“YoU’rE sO BiG”


New member
Flagged humor because if I don’t laugh, I’ll cry.

FTM, 28 weeks. I’m fine answering coworkers and strangers question about how far along I am. The baby is big, my belly is big, it’s hard not to notice the bowling ball on the front of me. However, when I say 7 months, I want to sucker punch those who respond with “Wow! You’re so big!” Or “Wow! You look ready and still have more to go!” Like, what?? I had no idea (eye roll)…
@sml83 I've got the opposite of "you are so small" and "you don't look like you've only got a few weeks left". Tell my body that, I feel huge, and just want this watermelon out now! Also, I have massive anxiety, so saying that makes me worry (even though no-one medical has raised concerns regarding my size and baby is measuring spot on.
@forgivenacceptedsaved Same here. This is my second pregnancy and people don't comment as much so I'm lucky for that but I carry... unusually. I'm 25 weeks nearly and am aware that I still am not showing but god, I feel exactly as uncomfortable as any other pregnant person. Baby's got to go somewhere and unfortunately for me that's right up where my organs should be. I've just noticed I get a bit of a side eye at the clinics and I feel like if I had a bit more of a visible belly people might be a bit kinder that I'm taking a while to walk up stairs etc (but maybe not) I did get a couple of comments last time at the end of my perfectly healthy pregnancy assuming that doctors would be concerned about the size of my baby so that was annoying. They weren't and she was completely healthy.

Basically, don't comment on peoples' bodies? That's the message here.
@brother91 “You have a baby bump, it’s so cute!” That’s about the extent of comments I appreciate. Anything beyond that just makes me super self conscious.
@forgivenacceptedsaved Same here. Almost 33 weeks and still barely look pregnant and I get comments about how small I am and how I’m lucky because they were miserable and had gained x amount of weight and were so swollen at this point. Makes me feel like I can’t complain when I, in fact, am miserable myself. Baby is measuring huge even though my bump may be small. I’ve had awful pelvic girdle/groin pain for months now, sciatica, back pain, horrible heartburn and shortness of breath and still work a very labor intensive job that makes it to where I’m so sore I can barely move at night.
@forgivenacceptedsaved This is me too! I went for my flu jab a couple of weeks ago and the nurse was incredulous when she pulled my file up and it said 37+6. Even now at 39+4, people still act like i'm 6 or 7 months pregnant and not ready to pop. Tell that to my organs, I wish I was still at 6 months 😭
@forgivenacceptedsaved Same! “Wow you don’t even look pregnant”. I literally look like I swallowed a bowling ball because I’m all belly but go off I guess. I also had a flat stomach before pregnancy so I take offense to that 🤣

I know I don’t look huge but still, no need to comment!
@forgivenacceptedsaved This!!! Me too. I have been sick for most of my pregnancy and wasn’t gaining much weight (it has recently just gotten better, I’m 34 weeks). I was so self conscious every time someone would say how small I am. Thankfully, I recently got a growth scan and baby boy is growing just fine! I think people were trying to be nice, but it was just making my anxiety worse. Why people think it’s ok to comment on women’s bodies like that is unreal.
@sml83 My own mother couldn't stop talking about how big I am and that it's hard to believe I still have two months to go at Thanksgiving this year 🙄. She also made the joke "well we know it's not twins" more than once. I was less than amused
@sml83 I hate the body comments. Why is it okay to make remarks about our bodies just because we’re pregnant? I’m the opposite and have only heard “oh you don’t look that far along” and “oh you’re not that big” and it’s not any better, just makes me worried that my baby is small or I’m not showing because I’m not a small gal
@marlenend Yes!!! Definitely agree that just because we’re pregnant, does not make it suddenly ok to comment. Like that’s a free pass or something?!
@sml83 My mom did the "are you sure it's not twins?" and I got mad and called her out on it. I'm only 20 weeks but it's all belly, my friend is a few months ahead and mostly not belly and experiencing the opposite. I've realized you just can't win 😕
I’m sorry to everyone else experiencing the same (or the opposite) and seriously.. when will people realize they aren’t witty?!
@sml83 I feel your pain. All thanksgiving I got the incredibly witty and original comment of “are you sure there’s only one in there?!” 😒
@sml83 I have a long torso, so I don't have that perfect 31 week bump. And I get the "is she pregnant or just fat" side eyes all the time and it makes me wanna cry. People suck.
@sml83 Newly pregnant with my second and people had tons to say about my body with my first. I work in a restaurant so I think with a few glasses of wine people seem to forget they’re saying the quiet part out loud. It did hurt my feelings when they commented on how big I was or asked if it was twins but I never said anything, just fake laughed it off. This time around, I plan to shut it down immediately with a simple “ssshhhhhh let’s not talk about my body”. The more they pry, the more I’ll just continue to repeat that line and that line only. I hope it works
@sml83 I don't think anyone who says it means to be rude or anything. I've been getting a lot and no shit, they're right, my stomach is huuuuuge. I love my big belly. I've been measuring it. I'm amazed by how it grows and just keeps going. Currently 37 weeks

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