plus size pregnancy

  1. H

    Sizing up on clothes

    I'm looking at just sizing up on clothes bc the maternity wear isn't working for my corporate job. How much should I expect to size up? 1 size, 2 sizes?
  2. M

    TTC When Overweight

    I (27, F, 5’7 and 206 lbs) have been TTC with my DH for roughly 8 cycles now. I’m worried that my weight/BMI may be the reason I have not become pregnant yet. I do exercise regularly and am trying to live a healthy lifestyle as I can. For other plus size women who have conceived, was there...
  3. D

    Plus size baby shower dresses?

    Hello! 25+4 FTM here. My baby shower is October 14th when I will be 33 weeks. I'm currently a size 22, was a size 18/20 before pregnancy. I have been looking for a good dress for my baby shower for literal weeks. I wanted something fancy that showed off my bump but fit a color scheme of greens...
  4. J

    Postpartum underwear/diapers for plus size?

    FTM and I’m struggling with which route to go. I bought some underwear that I thought I’d be able to wear postpartum with a pad but I have an apron belly and they’re just not fitting right. If I pull them up over my belly I don’t think the pad will sit properly and if I sit them under my belly...
  5. Z

    Nursing/Pumping Bra

    I am 13 weeks postpartum and my poor bras are waving a white flag! 😂 I have always had a full bust but HOLY COW (pun intended) it’s gotten crazy. Pre-pregnancy I was a 40/42 H and now I’m more like a 40/42 I/J (US sizes). When I was about 25 weeks pregnant, I got Kindred Bravely bras and...
  6. Q

    95th Percentile at 20 weeks

    I just had my anatomy scan at 20w3d and the doctor said she's measuring about 2 weeks ahead or in the 95th percentile. I started out the pregnancy at 300 and I'm currently 303 following the nutritionist's recommended carb diet (I failed my 1 hour GD but passed my 3) and will retake in about 4...
  7. L

    Seeing Movement Outside Of Stomach?

    I have a B shaped belly and I’m only 20 weeks with my first. 5’3 and 302lbs currently. I’m curious if those with a layer of “cushion” we’ll call it, were ever able to see the movement of the baby on the outside? I see all these cool videos of baby movements through bellies and I’d love to be...
  8. T

    Positive Experience

    I just wanted to jot down a super positive experience for all of the other FTMs on this sub who are panicked about all the aspects of being in a high BMI pregnancy group. I started my pregnancy in April 2023 at 5’9 and about 320lbs. Im also 36 y/o. I just gave birth on the 5th to a totally...
  9. 7

    Positive Induction stories?

    Just got back from my 38 week OB appointment and my doctor wants to schedule an induction for my due date if baby isn’t here by then, because if the combination of my BMI and baby’s size (he’s been measuring big the whole time but now he’s measuring like 98th percentile 🥴) I know some people...
  10. T

    Sleeping/pregnancy pillow advice needed

    I am 24w 4d and currently having a lot of trouble sleeping comfortably. Prior to pregnancy I thought I was a side sleeper and that it would make all this easier. Now I know that I actually fall asleep on my side but I seem to default to rolling on my back during the night. I also seem to shift...
  11. D

    I don’t FEEL pregnant

    I also posted this on baby bumps. Tomorrow will be 7 weeks, so I know it’s still early. But I don’t FEEL pregnant and it makes me nervous. 5 years ago I had a miscarriage and it happened so quick from finding out I was pregnant to that. And same thing I didn’t have any symptoms. I took two...
  12. C

    New here & losing hope

    I’m 5’0 and 320 pounds currently and for context, I’m a 33f married to a 33f. In my TWW for IUI #2 (after a 3 years of failed at home attempts with a known donor.) All tests (labs, HSG, etc.) have all come back clear/normal. I do have hashimoto’s but my thyroid levels are usually pretty decent...
  13. C

    Feeling scared and broken

    I’m 9 weeks and have had 2 “high risk” doctors decline to treat me due to my weight/BMI. I’m 5’0” and 330lbs. No blood sugar issues. No blood pressure issues. Just fat and can’t find a doctor to treat me solely because of my weight. I’m feeling so scared and anxious, and just plain down and...
  14. L

    Feeling like there’s no options for me

    My husband and I have seen three fertility specialists in the last 2 years - it looks like IVF is our only option, so I’ve been searching for a clinic that doesn’t have BMI restrictions after the first one said they had a cut off of 40. After research, I found a clinic that said it was a case by...
  15. S

    30 Week Pregnancy Bump

    In some need of words of advice or encouragement to say the least. Currently 30 weeks pregnant and constantly feeling discouraged about the size of my belly. I try not to let it bother me too much because im beyond thankful and grateful that I’m able to carry a baby, but some days it’s really...
  16. B

    Trying to conceive

    Hi everyone, I need your expertise I’m 34 y/o 5’1 and my weight is 200 lbs I’ve a 4 year old daughter when I had her I used to weight around 140 lbs. Anyhow I’ve been trying to convince for a year and half now with no luck both my husband and I have good lab results and my US showed no...
  17. J

    Just found out!

    I (26F) am 392lbs and found out I was pregnant yesterday morning! Based on my last period I should be 4 weeks and 3 days along, and I have an appointment Tuesday to confirm my pregnancy, but I’m scared to be shamed for my weight while at the doctor’s office. We’d been trying for a baby since...
  18. M

    Plus size C-section

    Hey all!! I am 31w tomorrow and at my last apt my OB brought up delivery options. Around 20w baby was measuring 97th percentile. He dropped to 89th percentile but at my last apt at 29w he was back up to 93rd percentile. My OB and MFM are convinced we’re having a big baby. With that, mixed...
  19. G

    Energy levels at 0

    Hi all. So I’m very early on in my first trimester, and my energy levels are insanely low. Me and my partner had a two week trip to Scotland planned, with lots of hikes, wild swimming etc involved. We’re now about 3/4 of the way through the trip and I’m seriously struggling energy wise to keep...
  20. E

    Pre existing high blood pressure

    Does anyone have experience with pre existing high blood pressure? I’m 6 weeks along now and have been on blood pressure meds for years. I was taking losartan before I became pregnant but since it’s not safe for the baby I had to go off of it. I went 4 days with no meds until my doctor called me...