pregnancy problems

  1. R

    Vaginal pH totally off

    Anyone else having issues with recurring vaginal infections (specifically yeast and bacterial vaginosis in my case) due to pH being way off? In the last 2-3 months I have already had both yeast infections and BV 5x each. I go through treatment, seem to have maybe 2-3 good days, only to flare up...
  2. R

    Trigger warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️

    Hi, First off I would just like to add some context/ details so you guys can hopefully understand my situation a bit more. (This is gonna be a long one please bare with me) So I took my first pregnancy test august 12,2023 resulting in a very instant positive. Not long after, I followed up with...
  3. F

    Not 'feeling pregnant'.?

    Im 6w5d and even at exactly 6w I still "felt pregnant". The last couple of days I feel extremely normal. Lol. Like I might be a little bloated and still have some digestive issues (i.e. constipation/diarrhea). Has anybody else experienced the loss of symptoms? Is it normal and I'm just being...
  4. E

    Potential conceiving issues

    Hello, I wanted to do some research because my mom mentioned I may not be able to conceive. I (20f) have A+ blood type, my fiancé (24m) has B- blood type. We both want at least one kid together, we would both be up for one more together but we both also want to adopt. I was talking to my mom and...
  5. Z

    Im so moody and mean to my baby daddy!!

    It’s almost like I can’t control it im always so upset by the stupidest things even when he’s stressed out it makes me annoyed or he looks at me funny !! Is there anything y’all could tell me to help with it? I don’t want to ruin our relationship. Im just so moody
  6. S

    I can’t fit any of my clothes at 8 (almost 9) weeks pregnant!!!!

    Hi so for background this is technically my 2nd pregnancy! My other one resulted in miscarriage (blighted ovum) at around 8-9 weeks. This time around I feel actually HUGE!!!!! I am eating a little more than usual but I wouldn’t say binge eating. I eat pretty decently too health wise not a crazy...
  7. C

    Plan b symptoms

    Two weeks ago a guy had humped me. We did not have intercourse at all! A bit later than 72 hours I took plan b. I been feeling nausea, emotional and depressed. When would these symptoms go away? What can I do to lessen it?
  8. B

    34 weeks pregnant, baby measuring small. Dr wants to induce

    Anyone’s baby was measuring in the 1 percentile? When did you give birth and how much did baby end up weighing? We are doing scans and monitoring once every week, and to me I feel like my baby is growing on a steady incline. Maybe small but.. growing. Maybe shes just a small baby because I’m...
  9. H

    6.5 weeks pregnant need help

    Hi, I really need some advice, or help on how to deal with this. I feel so helpless and feel empty at the moment. had a scan today and I am supposed to be 6.5 week. They didn’t find a heartbeat and they did blood tests and one of the important results has only dropped slightly but the pregnancy...
  10. S

    Miscarrying or is my baby okay??

    Long post and possible TW. Just need to vent and see if anyone else has any advice or has experienced anything like this. Per my last period, I should be 6+6 today. This is my second pregnancy (my son is 2.5 years). About 5 days ago, I started spotting pink. I started to also have some period...
  11. P

    Pregnancy bloat, please someone help, isn’t there anything I can do beside all the “basic” advice because none of that is working

    8 weeks pregnant and I am having bloat so bad that I can’t even function. All I can do is roll around in bed and groan, I’ve had to go home twice from work because it’s so debilitating for me. I can’t think or focus on anything else, it’s so overwhelming. My belly is so tight I feel like my...
  12. Z

    Should I take plan b or not?

    Hi guys! I recently missed two of my birth control pills which is very unlike me. I missed the pills during the second week of my pack on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday night I had unprotected sex. He did not finish inside of me, but I still know there is a risk. Should I take Plan B? What are...
  13. G

    Membrane sweep

    My situation: 38 weeks gestation. Baby #4. Always have ITP (low platelets) during pregnancy. Platelets are what keeps blood healthy and thick, being low means higher risk of bleeding more as well as not being allowed an epidural . Have to take a 6 day steroid pack around 38-39 wks. Induced with...
  14. D

    How serious is Group B Strep in Pregnancy

    I was reading tonight that: The UK says group B strep is common in men and women (like 25% of population), can usually be found in the vagina, urinary tract, throat, or rectum, and CAN be transmitted through common ways that infections are shared through direct contact, such as holding hands...
  15. B

    Chemical pregnancy

    Hi all. I have been trying to conceive since January and to my surprise I was pregnancy in February just to have it end with a chemical pregnancy. I got my period the day after an intra-vaginal scan and while this was done there wasn’t anything there- just a “thickening” of the walls. About a...
  16. S

    I’m so jealous of other pregnant women’s relationships

    I don’t feel heard. I’ve been begging for help. Help with the housework. Help with the other kids. I can’t work super often due to not having childcare or a support system. I don’t have much family or friends. He works his full time job M-F and then part time after that on Monday-Wednesday. I’m...
  17. R

    Bleeding after s*x

    Hi everyone I’m 6 weeks pregnant exactly today and so far I’ve bled twice after s*x google says it’s normal due to changes through out my body but I’m unsure as I’ve never had this happen before in my last two pregnancies! It’s only a tiny amount of blood to the point it’s just pink when I wipe...
  18. S

    Marginal cord insertion

    I’ve never made a post here but I always read them . Today I went in for my 20 week scan and it wasn’t what I had hoped I’ve been on google for 6 hours and I am so afraid . I was told I have marginal cord insertion and they will need to see me back in 8 weeks. I didn’t even know how to react and...
  19. L

    2 months pregnant & I’ve gained lots of weight already. I think my bf keeps indirectly pointing it out but maybe it’s just my hormones?

    He’s been pretty supportive overall. Goes out for foods I’m craving, always brings home goodies/surprises after work. Last night he got me flowers & a bunch of random gifts like stuffed animals, a Valentine’s Day card. He cried at the ultrasound, does a lot of the chores. But it’s been a couple...
  20. M

    Best Sex Positions to Conceive a Boy Fast; 8 is my favorite [babyboy][sex positions]

    Don’t we all yearn for a perfect family? Does your family need a boy child now to complete the perfect picture? Are you trying to conceive a baby boy and wonder if sex positions have any effect on it? Before we get into the serious business, it is essential to understand the basics of how it...