plus size pregnancy

  1. R

    Disappointed and no VBAC

    let me start off by saying i UNDERSTAND why my doctors are telling me no. but i still don’t like it my first baby was emergency c section bc i wasnt dilating. second was emergency bc my water had been leaking for at least a week 5 weeks early and they wanted to get her fast. that was almost...
  2. T

    7 weeks 1 day

    Hi everyone. I have booked a private scan ( in the UK) for when I’ll be 7 weeks and 1 day, next Friday. I’m just wondering if a heartbeat is visable at this time and what can actually be seen? I’ve booked it due to huge anxiety and worry that something is wrong. The only symptom I have is sore...
  3. B

    What is your experience on getting off the pill while being plus size?

    Context : I am not pregnant yet but me and my BF are thinking of conceiving. I (26F) got back from my OB/Gyn consult last week. She prescribed me progesterone to get my period back, because since I stoped the pill a year ago in January 2023, I didn’t have my period back on (only had spotting 1...
  4. M

    Will my B-belly eventually "pop" into a D-belly?

    35F, 24 weeks, 342 lb I have a B-belly - as in you can't see my belly button when I'm standing because my belly "folds" (this might be a good time to say that English isn't my first language so if something doesn't make sense, let me know!). The lower part of my belly (so under my belly...
  5. N

    Pregnancy and weight Rant

    Long ago, I (F, 26, 354 lbs, 5 ft) went to the doctor about my PCOS, and then I asked about future pregnancies, just so I know for the future. The doctor said to me that at that time, I would need to lose about 10% of my weight (estimately 354 lbs, not entirely sure) if I ever want to have a...
  6. J

    Told that anesthesia would be difficult and dangerous. Anyone have any experience?

    I just had my weekly appointment with a dr. Mine was out of town so I had to see her partner. I’m 36 weeks and 6 days with my 1st and about 330lbs. I knew from the start that there were higher chances of complications due to my weight but my usual dr assured me that things would be okay. She...
  7. K

    Hypertension that’s NOT pre-e

    Does anyone have experience with this? I had an appointment this morning at 23+2 (twins) and my bp was 150/80, with no protein found in my urine at all. I am having feet and ankle swelling, but no other symptoms, and both babies are growing on track and doing great. My OB didn’t seem extremely...
  8. P


    I am 5’8”. I used to weigh 420 lbs. I’m now 250 lbs. I no longer have insulin resistance (or high blood pressure, reversed my diabetes (5.1 A1C), no high cholesterol or deficiencies). Truly a clean bill of health as I just got my blood work back last week. I have my menstrual and ovulate every...
  9. M

    Trying for a baby while being plus size

    Hi everyone to keep this short and sweet, I am 190lbs and 5”2 My doctor told me the reason I could not conceive is due to my weight, me and my partner have only been trying for a short time and I have advised that I have had pregnancies (miscarriages) when I was slimmer, but she told me I...
  10. G

    Giving in to fat vs pregnant belly

    Ok, weird title, but here is what I mean. I’m 228 lbs at 5’-5 and 12 weeks + 5. I already had a belly prior. Not enormous, but decent. I carry weight proportional though. I’m at a point where I’m bulging slightly on the top of my belly only. I got some maternity shorts and a few tanks/t-shirts...
  11. M

    When did you start getting morning sickness and what has it been like?

    I know this is odd, but I’m a bit concerned because I’m week 8 and have had occasional food aversions but no steady morning sickness. I have gotten suddenly nauseous on occasions, but it is sporadic and not a daily thing. I was thinking I’d have it by now so am a bit worried something is wrong...
  12. A


    Hi all! I’m 26, 330lbs and have been diagnosed with PCOS. My husband & I are currently TTC. According to my Flo app, I’m 9 DPO and due for my period in 6 days. Although, my period is very abnormal and I haven’t had one now for 3 weeks. I usually bleed for roughly 7 days, then have a 5 day...
  13. M


    Hey all, we are struggling a bit with names and wanted opinions. We have a few first names and middle names we like, but I am open to suggestions or hearing how y’all picked out yours! If you like any of the ones we have so far let me know, I’ll keep the first and middle names separate as a mix...
  14. T

    First scan

    Hi everyone. I went for my first internal scan today I thought I was 7+1 but turns out I’m actually 5+5 which is a little further behind than I thought. My LMP was tracked so I know it’s correct however I’m not sure on ovulation dates. The sonographer seems like everything is fine and reassured...
  15. D

    Was everyone referred to an MFM just because their BMI says they’re “obese”?

    I haven’t had any problems in my pregnancy. I’m 26 weeks, BP has always been great, no GD, the only thing recently was diagnosed with anemia after my GD test that I took at 26 weeks. But my most recent ultrasound at 24 weeks (a follow up to my anatomy scan bc they couldn’t get all the pictures...
  16. M

    Graduation! 39w3d

    Being a plus size momma I wanted to share my graduation experience with others that may be nervous about what to expect. Some details beforehand: Pre-pregnancy weight: over 300lbs I have an apron belly I have a skin condition Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) Before I was to get pregnant I went...
  17. C

    Pregnant belly?

    Hi all! I just found out I’m pregnant, only 4 weeks and 4 days. I’m a plus size gal, 5’6”, 275 pounds, size 20. While I’m so excited to experience pregnancy and have this baby, I can’t help but feel a little self conscious that I won’t have a pregnancy belly and won’t even look pregnant for...
  18. A

    C section mom’s with apron belly

    Did you use silicone bandages to help with scarring? Was your belly an issue? I’m just curious if it’s worth investing in some of the silicone bandages
  19. M

    Anyone else freak out before big appointments?

    I am 20w+4 and have my 20 week anatomy scan today…. And I’m so anxious I can’t sit still. I have heard so many moms say that it’s beautiful and you finally get to really see your baby but I’ve heard so many others say that this scan is when they got bad news. I’m typically anxious before...
  20. K

    TTC q’s

    Hey, I’m looking to try for my third baby in the next couple of months. I am 5’5 and 222lbs. Going in for an appt. to check out my overall health and discuss a future, hopefully, pregnancy. I plan on having a C-section. After the first baby being a c-section and my 2nd being a VBAC with a 3rd...