stay-at-home parents

  1. L

    Turning 30, thinking about quitting law school after my first semester to start a family. Advice?

    We are so ready to start our family and we want 4-5 kids if possible. However, I am in my first semester of law school and I wouldn’t want to get pregnant until after summer 2024 when I’ve finished 2 years of school and completed 2 summer externships. I would be okay getting pregnant the...
  2. S

    I was led to believe he completed the second check after vasectomy, I am now 5 days late

    Sorry, throwaway acct because my husband is on Reddit daily. My husband got a vasectomy September of 2022. He was instructed to check his sperm 3 months after the procedure and again 6 months after the procedure. He did the first test which showed he was sterile. The second test kit was in a...
  3. P

    Soon to be SAHP, but it may not be able to stay that way…

    Hello. I’m almost a SAHP! Due in about 2.5 weeks. The plan has been for me to stay at home, while my husband works. Here is some background. I’ll try to keep it short. My husband works in construction as a pipe fitter. He is a union worker and often travels for work (like, away for months on a...
  4. T

    How to navigate cheating husband as a SAHP?

    Do I not tell him I know or want to leave, and just get a college degree or a certificate, then leave?? That way, I get more time with the kids, and I don’t have to worry about working and school? Might be my only opportunity to swing school, not sure if I could on my own. Secret bank account...
  5. A

    SAHP guilt... I feel like I’m not pulling my weight

    I’m not sure what I’m asking for with this post. Maybe advice? Reassurance? Strategies? I stay at home with my daughter who is 8mo. This is ‘normal’ in the UK as most mothers take 9-12 months maternity leave. However, I have handed my notice in and won’t be going back to work for the...
  6. J

    How to handle 4 year old boy attitude?

    O.k We're (myself, my partner and my sons bio father) at our wits end with Master 4.5 years at the moment. OMG it sometimes feels like we have a teenage girl. We get tantrums over nothing, or little things like being told to go wash his hands because it's dinner time or because I've asked him...
  7. M

    SAHP who have bigger kids and a baby, need your input for this newly SAHM. (x-posted from Parenting)

    School's out and starting tomorrow, I will have 3 kids here full time by myself. Which is a first for me, my kids are an almost 7 yr old, 4 yr old, and a 16 week old baby...all boys. Boys can be loud as hell! The baby is still working on the whole napping situation, he can be a crappy napper or...
  8. S

    Talking out his ass

    I have mentioned on her before that I am a mom of two and I go to school. I have been telling my husband that I am tires of going to school and having him worry about money, I just want to help. He says to me "if you really wanted to be done you would have stayed up countless nights, getting g...
  9. M

    Fair Distribution of Labor?

    First time posting. I am not the SAHP. I’m the working parent and have no idea how hard it is to be a SAHP - so I have to ask. Right now I do all the overnight feeds (husband says he doesn’t wake up). LO is 8 months so it’s usually 0-2 times a night. We have a cat and I wake up to feed her...
  10. M

    New here, seeking guidance in uncharted territory

    Thank you in advance to anyone who reads as I try to articulate my situation. Would love any feedback, whatever it may be. Tl;dr below My wife ( S 37) and I ( K 34) are at a predicament with the care of our son ( Z 3) and daughter ( B 19 mos). S- Breadwinner, insurance, savings plan K-...
  11. S

    I wish my husband hated his job so he would like us more

    That’s pretty much it. I know it’s stressful here. We have a 4, 2.5, and 5mo so you can imagine. He spends 1 day with us (and irritable at that) and is itching to go back to work. I am very supportive of having a job you love, but I look back at my dad, and seemingly the best part of his day was...
  12. N

    How to deal with the dread

    Last night while discussing our day with my husband we got on the subject of school and the future for our right now 3 year old. I have had this plan in my mind for a while now 2 days preschool, 4 days pre-k, then ready for full time kindergarten. Suddenly the dread of not being able to keep...
  13. 7

    Parent & Adolescent Survey (US, 13-17 years); Please Help!

    Hello all! I am currently a doctoral candidate, pursuing my degree in clinical psychology and asking for participation! SURVEY LINK: If you are between the ages of 13-years to 17-years and use social network sites or have an adolescent between 13-years to...
  14. H

    New SAHM depression

    Hi guys so I’m currently a SAHM with a 7 1/2 month old. I’m so lucky to be able to spend my days with my baby boy but it’s been harder than I expected and I feel guilty for feeling sad. Daycare was not an option as we couldn’t even find a daycare for him, and it would have taken both my checks...
  15. F

    It’s hard for me to not feel resentful over my spouse working so much

    My husband works a lot. A lot, a lot. I used to be a teacher. He used to be Active Duty military and we moved constantly. My career could not keep up. He suggested I stay at home. When our eldest was a few months old, I became a SAHM. Earlier this year, he made the switch to Reserves and started...
  16. K

    Would You Rather: House Addition

    Let’s pretend you are a SAHP to a 2 year old with plans for several more children, and you had the choice of two houses: House A- very desirable neighborhood. Excellent school system. Wonderful walkability, would walk to parks, shops, ice cream, etc. Neighbors consist of young families with...
  17. A

    How burned out are you as a SAHP?

    Here’s how burned out I am: two week vacation with my wife and three small kids, wife working part of the time on half the vacation, middle of vacation was split up with a one overnight trip back home, left vacation last night and spent the night on the way home. When we arrived at our stopover...
  18. A

    Human Pillow

    My 3 year old has been sick for 2 weeks. Was sick, got better for a day and then caught something else. Took her to the dr on Monday, 2 hours of driving to get X-rays and tests and everything came back negative. Told us to come back Wednesday if she was still sick. Spoiler alert she was. Said it...
  19. D

    Audiobooks to deal with yelling?

    I would like to work on my yelling. I often get complimented by family how patient I am, and although it’s true, it’s like once my patience is gone I automatically go to yelling. Kinda like 0 to 85, if that makes sense. I am noticing I am more prone to yell toward the end of the day (naturally...
  20. R

    How do you make it work? (x-post /r/ mommit)

    MY LO is currently a little over two and a half and we are planning more in the near future. While this is going on, I've slowly realized that I still despise dropping LO off with someone else every morning, going to a job I hate, then going just to have him call me Miss (Teacher's Name). I hate...