14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

@mss91z28 It’s been awhile 😂 I used a my Brest friend for a while, I preferred it to the boppy. I also liked the dock a tot wedge. I think I hooked my arm under her top leg to bring her closer to me, and did a lot of nursing with her straddling my lap with me reclining now that I think about it. It wasn’t too hard to manage - we’re still nursing at 15 months by choice. It might be worth calling a lactation consultant if she has to be immobilized more, we ended up not needing it but it was definitely on my list of things if we had more issues.
@mss91z28 What an ordeal!! Are you expecting any more CPS follow up?

But yes I think that’s exactly the beauty of breastfeeding. You don’t need anything except yourself, your baby and a spot to sit (or lie) down. Once you’re past the initial hard phase it’s so incredibly convenient. For this reason I usually do our pediatricians visits with our baby. When COVID first broke loose I was also extremely glad to be breastfeeding our then-3 month old! No issues with formula shortages and even if society had collapsed right then I knew that I could feed my baby as long as I had food and water myself.
@sirsteve We’re not quite sure what’s going to happen with CPS. We’re hoping they follow up with the nanny even if that means continuing to investigate us.
@mss91z28 In my state they tend to stick around for 3 to 6 months if they deem it worth an investigation after their initial assessment.

If you suggested it was the nanny they will probably check her out but it'll probably be even harder for them to decide if she's abusive/neglectful. Especially if she's not hired through an agency that can point them to all her former families. I'd hope they'd start a file tho incase her name ever comes up again.

This is mostly all speculation tho YMMV.
@sirsteve Having been a mandated reporter (paramedic) that dealt with similar cases, unless CPS is grossly negligent, there will be further follow-up with both nanny and child/family.
@sirsteve Yes, breastfeeding is so challenging in the beginning and you never believe you're going to get to the easy part but when you do, it's so fabulous. On Friday we went to a work event at a brewery and left the diaper bag in the car, went in with nothing but the baby in the baby Bjorn. When he got a little fussy I found a (not quiet) area away from my coworkers and fed him and then resumed the party. Not ready to whip out a boob in front of the people who work for me! Lol

OP, so sorry you're going through that but love that feeding your baby was able to bring them comfort in a crazy time. Boob magic is the best!
@mss91z28 So I read your other post about being worried about changing to full time nanny share after I read this. With all the changes in your baby after Monday, especially seeming to be in pain, being hard to console, suddenly hating diaper change time, I’m really really glad you listened to that part of your mom brain that said “something is wrong.” And unfortunately there is an explanation that’s not “baby doesn’t like being around the nanny for that long.” I’m so so sorry you guys and baby girl are going through this. My heart hurts for you both. As a nurse, especially as one who’s worked in the ED before and had to make those CPS calls, I know it’s a scary process, but the truth is going to come out. Other people have mentioned that the femur is the hardest bone to break, especially in babies with their flexible bones, and that is absolutely true. Something BAD happened on Monday, and not only should you never use that nanny again, you should probably report her to whatever service or what not you found her from.

Please make sure you’re taking care of yourself too, especially your poor nipples and your mental health! Like you, I wasn’t married to the idea of breastfeeding either, and wasn’t sure of it the first couple weeks, but it definitely comes in handy in situations like this when baby just needs some comfort and help to sleep in strange places. Boobs to the rescue! And the best part is, despite all the strangeness, with you and your magic boobs right there, baby knows that she is safe and loved and cared for. You’re doing a great job, and you are going to make it through this!
@dkd Yeah. All of baby and nanny’s odd behavior over the last week suddenly came into sharp focus when my pediatrician said “her femur is broken.” It was one of those watershed moments. We’re simply horrified and shell shocked. Our share family is too. I’m encouraging them to get their baby checked out as well. I remember hearing both babies just crying so much but people kept telling me I needed to let go and not hover and let the nanny do her job. It’s awful to think about.

I’m hoping CPS handles everything but if not we’ll definitely be exploring what we can do to make sure no other children are ever put in her care.
@mss91z28 Ugh. I’m infuriated that someone could even do such a thing. And if it was an accident, how did she not think to report what happened?? Just so unprofessional and negligent and unsafe…she doesn’t seem like the type of person who should be around children ever again. I hope the other baby isn’t injured, but part of me wouldn’t be shocked if they are too ☹️

None of what happened is your fault. For all you knew at the time, this nanny was trustworthy and the babies were just having a hard time adjusting. It’s so easy to play the “what-if” game. Were there any cameras where the nanny was that could have footage of what happened? Even if CPS does handle things I would be tempted to take legal action myself as well. She at the least deserves a charge for child endangerment.
@mss91z28 I’d make a police report against nanny. CPS and the police make their own reports and it’s good to cover both bases. You can also get good info from the people over at r/cps
@mss91z28 When I was 3 years old, I had a spiral fracture of the femur from falling off the bed. You’re right that it is usually abuse, and it’s very good that CPS is investigating, but I hope it was just a horrible accident.

Also, I know 3 years is very different than 6 months, but my memories of the incident are mostly comfort and love from my parents (and very nice nurses), not pain or fear. The whole situation was much more traumatic for my father than for me. You’re amazing, and you should be very proud of what you’re doing for your baby.
@katrina2017 Oh for sure. But it’s pretty traumatic to imagine someone purposefully harming a baby. I just really hope it was gross negligence, stupidity, or fear of consequence as opposed to the alternative.
@mss91z28 I am so sorry! What an incredibly stressful event for you. Hospitals with your baby is the worst.

I couldn’t agree more on feeding. I’ve had 8+ hours of delay at an airport and have been so grateful for breastfeeding. I didn’t have To stress about not having lots of food or finding some horrible options to buy. It’s the best on-demand bespoke food!
@mss91z28 Omg this made me weepy. I am so sorry that your family is going through such an ordeal, how devastating. But your love and care and protective instinct for your daughter shines through every word you’ve written. I hope she recovers quickly!
@mss91z28 Aw I hope she recovers quickly! Bf is a superpower. My daughter was in hospital when she was 1 (last year) with concussion. There at 7pm and wasn’t told till 5am that she’d have to stay and be monitored. I didn’t have my purse of food with me so I don’t know how I would’ve coped without bf her
@mss91z28 YAY OP’s boobs and yay for moms being there to be the ultimate rock every little baby needs.

I read your other post and I just can’t imagine. So glad to hear your babe will make a full recovery and I hope you got both a little sleep (24+ hours? Oy!!) and something to eat

Would love to know if anything comes of the nanny. Please update us all if any repercussions come about