trying for a baby

  1. Z

    First IUI; 42f secondary infertility

    Hi- just wanted to share my experience and maybe commiserate with those in the same/similar boat. I’m 42(f), husband is 46(m), we have a 7 year old who we conceived with no medication/intervention. We tried for 1 month and got pregnant immediately! That’s where the luck all ran out. We have been...
  2. D

    Feeling lost and losing hope

    I’m going to be 30 this year and my husband 31. I have always had irregular cycles all my life. Blood work has always come back normal/optimal. My cycles have gotten better since the past 2 years but still average 1.5 - 2 months (sometimes more). Last year I had cycle where i had a lot of egg...
  3. B

    Low Sperm Volume and Results - First Sample

    Hi all, My partner was asked to do a sperm analysis, before we begin treatment for TTC. I have already been diagnosed with PCOS, and I’m currently on metformin until we get my partner’s results. My doctor said that the first sperm result may be low so not to be too concerned, however, we got...
  4. C

    6-7 DPO - cramping and I feel like I’m out

    I’ve had mild cramping all day, at 6-7DPO, I think. I’m 8 days past my positive OPK. AF is due in 8-9 days, so this is a little early for PMS to start but I’m sure that’s all this is. I’m just really frustrated and feel like I’m out this month for some reason. I’ve never had cramping this early...
  5. J

    3 Chemicals .

    TW: Living child, recurrent chemical pregnancy Me and my partner are both 31, healthy BMI. I'm kind of not really sure what I want from this other than to rant a bit, and maybe get some second opinions.. I have a 2.5 year old who I conceived on cycle 4 (and really conceived the first time we...
  6. T

    Can't get pregnant after 3 years of attempts

    I'm kind of at a loss for words and I'm unsure where to even go from here... My spouse and I have been trying to have kids every month for three years, even went to a fertility clinic this year to figure out what's going on and why we're not yet pregnant. After doing some tests and bloodwork the...
  7. H

    No signs of ovulation a few cycles after D&C

    Hi folks, hoping to get some advice on my LH tests that seems a bit peculiar and is a cause of some stress. Historically, my follicular phase has been variable (ovulation on CD 25 to 32), but luteal phase has been regular (15 days after ovulation). had a missed miscarriage at 6 weeks in Nov...
  8. K

    Lots of Feelings

    Husband and I (both 36 y.o.) have been TTC for 5 months, but only used the ovulation strips last month. They showed I ovulated 4 days after my app. So we were thinking it would definitely be our month. But no. This is after about 6 months of trying a few years back, when we then decided to...
  9. C

    Ovulation with negative OPK?

    Hi every one I am 20 days post d&c for MMC at 11 weeks, baby was measuring 8 weeks. Recovery was ok physically, I have been monitoring with OPK but I was inconsistent with due to positive HPT. 4 days ago I tested negative on HPT, and started opk all were negative. 3 days ago also I begun to...
  10. J

    Feeling conflicted - am I a b***h?

    My (F25) fiancé (M28) and I have been TTC #1 unsuccessfully for 9 months now (I appreciate not a huge amount of time compared to some people, but it feels quite long for us). It has really affected me and I am really struggling mentally with it all. My sister-in-law and her partner are going...
  11. M

    8 months TTC, 1MC w/ Hashimoto’s/Hypothyroidism

    I was diagnosed w/ Hashimoto’s and Hypothroidism in April 2018. I was exhausted 24/7, even w/ adequate sleep, had brain fog, weight gain, some increased hair loss, etc. Started Levothyroxine and felt better pretty immediately. The following month I same my gyno and had my nexplanon removed and...
  12. W

    Prenatal Gummy Suggestions?

    Hello! I’m one month in trying for a baby, my doctor and my fiancés doctor told me get on prenatal vitamins right away. One big problem is that I have a terrible time trying to swallow pills especially huge ones. I would rather take gummies and take smaller pills if I’m missing something. I made...
  13. K

    Progesterone: to take or not to take?

    Hi y’all, Alright, here’s the sitch. We’ve been doing monitored, medicated, timed intercourse cycles. I’ve been put on progesterone supplementation after ovulation for the past 4 months because while I ovulate on my own, I do have a LPD. I had covid this month and we had to cancel our...
  14. J

    TTC is a huge mindf**k!!!

    Hubby and I are at the very start of our TTC journey. I ended a five year relationship with my little copper buddy last week, and have found that it has been messing with my mind. It is such a huge mental switch going from spending the last 23 years doing everything in my power to prevent...
  15. S

    O-3, O-2, O-1 vs. O day... Does it matter?

    This might be the dumbest question to ask, but we have only recently started trying and I always read of someone being upset for not BDing on O day. Does that really matter? Is it not safe enough if you have hit the days before (or at least some of them)? Please correct me if I am wrong, I am...
  16. J

    Lab Results Meaning?????

    Estradiol- 55pg/ml Follicular phase-12.4-233 Luteal phase- 22.3-341 TSH- .436 .450-4.500 FSH- 9.3 mIU/mL Adult Female: Follicular phase 3.5 - 12.5 Ovulation phase 4.7 - 21.5 Luteal phase 1.7 - 7.7 Postmenopausal 25.8 - 134.8 LH- 22.9 mIU/mL Adult Female: Follicular phase 2.4 - 12.6...
  17. M

    9 weeks post D&C - still positive HCG levels, anyone else w/ similar? (#cw)

    (#contentwarning) I had a missed miscarriage, which was discovered at my first OB appointment, roughly 8 weeks into my pregnancy. I had a D&C, it went smoothly. It has been 9 weeks and 3 days since the D&C, and my pregnancy tests are still reading positive. My HCG levels were at 36 three weeks...
  18. T

    Small wins… I ovulated!!

    After not having a period for 6 months after stopping birth control and thus not ovulating, my gynecologist referred me to a fertility specialist last month and I was diagnosed with PCOS. I’m on my first cycle of letrozole + hCG trigger, and my progesterone blood test yesterday revealed that I...
  19. R

    Steady Post O Temps [xpost /r/tfabchartstalker]

    First month tracking, cycle 2. Is my chart normal? My post o temps are so steady. I've checked my temps at various times of the day to test my thermometer and I get different results so I know that's not broken. My chart I may or may not had a small dot of red (very faint) when I wiped...
  20. J

    B12 came out high 848 pmol/L

    Hello, I’m really hoping someone can provide some insight. 32F hoping to become pregnant soon. I recently got blood work done and everything looked good except by B12 came out high 848 pmol/L. I read the Oxford study that said high levels of b12 (and/or folate) can cause greater risk for autism...