parenting teens

  1. B

    I’m 19 and my mom won’t let me stay the night with my boyfriend

    I still think it’s a little silly for rules like this while I’m in my second year of college. My dad actually agrees with me. What do you think? Should I stand up for myself or is she being reasonable?
  2. G

    14 year old brother is very stubborn

    Hello everyone, I have a 14 year old brother who is extremely stubborn. This is starting to cause a problem with communication between us and him. The main challenge that we're facing right now is that he doesn't want to study at all. He reached the point where he hates studying. We have...
  3. C

    Parents of teen drivers

    My daughter is two weeks away from taking her driving test. As you would expect, she is asking dad, (mom will not help unless daughter pays her back for the hair care mom has paid for in the past 4 years) every day for a car. My question, how have you handled teen drivers in your home? I’m in...
  4. N

    Take away puppeteering or no?

    My 16 yr old is finishing their junior year in high school. They are involved in a certain performing art that is very niche and specific and it’s become their whole focus. For our purposes here, let’s say it’s puppeteering (it’s not, but it’s equally obscure with no place in modern culture)...
  5. S

    Expensive gift from bf parents:

    TLDR: daughter received expensive gift from bf parents and I’m feeling it’s from a manipulative place vs an appropriately generous one. Opinions wanted while we wait for our counseling appt. My daughter is 16, been dating her bf about 9 mo. She just started her junior yr (11th grade) doing...
  6. R

    blocking video games during online school?

    is there any way to block video games ( LoL, fortnight) during (online) school hours? son plays and is tardy to classes. acts violent if i try to intervene
  7. W

    Overprotective mom?

    Am I wrong for not wanting my children to engage with their father and his on and off gf of only a year? I have hard time even allowing my kids to see their father. He helps zero with them financially and I found out a month ago (last time she saw her dad) that he and his dysfunctional gf gave...
  8. R

    16 y/o weekend curfew

    Just wondering what time you all set. My son is insisting he ‘isn’t 12 anymore’ and wants to stay out past 1am. I’m not comfortable with this at all.
  9. V

    15 year old struggling

    My 15 year old daughter has adhd. Things have always been hard for her. She went to the same grade school for 9 years. Friend relationships were up and down but she had her people. Now we’re 3/4 of the way through freshman year of high school. Pretty much 0 friends. Kids are flat out mean. She...
  10. J

    Shocked and Confused by 15yo Child’s Revelation

    My (15f) daughter approached me this morning, very nervous and fidgety. She said she had something really important to tell me and it would take a moment for her to collect her words. Then she said, “Mom… I think I might have worms.” I (40f) was in disbelief at first, thinking it’s too uncommon…...
  11. A

    14 yo son called me a b***h

    This stung! I think I’m a good mom. Not perfect. We get along 75% of the time, which I think is good for the teen years. However, I have a 26 year old son and he never called me names. We got along perfectly and still do. My 14 yo has a completely different personality than I do and we see...
  12. L

    I Just Dropped My Kid Off At The Mall

    I didn't even know hanging out at the mall was still a thing! This is the first time she'll be hanging out with just her friends there, and it felt like the first time I dropped her off at Kindergarten. It's so weird! How did she get this old?! How did I get this old?! It was like listening to...
  13. J

    Are teens supposed to be this tired?

    My son turns 14 tomorrow and is tired ALL THE TIME. He's definitely in his growth spurt, because two months ago he was 1" shorter than me and now he's 1" taller than me, and he will be over 6' tall. Is this just the demands of a fast growing body and brain? He doesn't seem depressed, just tired...
  14. M

    My 15 y/o son is going to be the death of me 34 F

    My son has started to go beyond the normal 15 year old shenanigans. He has been sneaking out, sneaking girls in his room (while I am asleep), smoking week and doing other drugs. He was kicked out of school in 8th grade for 180 days with 4 days left in the year. Had to spend 9 weeks in...
  15. B

    A call to action against these "people"? Please read the whole thing

    Dear You, Is making your teenage child sleep on the couch without allowing them to get up from the couch after a certain hour, even to go to the restroom, through the threat of selling all of that child's furniture, as punishment, considered child abuse? Two so far have said yes. One has said...
  16. H

    Should a 13 year old be out at midnight?

  17. M

    18 Year Old Not Speaking to Dad, Should I?

    My kid, "C.", turned 18 in January is graduating high school in June. She is a good kid and salutatorian of her class. Her bio dad comes from a different culture, and has always been hard on her. I knew C. was gay when she was 9 years old, so it didn't suprise me when she came out to me at 13...
  18. A

    Dad flips out on teens asking to go to skatepark

    Me and my brother like to skate and we have a local park that's 8 minutes away via car and 40 minutes walking. We go there every other day but my dad is known to not be the best. He is a very angry person and can be an asshole if he feels like it. I think he vents his frustration from his work...
  19. M

    How to address cutting

    My daughter is 14 and recently started having severe bouts of depression. She’ll be fine one day and the next she’s in hysterics. I should also mention she struggles with an intellectual learning disability. She has a difficult time comprehending some things and she’s totally fine on others...
  20. C

    Cut from track team due to going away for Christmas vacation?

    My 17 year old son (high school senior) wanted to go skiing out west (he is an avid skier since he was a child). I booked us a vacation in Utah at a ski resort where he got to ski while off on Christmas break. We had an amazing winter vacation. Fast forward, my son tells me today that he was...