plus size pregnancy

  1. A

    Random question lol..

    So I am 39weeks and have been 3cm for nearly 2 weeks at this point. This is my third, my partner could always feel my cervix during sex even before pregnancy. The last time before last night that we had sex which was three days ago even, he felt it then. But he said last night he couldn’t feel...
  2. S

    GD Diagnosis

    Hello! Has anyone here been diagnosed with gestational diabetes early into their pregnancy? I'm 13 weeks 4 days with my first pregnancy and I just got diagnosed today. For reference I'm 33 y/o, 5'5 and weigh 322 lbs (according to last check up) with PCOS. I guess my questions are: were you able...
  3. A

    Ultrasound clarity?

    Hi! I so far have only had vaginal ultrasounds because I’m early (7 weeks) at my fertility specialist. I was reading abdominal ultrasounds are often impacted by being overweight. I’m 5’4”, 265lbs, and I guess just hoping someone could reassure me I’d still be able to see baby via abdominal...
  4. S

    Pregnancy hospital bag

    Hey ladies .. I need some ideas here .. I'm 31 weeks and I'll be induced at 37 and I still haven't found a good hospital bag .. what kind are u all using? Name and pics would be great so I can get some ideas .. thank you ❤️
  5. J

    Second pregnancy

    When did you start wearing maternity clothes during your second pregnancy? With my first I didn’t have to start until 12 weeks or so. I’m 9 weeks 2 days now and my pants are already tight. Idk if it’s just first trimester bloating or if it’s because my body knows what to do this time.
  6. V

    Plus size maternity clothes UK

    I'm struggling already to fit into my clothes! Only 13 weeks. Have bought size 24 (UK) recently and they are becoming too small. Don't even have a bump yet but I've put on 4kg from first trimester hunger. I'd love to wear some nice dresses as got maternity leggings from next. Long tall Sally...
  7. C

    Finally Ready!!

    Hi there! I’m not sure if this is the right subreddit but I’m plus size (about 340lbs & 5’4) and finally have made the decision that I would like to start trying for a baby. My finance and I have been together for 6 years & we’ve always done the pull out method. We’ve had a few scares due to my...
  8. T

    Advice on freezer meals, formula feeding, and C section post partum

    Hi everyone! I'm currently a plus size FTM who is at 24w1d and I'm starting to plan things for when I get to 30w-40w to prep for post partum. As of right now, my SO plans to take at least a month off, my sister will be visiting for about 2 weeks, and my SOs mom [who I adore] plans to visit...
  9. A

    8 weeks pregnant - first ob appt today - kinda freaking out

    Ok guys so hear me out - I’m 5’3 198lbs - 39f - this is my fourth but an accidental pregnancy my older kids are in their teens and I’m on my second marriage I’m afraid bc I started wfh and I gained like 25 lbs and I was hoping to lose weight but then boom pregnant - I’ve had lots of throwing up...
  10. T


    Hi everyone, I am currently 6 weeks pregnant, I have booked a viability scan for 8 weeks 4 days, im assuming I’ll probabaly have to have a transvaginal scan due to it being so early. Can someone let me know what happens in these appointments as it’s a first for me and if you could see anything...
  11. H

    Measuring 6+5 when I should be 7+4

    I went for an early scan today as I had a blighted ovum mmc last year which wasn't picked up until my dating scan at 13 weeks. I am pretty certain of my dates. LMP was 2nd July and I got a fairly clear test line on CD 28 which was, I thought, about 14dpo. When I was 5+1 I took one of the...
  12. J

    Looking for Durable Nursery Chairs Suitable for Plus Size Parents

    Hello everyone! I'm currently searching for a reliable and comfy nursery chair that can accommodate both me and my husband comfortably. I’m 5”9 and weigh around 280lbs, and he's 6”1 and 360lbs, so it's important to us that the chair isn't too narrow since we're both on the broader side. Does...
  13. J

    Glucose testing

    Okay, I’m coming up on my diabetes testing day (glucose testing) and I am definitely feeling underprepared with what to expect. What should I expect? The good, the bad, the ugly. For some reason I have in my head I’ll be drinking this nasty, hard to get down l, chalk drink that they pump into...
  14. S

    Baby Carrier for Big Hips

    Hi all! I am so thankful to have found this community and eager to get input on prepping for my first baby. I’m currently 20 weeks, bmi of 39 and have gained 3 pounds this pregnancy. My partner and I hope to tote this little bean with us everywhere we safely can after birth (of course...
  15. N

    Nursing bra recs for extended cup sizes?

    Hi! My bra size was 38K prepregnancy. I’ve been living in the stretchiest bralettes I could afford throughout pregnancy and I’m not sure what size I am now, though I am positive I’ve gone up both in band and cup size. I’m bringing my little one home in less than a month and still haven’t found...
  16. M

    Mother-in-law offered to come stay with us for the first week or two and I feel guilty that I don’t really want that. Am I being unreasonable?

    I’m only 8 weeks so have plenty of time to think this over, but my MIL offered to come stay with us when baby is born to “cook and clean.” Though I understand this comes from a good place on her part I am feeling like it is really something I don’t want and that refusing will cause drama with...
  17. A

    C Section Recovery

    I am about 2 weeks post-partum from an emergency C Section. It was very scary for me and to be totally honest I put no time into researching C Section recovery prior to having my baby. I have an apron belly so between my pre-existing apron belly and my post partum belly the incision is kind of...
  18. A

    Nursery glider chair

    Anyone have a plus size friendly nursery glider chair they’d like the share? I am looking for something with a wider/deeper seat to be most comfortable.
  19. P

    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    Hi everyone, been a lurker for a while since I started TTC and I’ve been inspired by all your stories. I finally got a call from a local fertility clinic to start my process. I’m 5’9” at 290lbs so that’s a BMI of about 43. The doctor basically said no treatments would work and I need to lose...
  20. R

    Disappointed and no VBAC

    let me start off by saying i UNDERSTAND why my doctors are telling me no. but i still don’t like it my first baby was emergency c section bc i wasnt dilating. second was emergency bc my water had been leaking for at least a week 5 weeks early and they wanted to get her fast. that was almost...