
  1. 0

    Got discharged today without my baby

    I am 4 days PP. Went into spontaneous labor Sunday at 37+2, had a 7 hour labor before it was time to push, pushed for 2 hours and he wouldn’t descend so we ended up having a c-section. He had to be in the nicu for 2 hours after birth for some fluid in his lungs and then he was with us. He...
  2. A

    Leaving NICU anxiety

    We might be moving from the NICU to the “floor” and I’m having crazy anxiety about it. I just want to go from the NICU to home but I know it’s not possible she still has more to go. We’ve been in the nicu for 3 months now. I have two toddlers at home and I’m doing my best being at 2 places at...
  3. I

    Can I/should I ask NICU not to give my baby formula if we have enough EBM?

    NICU started my LO on formula today even though I’m supplying enough breastmilk and okayed using donor breastmilk. Is this normal? Do I have a say in this? They told me they’d start tomorrow and would gradually introduce it, not give it all in one bolus. But they started it today at 3p in one...
  4. E

    A poem-y word vomit on day 25

    Dong dong dong Is the o2 high or low Ding ding ding ding Oh crap the heart rate is falling Child, dear, keep breathing Quick shallow breaths Lead to slower, deeper breaths The alarms stop Silence. It’s dreadful But better than the alarms Alarms cause stress. Anxiety. Is this it? Dong...
  5. D

    NICU journey day 3

    I guess I just need to vent. I feel so down today. I’m only on day 3 of a not sure how long journey. My daughter was born 3 days ago at 30w1 day w PRROM. The doctor today referred to her as a “sick baby”. Like WTF does that mean??? My daughter is on oscillator. She as born crying and breathing...
  6. S

    Premie baby coming home on 1/2 liter oxygen

    Our son was born at 25 weeks. He has had a pda closure and has BPD. He is now 10 weeks adjusted. We just brought him home on 1/2 liter of oxygen and he has been doing well with it since they have put him on it. I am just curious of a average time that he will stay on the oxygen until they can...
  7. C

    Parents of iugr and preemie babies, how are y’ll doing?

    My baby was born at 33 weeks weighing 1.67kg born early due to my extreme cholestatis! My lo is going to turn 15 months actual (12.5 months corrected) weighs about 16.5lbs(close to 7.5kgs) we are super worried about her weight and height. Besides she’s super active, hitting all her milestones...
  8. S

    Full Term Baby, blood ox levels low to mid 90s

    Full term baby born 40+6 experienced respiratory distress of unknown origin that sent her to the NICU. She stabilized easily and has been on room air no canula for 2.5 days and has no signs of distress. Lung X-rays are clear, echocardiogram is clear, swallow studies clear. Baby is nursing and...
  9. J

    Baby won't accept breast nor formula - help!

    My baby started training for breastfeeding last week. His suction is pretty strong, but I noticed that nothing seems to come out of my boobs, and he would grown very frustrated, even though I know I have milk and can hand-express it with ease. The pediatrician came to examine us and saw that my...
  10. J

    Husband forgetting to turn oxygen on

    I don't even know the point of this post. Maybe just a rant. I am very careful with my daughter's oxygen. She is in 0.2 l/min. For about the 3rd time I just went to my daughter who was with my husband and saw the oxygen wasn't on. It wasn't on for 1.5 hours. I could tell as her colour wasn't...
  11. A

    PPROM at 33.1 weeks B/G twins

    After a few days of thinking I was just experiencing incontinence, woke up this morning and decided the “small leaks” were worth getting checked out. Turns out it was definitely amniotic fluid. We’re admitted to hospital for antibiotics and steroids for babies. And sounds like we’ll be staying...
  12. T

    How did weaning off oxygen go?

    Hello! My son was born at 34+5 and is currently 37+5 adjusted. He’s been on 0.3 L of oxygen for about a week now. Apparently there was some miscommunication between the doctors and nurses, the doctors thought he’s been at 0.1 L for days, but he’s still at 0.3 L. I asked to start weaning...
  13. O

    ROP in 9 month old experiences?

    Infant peripheral vision problems Does/Did anyone’s babies (Under 1) have issues with their peripheral vision? My girlie (9m actual) is having some odd symptoms I guess you would say, and myself and her physical therapist are questioning if she may have something wrong with her peripheral...
  14. K


    Does any one have any experience with pneumomediastinum? The NICU told me today that my baby boy of 31 5/7 weeks has it. He was born on the 20th with some breathing issues but the X-Rays didn't show anything until today...They were hoping to give him surfactant but now they can't :/. I was...
  15. J

    Feeding Aversion SOS

    Welp Reddit it happened. Our miracle little 550g baby now almost 13 pounds can breath but in 2 days of cue based feeding she now rejects bottles, all of them. We went from 30% bottles to 0% in 2 days. I can’t help but wonder if our nursing staff is just so used to baby’s hating bottles since...
  16. B

    When does the guilt stop?

    Two weeks ago, I gave birth to 2 beautiful twin girls at 30+1. I was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia at 29+0, admitted to the hospital where my water broke at 29+5. They were born into the world kicking and screaming, both well under 3 lbs. They are already showing great improvements, but I...
  17. S

    Cake for 1st birthday?

    Hello, My son was born at 30+0 at 3.4lbs, 16.5in. He endured a 52 day NICU stay, avoiding any major complications along the way (woohoo)! He's now 9 1/2 months old (7 months adjusted) and I'm beginning to brainstorm for his 1st birthday party. I'm feeling conflicted about cake. Since he will...
  18. C

    Born at 26 weeks- constant bradys & reflux

    My daughter was born on Aug 28th at exactly 26 weeks via emergency c-section after incompetent cervix & PPROM. She was on a ventilator for a few days and then moved to a bubble CPAP shortly after. She is now 11 days old and about a week ago she started having bradycardias and spitting up during...
  19. P

    my 27 week baby passed away due to infection

    they told me she has staphylococcus aureus after culture, im in so much pain and distress, she seemed to do well, dirst they gave her (habaren?) im not sure of the spelling but this is how it sounded when the pronounced it, her two fingers were blue then black then only the tips were black, she...
  20. M

    Project NICU Mental Health Awareness Week events 5/24-28

    Hello fellow NICU parents, Project NICU is hosting a number of special events for NICU Mental Health Awareness Week. Postpartum depression is a serious issue especially for parents of children in the NICU, if you don't feel comfortable attending that is cool but I urge everyone to stay in tune...