost three and has just started occasionally sleeping through the night. She slept in a mattress in our room so we didn’t have to physically get up to check on her. That helped.
@allisonbella That’s just when they wake up. Maybe it’ll get better when they can do without a day time nap, but their sleep needs are met with that, unfortunately. I had to take melatonin at 8 go be sleepy by 9 or 10 the latest to get enough sleep since my own circadian rhythm was more night owl-oriented