
  1. A

    Things you did to prepare for pre-k

    My 2.5 year old will be turning 3 in July and can start the public school pre k in September. School is M to F 9:45-3:45. I’ll have a 16 month old home with me along with a newborn (due in July). Aside from potty training, what are some things you did to prepare your toddler (or yourself!) for...
  2. S

    could this be hand foot mouth? i’m freaking out. 😭

    could this possibly be hfmd? i haven’t had a chance to check my daughters mouth, hands, or feet as of yet. i have had it previously but was lucky enough it was not inside my mouth. i woke up this morning with a sore throat and tonight noticed some sore bumps on the edge of my tongue as well as...
  3. B


    My toddler is 2 and a half, he has a little brother (9 months) Well my toddler has always been pretty explosive. We thought he had colic as a baby but he never truly outgrew it. He’s so sweet, SO smart like everyone who meets him is like borderline shocked at how many words he knows and how...
  4. H

    I almost lost my 4 y.o. Today

    First time turning here for advice. I have 2 boys who I believe are exceptionally difficult. My eldest ran away from the back yard today. We left him with his grandparents for a date night. He was upset but he always calms down once we leave the room. Grandma called us 5 minutes later and said...
  5. H

    Don’t y’all miss this fisher price banger

    Maybe you could be a purple monkey in a bubble gum tree..
  6. S

    Omega 3 w/o allergens

    Anyone know omega 3 supplements for a 2 year old that doesn't contain flaxseeds, peanuts, egg, soy, or fish?
  7. P

    What’s for Christmas, y’all?

    For those who celebrate, I’d love to know what you’re getting your kiddos and sharing ideas. Our 15 month old is really into taking stuff out of cupboards and bringing them to us. Might get him a play kitchen but I’m not sure if it’s too advanced. What about you- what are you...
  8. D

    C.D.C. advisers unanimously recommend vaccinations of young children

  9. W

    Stop telling me I'm going to ruin my kids!

    Is anyone else tired of seeing Internet "articles" about all the ways you are setting your child up for failure? I feel like I'm bombarded by internet pieces that are claiming if I do (or don't do) A, B, or C then my toddler will be unable to do X, Y, or Z as an adult.
  10. E

    Early 00’s R&B to the rescue

    Just took a lovely walk with my lil (17 months yesterday) and he took an awesome 1.5hr nap. Of course when he woke up, he screamed like he was on fire. Fun fun. Quick diaper change and I get his milk because it was milk/snack time and he pretty much told me to kick rocks and carried on screaming...
  11. R

    Toddler throwing a tantrum because I cut his pb&j. Do I make a new one or stick to my guns?

    I have no idea how to apporach this. I don't want to be too permissive, but I also don't want him to think that he'll get everything he wants... ugh.
  12. A

    Almost 3 y/o girl & 5 y/o boy Christmas present ideas?

    Last Summer, I separated from my ex-husband. I moved out last December, and our divorce was finalized this past Summer. I wasn’t able to get my kids much last Christmas because I was in the process of starting out all over again as a single parent (finding an apartment to live in, getting a...
  13. Y

    How are y’all building cooperative relationships?

    LO is 2 and a few months and it is such a struggle to get her diaper or clothes changed sometimes. I want us to have a collaborative and cooperative relationship, so I’d like to avoid forcing her, but sometimes we just need to get her diaper/shirt/pants on or off. She (understandably) gets so...
  14. G

    My 2.5 y/o has suddenly become a monster

    Is this a phase? God I hope so. It seems like overnight a switch was flipped. Everything is a battle. A tantrum having, crying, passing out battle. Everything! I kissed him this morning and he lost it. I miss my sweet boy. Is anyone else going through this? Is this who he is now? Forever...
  15. L

    What time does your 1 year old go to sleep and wake up?

    Or if you have an older toddler, what were their sleep/wake times when they were 1 year? My baby has never went to bed early. Always between 9-10pm. He wakes up around 7am. If he falls asleep before 9 he will wake up at 11pm and start talking/playing. Thankfully he’s good at sleeping through...
  16. H

    we have 5 months to be toilet independent

    Hey - the title isn’t as dramatic as it seems. This year I am considering making the switch from daycare to preK-3 at a private school in town. the only requirement we do not meet is toilet independence. my bud can use the toilet when prompted, and with low pushback, most days. This includes...
  17. J

    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    ETA- THANK YOU, thank you, thank you! This all helped me realize I’m more worried than I need to be. I loved hearing perspectives from both sides. Every kid is so different. I just worry that I’m making the wrong choice either way 😩 but it’s one of those tough parenting decisions. I should also...
  18. D

    My toddler eats like 8 things and I don’t have the energy to do anything about it

    There’s a narrowing cast of food my 19 month toddler will reliably eat (porridge, Weetbix cereal, veg/fruit pouches, hummus sandwich, bananas, baked beans, miscellaneous snacks) He used to eat more meat and try proper adult food, but stopped a couple months ago for no apparent reason. And though...
  19. G

    What time does your toddler who still naps go to sleep?

    And for those who dropped nap…did it move earlier? Like actually falls asleep. Ours just turned 3. It seems 9:30 is our answer here. But we’ve tried no nap, and he’s a mess by 5:30/6 when we are trying to make/eat dinner. He naps at daycare about 45min to an hour around 12, and at home (4...
  20. M

    How to respond to the F bomb?

    Our lovely, hilarious 3yo has suddenly started saying “F*