1 year old bday gift

@ejfan291 My kids have birthdays around the holidays, so around age 1, our big gifts have been a play kitchen, Gathre climbing arches, a canvas play tent, and a Retrospec balance bike! We’re still getting use out of all of them daily!
@ejfan291 Our most used gift from her first bday is her bike. It’s the SmarTrike 3 in 1 (edit, now I think it’s called SmarTrike Breeze), starts out as a push bike for babies and you can take off the little rail and the push handle for when they’re old enough to properly pedal later on.
@jayk Really? My daughter has always been 90th percentile and we’ve been using it since she was around 14 months, she’s now 2 and we’re still using it all the time and she’s not even close to outgrowing it. We just used it today!
@ejfan291 Rice bin with a few kitchen tools like spoons and spatulas or measuring cups or funnels.

The really nice ones have 5 lb or more of rice in a big shallow sterlite tub with a lid.

All I was willing to commit was 2 lb of rice in a bowl I already had. My 1 year old was ecstatically happy any time we got it out.

Shaved ice maker was another fun thing from that age that we still like years later.

And boy oh boy anything colorful to put in your mouth. Especially if it is berry like. A friend bought us a wooden pull toy of William the Egyptian Hippo with a yellow ball at one end of the string. CONSTANT chewy fun for months.

Anything colorful that invites a pincer grip.

Your laotop...

1 was a teenager level of "if I shouldn't have it, I want it!" At our house. The birthday wish list was basically, "all Dad's things, please!"

I hope something works out!
@ejfan291 I’m on my way to a 1 year old’s birthday party, with two children (3 and 6) jn the car, so I feel specially qualified to answer this! My children love helping in the garden. So I have a small bag with children’s garden tools (a small rake, pitchfork and a garden trowel) which I personalised with his name and some quotes about gardening and anarchism as his dad is a staunch anarchist. Things like “Gardening is a revolutionary act” and “Uproot the system”.

My eldest got a second hand wheelybug for her birthday, I don’t remember what the second got for that birthday. But I would choose something that they can use for a long time like building blocks, bath toys or toys that challenge their mobility like a climbing toy or balance board (but watch out for their fingers on those).
@ejfan291 Most used items for my newly 1 year old boy were: toddler tower, Melissa and doug alligator lawn mower, water table, and the cozy truck car (outside in backyard)
@ejfan291 We went to the beach for the first time. Other gifts the babies of the family liked was a mini sized rocking chair. Every baby gets a rocking chair with thier name on it when they turn 1. They use it for baby dolls or stuffies as they age.

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