pregnancy problems

  1. H

    30W pregnant with covid

    I am 30 weeks pregnant. I tested positive for Covid (4th time having it) yesterday. I threw up 6-7 times yesterday, a massive amount. I’ve had loose stools since yesterday that are now a bright yellow bile like. My abdomen has been cramping severely. I just ate and so far have not thrown it up...
  2. C

    Measuring 2 weeks behind?? Anyone have this happen?

    Yesterday, I had an ultrasound. Thinking I was 8 weeks and 2 days based on LMP, and getting a positive preg test on Jan 9. During the vaginal ultrasound they said baby looks good, fetal pole, yolk sac, obvious flicker of cardiac activity and heart rate of 103. The only thing was the baby was...
  3. H

    Subchorionic Hemorrhage

    Hey y’all. I’m 14 weeks and I’ve had bleeding since about 4-6 weeks. My midwife says SCH although it didn’t show up at my 8 week ultrasound. I’m wondering if anyone has experienced this with a positive outcome and around what week it resolved. I’m a nervous wreck.
  4. B

    Large hematoma 20 weeks pregnant

    Hi everyone- I’m looking for anyone whose had a similar issue or experience and what the outcome for you was. I’m a 22yo F pregnant with my third son. I had some heavy bleeding at 10 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. I was told I have a hematoma behind my placenta. Fast forward to now I’m 20 weeks...
  5. G

    Is baby too small?

    I am currently pregnant with my 4th baby. Just for context, I’m really overweight therefore I see a MFM and am considered “high risk” but thankfully never really had any true issues with pregnancy/labor. All three of my other babies measured quite large on ultrasound but born weighing 8.3, 8.5...
  6. O


    Hi guys I’m gonna try to keep it as short as possible… 4/1 I found out I was pregnant. Got hcg done 4/2 and it was 19. Was not doubling appropriately and my doctor has been pushing d&c or methotrexate for weeks now. I started bleeding a couple days ago so she agreed to one more blood test to see...
  7. S

    HCG level is 119,702 mIU/mL at 5 weeks and 6 days

    So I’m a little scared because my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Quantitative (HCG) came back 119,702 mIU/mL at 5 weeks and 6 days… I was told by my gynecologist this could indicate the following 1) molar pregnancy 2) early detection of cancer cells 3) abnormal pregnancy 4) twins My...
  8. J

    TTC via IUI w/ PCOS advice

    Age 31 TTC w/ PCOS. Just had 2 unsuccessful IUIs. Been married for 7 years but only had about 5 months/cycles (within a 9 month span) of trying naturally prior to the 2 recent IUIs due to my delayed periods last Spring. I’m in a better spot now because my periods are more regular. I started...
  9. A

    Friend found out she’s 12 weeks pregnant, we were smoking w**d together !

    She has quit smoking, but I’m nervous because i keep finding posts and new articles about how women finding out during their 4th-5th week but not on their 12th week. What’s the worse that can happen? She’s going to get a screening later this week.
  10. P

    7w3d ultrasound - no heartbeat

    Hey all - I had a transvaginal ultrasound today (7w3D) and the midwife saw the gestational sac and yolk sac, but could not measure crown to rump and did not see a heartbeat. She said the gestational sac looked small, measuring at 5.5-6 weeks, and that I should come back in 2 weeks. I’m not...
  11. T

    Vaping/E-Cigarette use in Pregnancy **ONLINE SURVEY** (Mod Approved)

    Hey Everyone! I'm Bryony, a PhD Researcher at Liverpool John Moores University, looking for participants for a short online questionnaire to better understand your attitudes towards and experiences of using e-cigarettes during pregnancy. The questionnaire is open to all pregnant women and women...
  12. N

    Threatened Miscarriage

    Last night after my show I started bleeding pretty heavily, I rush to the hospital right away. I had no cramping, no pain, ultimately I felt great. I was there for 6 hours. I got an ultrasound and these were the results. I only understand a few things but I am really worried I might still...
  13. J

    I know I’m a big Dummy. Please don’t tell me. I just need some reassurance on EC

    Hi guys. So my boyfriend and I had sex but the condom had broken and he had came inside of me. I know. I had a huge panic. And just to make it worse, we weren’t able to get and Emergency Contraceptives until FOUR days after the accident. And I figured that it would be ok. But after I took it I...
  14. D

    Growth ultrasound :-/

    Hi mamas! So I went for a level 2 ultrasound at 21 weeks due to my husbands heart defect. Everything looked “normal”. It said LatV measured 9mm … was not flagged and was marked normal. Went for my growth scan at 30 weeks since this is IVF pregnancy and I’m 36 …. Regular OB said my right...
  15. A


    I’m not really sure exactly what day I’m suppose to start my period all I know my period usually come either the last week of a month of the first week of the following month doing a estimate I have about week until I’m suppose to start my period I took a couple test they are all negative so of...
  16. J

    Help! I am pregnant and don’t know whether to keep the baby!!

    I (f 44) found out that I am pregnant!! To cut the long story short I am now 12 weeks pregnant. Found out a week ago after being unwell for about 2 weeks. Never in my entire life did pregnancy crop my mind. I have 2 children aged 23 and 21 and for about 7 years ago I would say I was keen to have...
  17. K


    K so last Saturday the 20th of July, my HCG levels were at 5000, I started bleeding, so I got tested. Monday I got tested again and they were at 6123, today Wednesday they're at 6800. It's not crazy bleeding, but bleeding none the less. Anyone go through this? I am 5 weeks, got pregnant...
  18. D

    No fetal pole large ys 8 weeks

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to see if anyone has been in this position and had a positive outcome? I’m 8 weeks according to cycle calculations, but measuring only 6/7 for the gestational sac. I’ve had my second ultrasound and they see a yolk sac but no fetal pole. The yolk sac does look like a...
  19. T

    ¿Soy una novia mediocre?

    Bueno para darles un poco de contexto no tuve la mejor infancia del mundo, vive en un hogar disfuncional, mi papá nunca estuvo en la etapa de mi niñez y quiero decir que sufrí de abuso sexual desde los 6 como hasta los 8 o 9 años de edad, fue muy traimatico para mi y digamos que aun me persiguen...
  20. P

    Ultrasound scan 5weeks 6days but suppose to be 7 weeks based on LMP

    Hello ladies, I had an Ultrasound that came back that I was five weeks six days they were not able to see a Heartbeat just a. I had an early miscarriage last month on January 1 and bleed for only two days. I didn’t ovulate till the 20th of January my doctor is concerned and saying my pregnancy...