pregnancy problems

  1. S

    Marginal cord insertion

    I’ve never made a post here but I always read them . Today I went in for my 20 week scan and it wasn’t what I had hoped I’ve been on google for 6 hours and I am so afraid . I was told I have marginal cord insertion and they will need to see me back in 8 weeks. I didn’t even know how to react and...
  2. L

    2 months pregnant & I’ve gained lots of weight already. I think my bf keeps indirectly pointing it out but maybe it’s just my hormones?

    He’s been pretty supportive overall. Goes out for foods I’m craving, always brings home goodies/surprises after work. Last night he got me flowers & a bunch of random gifts like stuffed animals, a Valentine’s Day card. He cried at the ultrasound, does a lot of the chores. But it’s been a couple...
  3. M

    Best Sex Positions to Conceive a Boy Fast; 8 is my favorite [babyboy][sex positions]

    Don’t we all yearn for a perfect family? Does your family need a boy child now to complete the perfect picture? Are you trying to conceive a baby boy and wonder if sex positions have any effect on it? Before we get into the serious business, it is essential to understand the basics of how it...
  4. A

    Measuring 1 week behind

    Hello. finally pregnant after 2 miscarriages. I got my positive test at 3 weeks and 3 days. I am supposed to be 7 weeks today. I went in for my first appointment, and I am measuring 6 weeks exactly. There is a heartbeat. I am so confused how I can be only 6 weeks along? I tracked ovulation. I...
  5. J

    Found out I’m pregnant but boyfriend doesn’t want the baby

    Me and my partner are both almost 23 and been together for abit over a year.. although I have been good friends with him for 7 years. I recently found out I was pregnant (and yes we used a condom) and I had used 4 tests (3 came up with a faint double line and a was digital that said pregnant)...
  6. J

    25yo w overactive hyperthyroidism

    I’ve been struggling with hyperthyroidism(Caused by implanon) I’m 5 months pregnant and the doctor mentioned cuz of my thyroid issue baby might have down syndrome(Asked them to email me the test results) I was also taking Methimazole until I found out I was pregnant and on the 5th week….After...
  7. P

    Retroplacental collection

    Hello everyone, My wife had her ultrasound at around 12 weeks and there is a large retroplacental collection 5.8 x 2.3 x 4.6 cms extending upto the cervix. Doctor suggested to be on bed rest mentioning there is a bomb seating inside and we need to be very careful. I’m really worried, will the...
  8. T

    hCG levels rising but not doubling

    Hey I’m 24. I’m panicking, wondering if I have a viable pregnancy; I won’t be able to know for another two weeks. I’m almost 5 weeks pregnant from conception, but recorded at 8 weeks pregnant from my last period. My hCG levels were 3900 then 3 days later it was 6100 then 2 days later it was...
  9. D

    Possible miscarriage

    34F Caucasian 5’5 158lbs Non smoker, occasional drinker prior to positive pregnancy test No drug use LMP oct 23 had some brown spotting very early on until about one week ago. This is My first pregnancy and due to spotting (never heavy enough to fill a pad) my Dr still scheduled me for an...
  10. N

    Cholestasis Induction

    Okay, so I received a call this morning that has crushed my dreams of going into labor on my own. I have been diagnosed with Cholestasis and now have to be induced at 37 weeks. My son has shown every single sign of being ready to come out (even giving me preterm contractions at 28 weeks 😭 and...
  11. G

    Does it sound like I’m at risk of preterm labor?

    Hey all. I have to start with- a hospital trip is $2600, atleast, every time WITH insurance. I also have a great OB who is taking my concerns in stride- but this keeps happening late evening/night so it’s the hospital trip or trying to explain to my Dr a week after the fact. I have had...
  12. J

    17 Week Ultrasound Measuring 2 Weeks Behind - Give Me Hope

    Hi There - looking for hope but also real life stories that are similar to mine. I've had two prior miscarriages just before my current pregnancy. The first ending at 9 weeks due to no heart beat and the second terminated at 15 weeks due to Trisomy18 diagnosis. I was very much just starting to...
  13. C

    Pregnancy years after a C-section? Has anybody got any stories or info for me ?

    I had an emergency c-section 4, coming up in December 5 years ago. I was 19 and it was my first pregnancy , I had an ECV to try and turn the baby and days later I started bleeding heavily and was booked in for a emergency C-section 7 hours later. I was never told why I was bleeding but baby’s...
  14. M

    Blighted ovum miscarriage or viable pregnancy?

    Yesterday at my 8w6d ultrasound there was no fetal pole visible. The radiologist said the gestational sac was actually measuring 6 weeks but that there still should be a fetal pole visible. My hcG numbers were 29,900 mIU/mL, which the nurse said was good and that I need to wait and have another...
  15. D


    Hello! I am wondering if anyone has experience with what I’m going through right now and hopefully this is the correct place to post ! I had unprotected sex (March 29th) LMP was March 15 . I took a plan b the next night but I must have already been ovulating because April 14th I had a bright...
  16. H

    Abdominal X-ray early pregnancy

    Hello, hope all is well with whoever this message finds! My wife just found out she is pregnant and we are so excited. She found out 9/27/23. Unfortunately she has been having issues with her back and ribs. On 9/22/23 she went and got X-rays at doctors request. Before she went in on 9/22/23 she...
  17. Y

    I’m Continuing My Pregnancy After Failed Abortion

    Hello, before I get started I wanted to make it known that this is the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make in my life. To fill everyone in I’m 25, I have a 6 year old who I’ve been raising alone since he was one due to domestic violence. Last year I met my current boyfriend after being single...
  18. M

    Non viability concerns

    Hi everyone, I had my first ultrasound on Thursday and I measured at 5 1/2 weeks along. However, based on my last period I should be about 8 to 9 weeks when my doctors talk to me they were concerned about non-viability due to where the baby is developmentally has anybody ever had a similar...
  19. R

    My doctor told me I wasn’t able to get pregnant at the age of 24

    When I was young I dreamed to get pregnant at 24 and give birth at the age of 25. Now it was all dead. Mixed emotions. I don’t know what to feel. Cuz… My doctor told me I wasn’t able to get pregnant at the age of 24.. devastated.. After checking my ultrasound results, the doctor was shocked...
  20. T

    Abnormal bleeding

    I had a C-section 7 weeks ago with postpartum hemorrhage with d and c 2 weeks postpartum with no findings of placenta, just lots of blood clots . Since the d and c I had been light spotting but 2 days ago I passed another egg size clot and many gushes of blood. I went to eR and they did ct with...