single parents

  1. A

    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    Do forgive me, I’ve never been on Reddit before but I thought perhaps I could turn here for advice. I’m a single mother to a wonderful boy (10 years old) who I will refer to only as S. Now, I am not his biological mother. I adopted him when he was very young, around when he was a year old. I...
  2. B

    Help with this line from the separation agreement?

    Okay, not expecting legal-level advice here; just different perspectives on this clause. I am having a hard time interpreting "Reasonable consent will not be withheld" in this context From our separation agreement. Does that mean she can't always say no just for the sake of saying no? I...
  3. M

    How do you deal with your s/o parenting your child?

    I’ve been dating someone for about 7 months. I’ve finally introduced him to my son about a month ago. Sometimes he tries to help me by stepping in and parenting my 9 year old son. This makes me absolutely furious. I feel like he’s stepping on my toes, and I’ve mentioned several times I’m not...
  4. A

    Accepted my fate that I am just a vessel for my kids and this lifetime will be spent living in the shadows. Single mother of 4, 30 y/o

    I am 30, soon to be 31. I have always considered myself to be the hopeless romantic type. Obviously, I have allowed my heart to lead my life….because I wanted to build a family and did not allow myself to really analyze the partner I chose to father my kids. In short, their father has always...
  5. U

    co-parent just admitted roommate is using drugs

    Just as title says. I just confronted him about it. He says that no drugs are allowed in the house. Instead, they do them downstairs in the basement in front of the woodstove. We share custody 50/50, so I doubt he's allowing them to use (ketamine) while she's (2 y/o) there, but still. I feel...
  6. A

    I'm not a single parent, but I have a few words for those that are..

    Dear single parents, I'm 22-years-old, raised by a single mother and I want to say thank you. I want to say an enormous F U to a society that looks down on single parents. Whether you chose to be a single parent or things didn't work out as you'd planned, I want you to know that you are the...
  7. M

    introducing a new s/o

    I'm just looking for some advice on how long people wait to introduce a new s/o to their children. I have been single and dating for 5 yrs, but have only introduced 1 man to them. I am more worried about scaring my b/F off than how my girls (5 and 14) will react. I mentioned it to my b/f and he...
  8. G

    Single parents.. mainly mothers! Answer me this... is my girlfriend (26) independent?

    I honestly can’t believe I even have to ask this lol But here’s the situation... My girlfriend (26) has a child (2) and lives at home with her parents. She feels the need to tell me that she is an independent woman that doesn’t need a man and we argue because I respond back with if your so...
  9. J

    Can't give up, but it's so hard

    Single mom here, we've recently become homeless, and shortly after lost our car. Our landlord wanted to charge more rent, so didn't renew our lease, and my co signer had said she's pay the car for a little bit while we got back on our feet, then I found out she didn't when it was gone one...
  10. G

    Single mom, custody agreement help (x-post from parenting)

    submitted 1 hour ago by qnofclean I was in a very controlling relationship for several years. We never married (which was a blessing in disguise) but we did have a kid together. Through the support of friends and family I was able to break free. However I was pregnant. When I finally got away...
  11. E

    Day 4 of single parent vent

    When does it get better? At this point I just feel like it’s all a nightmare and I just need to wake up. It’s hard to see that the other person seems find and is enjoying their new freedom while you’re stuck caring for your 7 month old, having to try to find time to pack to move back home with...
  12. P

    Am I overreacting?

    So my (F26) daughter (5) was attacked by her father’s pit bull back on 12/22, with my son (7) witnessing the event. My daughter ended up in the ER with 4 areas in her face requiring stitches, which also required her to be put under conscious sedation to finish. As you can imagine, she’s...
  13. A

    When is time to sever rights?

    Tldr; I'm a 4 yr clean former addict with full custody of my 3 yr old. Sons mom is an addict. Tried for years to be patient understanding. This was try number 4 for her to be a somewhat decent somewhat present parent. Doing good then went to shit. Stupid me believed every word and thought...
  14. H

    I’m [23F] about to be a single mom of 2

    I’m going through a divorce and somedays I feel like I’m stuck in a rut. Today is one of those days and I’m feeling a little extra miserable. I’m not done with school yet, currently a SAHM with no income of my own, and have a 3 y/o w/ autism and a 2 y/o. I just get so anxious when I think...
  15. E

    What things should I discuss with the father of my child before going full no-contact?

    I am currently 4 months pregnant. The my ex/the father of the baby and I had a very rocky breakup and he has requested no contact with me as well as asking to not be involved with the baby in any capacity. We are attempting to keep it as amicable as possible and going through the process of...
  16. F

    Stuck in a bad spot

    I know this sort of sounds like a first world problem, but I don’t know what to do. My daughter is turning 16 this year. We had discussed the original plan of taking some friends out to a nice dinner. I could swing that with some help from her dad. Apparently my ex brought up a Sweet 16 to her...
  17. N

    Just pulled my daughter out of ballet lessons and feel so bad about it

    Very grateful theres are rant flare right now! Thanks to all who read this. So my daughter G started ballet about a month or two back and she has LOVED it! At the moment we are in lockdown (New Zealand) so its been taken online. Now, as a PC enthusiast (PC Master Race!!) I've been watching the...
  18. N

    Is an inconsistent father worth being in a kids life?

    My ex and I have now been split over two months. He hasn’t asked to talk to them or contact them and has seen them a total of 5 times. He cheated on me and our 8 year old knows about it. She refers to him as an imposter and because of the lack of him wanting to be in their lives they have made...
  19. S

    Moving, Schools, and Change..

    Long story short, my husband and I divorced last April and we have 50/50 custody. My daughter (12) and I live in the same house as we did before the divorce; we've been here 11 years. My ex/her dad now lives with his mother. Since his mother's address is not in the same school district, it was...
  20. K

    How do you be a badass single parent?

    My now ex-partner is kicking me out of the house. I have 2 dogs and a child in school. He gave me a month, that ends in 4 days. I have applied for roughly 40+ jobs, with no luck. That's including interviews but my lack of being available at night isn't getting me places. I'm applying for day...