stay-at-home parents

  1. O

    How do you accomplish the mindset change to be comfortable/confident in your decision to be a SAHP?

    This is a question especially for SAHP who put much time and effort into education (degrees, certifications) and/or building their careers (dedicated years and gained lots of skills and work experience). My husband and I have discussed it at length even before the birth of our child (now 2...
  2. B

    When do you have appointments for yourself??

    I have one kid in preschool and the other is at home with me full time. When am I supposed to see a dentist or doctor for a regular checkup? I could use a visit to both as I recently moved and need to establish care. My husband works M-F 8am-5pm and we don’t have any family in town to help with...
  3. A

    I Feel Like I Am Drowning and I Don’t Know How To Parent My 7 y/o

    I feel like I am failing. I’m doing everything. Kids to school, 2 y/o with me all day, errands, household, everything. Pick kids up, 5 went to an art class, picked up 7 at end of after school club. Tried to do everything I could to have them enjoy their day. Went home. They wanted to go to the...
  4. A

    Does anyone else’s working spouse do this? I swear it’s cognitive dissonance

    Either that or broken cognition. I’m the SAHD and I handle almost every single household task and I am frequently cleaning the kitchen or doing dishes. My wife has often questioned this, asking me point blank: “Why are you always in the kitchen??” I’m not always in the kitchen, but we have a 7...
  5. D

    Does anyone have any links to good parent and toddler exercise videos?

    We have some not too great weather coming up so the usual walk to the park play in the park and come home isn't going to be feasible. YouTube is preferred. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  6. D

    PreK questions help

    SAHD of 4 years here, looking at some pre-K options for our daughter to go to a couple days a week (with plans to get to 5 days before Kindergarten) and we have a tour scheduled for tomorrow and I need to think of some questions to ask. So far I have: Is lunch included? How is decipline...
  7. B

    Trying not to feel guilty sending my 4yo to school

    I’ve been sahd for 5 years. Oldest is in 1st grade, my middle guy just turned 4 and is in pre-K 4 days a week…and there’s 18 month old twin boys. Love them all to death, but I’m kind of happy/sad to be sending my little guy to school. He likes it a lot and has adjusted really well. I took the...
  8. S

    I missing cooking dinner wholeheartedly

    Random silly complaint. I enjoy cooking. Unless my husband pisses me off. lol But ever since baby, all my dinner is whatever is the fastest. What can I whip up within 30min-1hr(maybe). LO goes to bed between 6:30-7:30. Which is around dinner time. And I like putting her to bed and doing the...
  9. B

    Today I decided to stop parenting my spouse

    I love my husband, he’s a great help with the kids, we have a healthy relationship, we have equal workloads, blah blah. Wanted to get that out of the way. We’ve been together about ten years. We’ve had two kids in the past 2.5 years, and I finally made the leap to SAHP earlier this month. It’s...
  10. C

    Help! Pre-k decision for toddler, second baby on the way

    Second time posting (sorry!) really conflicted about two pre-k options for our 2.5 year old, before a new baby arrives. She currently goes to a day-care 2 days week 8-5 ($1160) and we feel like more days and less hours would be better overall. Not to mention something a little lower budget...
  11. W

    Watching a friends 2 yo in addition to my own 1 & 3 yo

    I’ve been watching a friends 2 yo for a week (12:30-7:30) M-F and idk how people do it! I’m a SAHM with a 1yo (chill little boy) & a 3 yo (chill little girl) and I’m exhausted. I’m grateful that the weeks over and I’m done (was just an emergency favor) but damn…how do people with three kids do...
  12. L

    Preschool options with new baby on the way

    Hi everyone - Looking for advice. I’m a stay home mom to daughter that just turned three, with a new baby on the way in a few months. Right now three year old is in a program we love two mornings a week (8:30-12:00). Next year it would be three mornings a week. It’s pretty inexpensive for...
  13. A

    SAHPs, I Keep Messing Up and I'm Embarrassed. I Need to Fix This

    I'm the SAHD, all day, every day. I take care of almost everything on the home/parenting front - I'd say at least 90% if not more. I don't know what is going on. We just took a trip to Florida for vacation. Before that, my wife was working crazy hours and everything was stressful. Before we...
  14. D

    Is what I am doing when I am sick wrong? My wife seems to think so

    So I am a sahp to our 2 year old son. A few weeks ago I was so sick that I fealt like I might pass out if I pushed myself even a little bit to contain so I went to his play room with him and let him watch Bluey while I rested. (I want it noted that normally I would never give him more than an...
  15. H

    For those of you who had options, what made you pick the SAHP life?

    I am in a predicament. I realize the sub will have bias but I am looking for perspective and maybe some guidance. I was a WFH SAHP for about 2 years with my son. It was very stressful at times and definitely not sustainable, I wouldn’t recommend it. But it was COVID, and between health concerns...
  16. G

    Is there a “homeschool” curriculum that you would recommend for pre-k?

    My daughter will be 2 later this year. But she’s pretty smart in comparison to other children I’ve known at her age (that’s not me bragging, just giving you the reason to want to start this) and so I want to start a school-like system in our home after her birthday once I see where she stands in...
  17. T


    My MiL is watching my two kids (aged 3 and 1) for me and my spouse while we move. It’s a 70 mile drive to our new place which is only ten minutes from hers. I’m so thankful she’s been able to do this for me which is ultimately helping minimize the time my husband has to take off. Today (after...
  18. R

    Anyone ever experience an off interaction w/ one of your kid’s providers?

    TLDR: Got the vibe that new provider has a negative impression of me. Wondering if maybe being too sensitive. WHICH, probably means I’m being too sensitive. Really the first time I felt judged as a parent so I guess I should be grateful for that, at least. We have one child 24 months -...
  19. D

    Does your working partner help overnight?

    What do your nights look like with working spouse and multiple kids who don’t sleep through the night? Struggling to figure out a system that works for my family. My husband is at work 5:30am-4:30pm M-F while I’m home with the kids and have no other help. 5 week old (EBF, up to eat every 2-3...
  20. C

    daily activities for little to no cost??

    Hi! I’m new to this SAHP.. I used to be a WFH mom but I went back to school full time so I am not working now. I don’t plan to return full time either. what are some activities (free and little cost) that I can do with my almost 4 year old until she goes off to PreK.. we do the park and will try...