postpartum recovery

  1. B

    Tailbone pain-tips?

    I’m almost 7 months postpartum and still have excruciating tailbone pain. It definitely gets worse after I sit for a while, but sometimes I can’t avoid sitting. Anyone out there experience something similar/ have any treatments that helped? I’m considering a chiropractor or physical therapist...
  2. K

    Weight loss plateau / pp body struggles

    I am 10 weeks pp and have shed 24 of the 29 pounds I gained in pregnancy. These last ten pounds have been super hard to shed and now this last five seems impossible even with being careful about diet and starting to work out again. I know that five pounds is not a huge deal, but I am determined...
  3. N

    Hating my postpartum body

    Hi, I’m nearly 3 years postpartum and absolutely hate my body. I read that pregnancy/breastfeeding will cause your boobs to sag, ok fine. But my boobs are just GONE. Literally it’s just nipple on chest like a pre-pubescent boy. I used to have a small B cup, now it’s barely an AA cup. When I...
  4. T

    no period 6m pp

    Hi ! I'm currently 6 months postpartum and breastfeed exclusively for 4.5 months! I havent had a period yet. I've always been irregular so idk if its that, weaning hormone changes or something else. I took a plan b January 2 and got what I think was a period 10 days later for a week. I've had...
  5. G

    Postpartum hemorrhoids??

    I delivered my 3rd baby two weeks ago. This is my first experience with hemorrhoids. Is it normal to feel like I’m shitting razor blades?? The extra strength Preparation H is only for external use but I need help on the inside. How do I even treat this? Can I do an enema? I feel like I need an...
  6. T


    Is it normal for dissolvable stitches after a c section to pass through vagina??? 9 weeks PP already with an infection and on antibiotics and not sure if it’s completely normal or not😅
  7. O

    What helped you lose the weight?

    I’m currently 9 months postpartum. Before I got pregnant I had lost 60lbs and felt the most confident I have in my adult life(I’m 28). I’m currently 40lbs higher than my pre pregnancy weight. I’ve been struggling with postpartum depression and insomnia and I think I finally have the depression...
  8. F

    Abdominal cramps

    FTM & I'm 4 months PP and Breastfeeding. I have never experienced cramps like this before giving birth. It seems to happen every 2 and half weeks now. I'll just start experiencing really intense cramps upper and lower abdomen and it lasts for about 2 to 3 hours. Anyone else experiencing this?
  9. G

    Running w/ a stroller

    For my runners, when did you start running with a jogging stroller and are there any that are rated for 6 weeks??? Also any tips to make it “easier”? Two things: 1) I start training for my half marathon in January and for my shorter runs on warmer days I plan on trying to do runs with the...
  10. S

    Looking for some feedback - postpartum support

    Hey Mamas! My wife (mom of 2, doula, midwife, masters in exercise physiology, master in nutrition, and health coach) and myself (chiropractor, functional med doc) are in the process of creating an online course to help Moms with their postpartum journey. It will cover fitness foundations of the...
  11. A

    Nutritionist/dietician post partum?

    I’m 9 weeks post partum. Originally 160-165 at 5’9”. Exercised before and throughout my whole pregnancy. I’m a physical therapist and my job is very physically demanding. I worked until the day I gave birth. I gained the majority of my weight in the third trimester despite my diet remaining the...
  12. S

    Weight loss issues after baby

    Hey everyone, I guess I’m just looking for advice and suggestions on what worked for you for postpartum weight loss because I am really starting to get discouraged. I am about 10-15 pounds heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight and nothing seems to be getting rid of it. During my pregnancy, I...
  13. G

    With all the discussion regarding weight gain, would anyone like to be my friend on MyFitnessPal?

    Hi there! There have been a number of posts lately regarding weight gain. I believe everyone is entitled to choose how they manage their weight during pregnancy and that choice is extremely personal and unique to each individual. Even whether or not a woman tracks her weight during pregnancy...
  14. A

    Postpartum hair question

    Hey y’all! I don’t know if this is the right sub to post in but I hope someone can answer my question! ☺️ soo about this time last year I was going through the postpartum hair loss. It didn’t last that long from what I can remember maybe a few months (I have pretty terrible memory so it could’ve...
  15. U

    New dad, totally overwhelmed and exhausted, seeks advice

    Hi, new dad with c-section wife about 1-2 weeks in to baby life. Before the birth I told her I would handle all the night feedings because I wanted to get her prioritizing sleep to help with healing. So far, this has been the case - however I underestimated the c-section restrictions, she cant...
  16. B

    Do I have diastasis recti or just weight gain? I am so frustrated!

    I am 7 months postpartum. I had my baby 3 weeks early and I had a c-section if that makes a difference at all. So I had to wait 6weeks before I could do any exercising and so I only did limited walking during that time and a lot of couch sitting and pumping. Before and during pregnancy I went...
  17. W

    Best online pelvic floor/bladder prolapse programs?

    Hi all! As much as I’d like to see a Physio it’s just not in the budget right now. I’d really appreciate anyone’s experience with online programs to help restore pelvic floor and bladder function. I’m eyeing the Vagina Whisperer’s program but I don’t know about many others. I’m really sick of...
  18. K

    C section abdomen pain 3 weeks PP?

    I’m 3 weeks Pp. Incision is healed. However I’ve been having light twinges of pain in my abdomen area. Wondering if anyone else had this and it was normal or was it a sign of internal infection? Thanks
  19. T


    I know it gets better. This is only the beginning. I just had her. I’m only 10 weeks postpartum. Anatomically, I understand that it will take time because it took 9 months but I feel so terrible. I hate what I see in the mirror. My fiancé tries to reassure me, it’s not even reassurance. He tells...
  20. 2

    Help a first time mom who is 15 months postpartum

    Happy Monday, everyone. I’m in some serious need of guidance. When I met my husband 6 years ago I was in really good shape. I was working out weekly and eating relatively healthy. At the time of meeting him I was about 143lbs. During our early years of courtship, we eat out a lot and let’s...