single parents

  1. T

    Homework Revolt (it’s me, I’m revolting, not my kid)

    My daughter just started PreK. She’s 4. This week they started sending her home with “homework.” Make a tree out of crap you find around house kind of stuff. Which we all know is homework for me, not her. Here’s the thing. First, I’m fervently anti homework. There is no indication that...
  2. T

    I feel like a bad mum

    My son is the only reason I'm alive otherwise my life is empty. I gave birth to him and started work one month after he was born because I could not afford the maternity allowance I was on. I'm working from home but only found out that Ill be going into office once a month and that upsets me. I...
  3. K

    Questions about birth certificate. (Also sorry about my username 🥴)

    So....without giving you guys a long story and details about this I’m gonna try to condense it down and please tell me what you think. I welcome all advice. My sons father and I had a child in 2017. He did not sign the birth certificate because “ I wAs SLeEpInG wItH eVErYoNe” (should have, in...
  4. C

    I (23F), just found out an hour ago that my Ex (24M) has another kid

    I am currently separated from my ex husband. It has been a year and a half since we parted ways and it wasn't amicable. We initially agreed to for joint legal custody, myself having full residential custody while he sees her for 6 weeks every July. She is only 2 years old and last July went...
  5. I

    I not sure if i should tell anyone at work i am a single larent

    For background info, I do a white collar job and work environment can be competitive (at least I am). Being a single parent doesn't interfere with my work hours but it makes travelling close to impossible. Now, my job is NOT a travelling job but I sometimes have to travel for a week once or...
  6. J

    Single parents - the forgotten heroes

    I really wish there was more pandemic assistance in place for single parents. We’ve really been left out here on our own and I don’t think it’s been talked about enough. Between the loss of all control over our own schedules due to unexpected closings and protocols, constant exposure to our...
  7. B

    Single dad having conflict with ex over daughter sexuality

    Preface - Ex and I split Valentine's 2017. She went back to her ex after being with me for 7 years. She tried to get me to sign over my daughter right away and pay child support, the whole 9. That did not happen. We are now on good terms and get along really well, co-parenting is pretty decent...
  8. H

    Parents Needed For Advisory Board!

    Are you a divorced or separated parent with children aged 3-18? If so, we need your help! We are recruiting parents to join our advisory board, which involves a one-time, 2-2.5 hour Zoom call. The goal will be to inform the creation of the podcast to make it as relevant for families as...
  9. K

    Single parent because of a DUI

    Crazy to think that my POS “partner” drove a few meters drunk 6 years ago leading to him getting driving licence confiscated > losing job > moving abroad > 1 year prison. He never did anything else wrong in his life. And I knew about the DUI when I met him 4 years ago (I wish I could go back in...
  10. C

    Newly single dad, questions for you single moms

    So wife (soon ex) went off the deep end, in rehab now but I give her a year tops, so with that I currently have full custody of our 3 daughters (5,7,10). In our apartment building there is a single (at least unmarried) mom with a couple girls and our daughters go to the same school, play after...
  11. J

    So frustrated with my coparent

    My coparent is so frustrating. We are going through a custody battle, and she is so unreasonable with agreeing to a schedule. We have been 50/50 since we broke up, but sometime a few months ago, the mom decided she can't go more than 2 days without seeing the kid. So none of the standard 50/50...
  12. J

    Being a single rant

    I just need to rant. I love being a mom. I love taking care of my son. Don’t get me wrong but no one tells you how lonely it is. I’m not looking for sympathy I just need to vent. I am a single parent of one. Not by choice, but the father was an A.H. And left me to do it alone. I was fine with...
  13. F

    I just want someone to do something special for me sometimes…

    I feel like I take care of everyone all the time. I plan all the trips and activities and crafts and holidays and gifts. Every camping trip and every vacation is all me. My ex and I still travel as a family with our son. I love that we can do that for him but I do everything. My bff is in school...
  14. G

    Frustration at Math as a parent of a Trans student

    This is mostly a vent post. For those of you who haven't followed me: tl:dr is that Mother (now ex wife) decided one drunken day to try to arrange a kidnapping assault (i would argue murder). cops laughed it off. I self reported CPS, and they took it seriously. For two years I have been a...
  15. D

    X-post from r/relationships. Had some great advice, but hoping you guys could give me some input too..

    This is a bit of a long one so sorry in advance, I think I just need some outside perspective as I don't know what to think anymore. Background... I've been with my bf for two years and he has two boys from a previous relationship that broke down about 3 and a half years ago. When we first met...
  16. D

    Ex hasn’t seen our 8 year old in months. He won’t even pick up his calls.. what can I say to my kid that will lessen this heartache he feels?

    I just would like some advice on what to do when one parent abandons the child after 7.5 years, without even saying goodbye? I just can’t keep giving my son hope if there is none. Dad quit his job and lost his house so I can’t even find him in person to confront him about the situation. I know...
  17. I

    Giving up hope + preparing to be single forever

    40f w/ two kids (14,7). Divorced/separated 6 years. Followed by a 3 year relationship that ended about 15 months ago with an emotionally abusive man who was 15 years older. It was a toxic relationship and I’ve been spending the last year trying to figure how not to make the same mistakes and...
  18. I

    My Ex is demanding to see our son after 2 months of no contact

    My child’s father is demanding through email to see his son now after not communicating with me to see h for 2 months. Here is some insight, we were engaged, while I was pregnant he got so enraged one day and assaulted me while I was pregnant, threw things in my face while pregnant but I still...
  19. E

    Just wondering ....

    I'm a single dad of a 5 yr old . I won sole custody of him when he was like 16 months old from his mother in court . She has like 4 other kids wit this dude who use to beat her ass all the time . And after my son was born he beat her up like 3 different times in front of my son . So like I went...
  20. C

    Baby's Shopping

    Hi everyone, my friend and I are working on a product to help parents of babies make their lives easier, and would love your input. We know shopping for your baby's needs can be hectic, but don't believe it has to be. If you guys could fill out a brief survey we could better cater our product to...