
  1. D

    Baby only wants to sleep on me

    My 8.5 month mainly only wants to sleep on me. She was an excellent sleeper and self-soother (on her own, nothing we did) until around 7 months when she dropped from 3 to 2 naps, started crawling etc. We recently took a long flight where she only slept on me and since then has wanted that to...
  2. P

    Want to join parents on here that are talking about improving childcare?

    Hi everyone, I'm a mom of three kiddos, all are in daycare. A bunch of moms from working moms subreddit started talking about how to improve childcare a couple of months ago because it felt like it was not working for anyone: parents, teachers, the kids. We have been talking every two weeks on...
  3. P

    Baby poop

    Hey, so was changing my 3m/o boys nappy this morning. He poops A LOT like we’re talking at least 7 times a day. He’s formula fed and his poops have always been the same, like a creamy korma kinda poop but this morning it was like that but a tiny bit darker and smelling a bit like cigarettes...
  4. O

    Any and all crying feels damaging

    Before pointing out how ridiculous this statement may be, I said FEELS damaging, not that it IS damaging. Sigh* going through it with my 14 month old toddler friends. We have always followed attachment and gentle parenting. It’s always been instinctual to us and we have always done our best to...
  5. M

    Severe anxiety about upcoming bachelorette trip for my best friend and leaving baby

    My baby will be 10 months by the time this trip takes place August 29th. We ebf and cosleep. He will take a bottle but I stay at home with him and we are together pretty much 24/7 besides the very occasional 2-4 hour outing. He has grown almost as attached to dad in the last couple of months but...
  6. C

    How are some bassinet style sleepers with 'soft mattresses' considered safe?

    This is sort of a half-cross-post from my post here that just didn't get much response and 5% of me is stressing about the situation while the other 95% is just plain confused. I'm expecting my first baby mid-June and don't really have many friends who've had kids yet that I can talk to and also...
  7. D

    15 m/o headbutting/ hitting

    My 15 m/o will slap his head repeatedly sometimes. He's also taken to knocking his head against various surfaces (headboard of our bed, his crib, the couch). His pediatrician said it's just something they do at this age. His PT said it might be sensory seeking. Got any ideas? - a mom with a...
  8. D

    Book recommendation

    Does anyone know of an appropriate book for 1.5 old that has a theme of mommy leaving but coming back. Recently my daughter is going through separation anxiety any time I need to run a quick errand and can’t bring her. I never ‘sneak out’ I always tell her mommy will be back (x,y,z). I only...
  9. K

    Birth by C-section more than doubles odds of measles vaccine failure. Should I test?

    Have twins born by C-section 2 years ago. Kids got the MMR shots but have just seen the study that suggests that "Birth by C-section more than doubles odds of measles vaccine failure." I...
  10. O

    I feel like I'm traumatizing my sick 13 m/o clearing out her nose

    he started daycare 2.5 weeks ago and has been sick ever since. It's so bad she seems to have forgotten how to breathe through her nose even when she's cleared out. This may sound stupid but most days we have been having to clear her out multiple times a day using the aspirator or frida and I...
  11. E

    Leaving toddler son w Grandma

    My husband and I (37) have struggled through our first 2.5 years of parenting our son for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is my attached parenting style. My son has always been very attached to me, preferred me to my husband (although a relationship is definitely solidifying there...
  12. M

    Sleeping through the night w/o feeds

    Baby boy will be 5 mos on the 3rd. He's been sleeping through the night (around 8-10 hrs) after we transitioned him to the crib at about 4 mos. If he woke in the night, he'd go back to sleep without a fuss (some cooing) and would wake himself in the morning. We got his 4 mos shots a few weeks...
  13. E

    Aquarium is the same as the TV?

    Hey fellow moms, I just wanted to ask your opinion, as this really made me question myself. I'm (34f) a SAHM and I have 3 children. Son A (16) son B (9) and daughter C (22 months). We don't have a TV in our living room. I am not a big fan of screen time, but the older two are allowed to play...
  14. M

    Cell phone use near babies / near their head

    Edit: For clarification I added context as I am unclear on why folks would dismiss the positions and responses of the American Academy of Pediatrics bc I usually check their guidelines and positions first. I am looking for research about this also though from my understanding AAP (edit: this...
  15. D

    Baby hates going to bed

    My eleven month old hates bedtime. She’ll start getting upset when she realizes we’ve started her bedtime routine. My husband and I go to bed when she goes to bed and she’s usually tired enough that she falls asleep nursing (she’s EBF), but not always, sometimes she tries to get bitey and I...
  16. G

    My 13 year old son called a little girl a “b***h”

    I was in my son’s room this evening asking him about something I can’t even remember now, and I looked over towards his phone and saw a bunch of “blue” messages in a row. I didn’t think anything of it at first and didn’t think to read the messages. After I thought about it, I asked him who he...
  17. A

    Reading and writing

    My son has ADD and we also think dislexia. He gets taken out of class during the day to help with reading. He is 6 and currently reading at a level B and should be at an E or higher. He is doing well in all other subjects. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do to help him more at home...
  18. A

    Parent Child Coercive Cycle Vs attachment/gentle parenting?

    EDIT- I NEED TO CLARIFY . I do not have a “gentle parenting” philosophy. I do not need to gentle parent. I want to develop a well rounded child and not resent them and not pull out my hair at the end of the day. And I don’t want to perpetrate the relational trauma my cluster B parents did to me...
  19. O

    Breastfed exclusively for 6 months. Is formula ok now?

    This thread is in the wiki for breastfeeding sub but it's from 12 years ago. Is there any new research that can give more insight into the risks of supplementing older babies with formula? Thanks
  20. F

    How can it all be done?

    I’m pregnant, and my boyfriend wants no part of this baby’s life. I’m wondering... how can this all be done? I work full time (9-6) and my office is not very flexible. I think I can manage to figure out daycare or a nanny etc, but what about everything else? How will I have time to take my...