
  1. I

    Having a toddler while pregnant is so rough, can I just complain?

    I’m 9 weeks pregnant with a 17 month old. I’m nauseas all day, and vomit 3-5 times a day. Definitely not the worst, but it’s wearing on me. I work full time, which is so hard right now, but I’m so grateful my son has childcare right now because I am a pile of crap every evening and weekend. I’m...
  2. B

    How it feels to be a pregnant person who got the J&J vaccine 4 days before it was banned

    ... It feels not great. I went against my OB’s recommendation not to get this vaccine because I’m high risk otherwise (plus size, asthma) and I’m so sick of living in fear. Went to get the jab Friday morning, they wouldn’t even tell me it was J and J until I arrived on-site. I was surprised...
  3. L

    JuSt yOu WaIt TiL tHe BaBy CoMeS..

    “You’re never gonna sleep again.” One week in and on a 3 hour feeding schedule and I’m getting better, more quality sleep than the last few weeks of my third trimester, free of aches, pains, and insomnia. I can also sleep comfortably on my side and stomach again. Also, unrelated, I poop and pee...
  4. J

    Unpopular question

    My last period was may 3 and stopped bleeding at may 6 so i started diane 35 pills but after the 7th pill we had unprotected sex and i did yuzpe method. Now my questions is would i still ovulate? Since yuzpe delays ovulation and at may 8 i already took the 8th pill and so on til this day. Thanks!
  5. M

    Bleeding and cramping at 5 w 4 days

    I had light flow of red blood, more than spotting but not like, filling up a pad an hour type heavy bleeding. Really painful cramping that even 2 extra strength Tylenol barely touched. That lasted 4 hours. Then super light spotting yesterday and cramping but not as bad and today it’s just a...
  6. R

    Plan B failed

    I took 3 plan B’s within a 3 week period (I know it’s bad but my bf and I are long distance so it’s not often). Anyways they failed and now I am 6 weeks 6 days. I’m really nervous about the pills effecting the baby, my doctor expressed concern as well. Has anyone gone through this and had a...
  7. F

    "YouRe pRegNanCy iS goIng bY sO fAsT"

    I'm (22) literally only 14+2 and everyone around me says this. Its annoying for two reasons 1) Im freshly in my second trimester with my first pregnancy so my anxiety for possible loss is still sky high. Then 2) Its not at all. I was HORRIBLY sick week 6-12 (multiple ER visits) and it finally...
  8. W

    4 months w/ kyleena iud yet terrified

    Ok so this particular cycle has been weirdly terrifying to me the whole time. I was supposed to get my period yesterday, though the official 28 Days starts today. I’ve been worried because the spotting I usually get around ovulation, which has lasted 3 days since iud insertion, was only one...
  9. N

    16DPIUI (or DPO) HCG Levels, what were yours ?

    Hey everyone ! Just got back my HCG levels today at 16DPIUI and it was 467iu/l and was wondering what y’all had. I don’t see my RE until June 3rd and have to do a repeat test in 7 days. Thanks !
  10. K

    Is my girlfriend pregnant?

    My girlfriend's in the 34th day of late period and we're worried that she might be pregnant because hers is very regular. However, we practiced safe sex and we haven't had sex in 4 weeks, which happened right after she had her last period. She took two urine pregnancy tests (one of them being...
  11. K

    I am 7 weeks today and I gained 0.8 kilos in total. Am I g(r)o(w)ing too fast?

    So, FTM, no idea what's coming. I've done some reading up and I read that it's normal to gain about 10-15 kilos during pregnancy. So, at 1.5 months and a few days, am I on track, or do I need to watch my diet? I used to be pretty constant in my meals: A protein shake every morning Some nuts...
  12. J

    Daily Chat 9/6/14 Starving Saturday and Baby Watch: DwK Edition

    What are you shopping for? What are you eating? Tell us what's in your fridge! We're also anxiously awaiting updates from /@bisi007 as she went in last night to be induced. :) You've got all our love, lady!
  13. I

    Small Gestational Sac

    Hello Everybody! It’s been a bit of an anxiety inducing pregnancy so far and I’m only 9w1d. 34 years old and this is my first pregnancy. On what was supposed to be my 8w2d ultrasound, they changed my estimated due date to 12/4/2024 instead of 11/25, officially making me 7 weeks pregnant at...
  14. G

    Pregnancy cause of my pelvic/back pain?

    18yoF. Date of last period was around March 4th-5th. Had sex w/ BF March 5-6th. Started to experience dull pelvic pain on March 7th which stopped after a week or so. Two days ago, woke up at night with back pain, but I could tell it wasn't my spine or anything. Went to the bathroom and felt...
  15. T

    Trying to conceive. Spotting 10DPO but have been on going for 7 days. Period was due 2-5 days ago. Have pregnancy symptoms

    We've been trying to have a baby for the past 8 months. I noticed spotting 10-12 DPO but the spotting have been on going for 7 days now. It started pinkish then brown and now pink again. Period was due 2-5 days ago and I have pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, upset stomach. I already tried...
  16. P

    9 days late, still popping negative

    I’m 9 days late on my period, I’ve never been this late might I add. I took a clear blue test two days late and it was negative, then after 5 days late took a dollar tree test: negative. 7 days, still negative. Now 9 days, took another test.. negative!! I’m so annoyed. Has anyone gone through...
  17. C

    is my gf pregnant?

    we had unprotected sex at day 18 and 19 of cycle. Now its been 6 days late. a day before the expected period she feel cramps on the right pelvic and since 2 days ago the pain moved to above her V. There is pale yellow discharge that she says she it always happened. And since two days ago her...
  18. W

    Pregnancy after d&c

    I was pregnant for 10 1/2 weeks. We was able to see the heart beat at 9 weeks and then it stopped beating. We are unsure what happened but on April 10th I had a d&c. I bleed for a week and a half. They did not scrape my uterus but only sucked out the remains of my baby. It’s been 3 1/2 weeks...
  19. H

    Iron infusion q- how long did it take for y’all to feel better?

    38 weeks, 2nd pregnancy. Exhausted and thought it was from working full time, raising a toddler, running a household and staying active. Turns out I’m severely anemic and got my first infusion today. Hopefully I’ll be in a good spot by the time my due date rolls around. How long did it take...
  20. R

    Anyone else having fun explaining to their partner why you bought x,y, & z?

    I’m now 21+4, and my anatomy scan went great. So, I’m now buying everything we need (leaving a lot of little stuff for the baby shower), and my husband is getting overwhelmed. I first bought an Uppababy Ridge stroller (Jogger), and then today I bought the Uppababy Minu V2 ( compact travel)...