
  1. G

    Contact sleep

    2nd baby and recovering from a c section, and feeling guilty that i'm doing significantly less contact napping with my newborn (almost 2 weeks) than I did w my toddler. It's just different this time around, and I l'm torn because I need to engage my toddler as well. Is it terrible that my...
  2. L

    Don’t like “sharing” the baby

    Anyone else struggle with allowing others to handle the baby? I’m a FTM of an 8 week old, and we brought him to my in-law’s this weekend for my husband’s family to meet him, and I’ve really struggled. I feel like I have to let everyone have their time with him, because they live 4 hours from us...
  3. G

    Guilt when Dad looks after baby?

    Hi all, My LO is nearly 12 weeks old and myself and husband adore him absolutely. I’m currently on MAT leave from my job as a teacher, husband went back to work when LO was 3 weeks old. My question is - does anyone else feel bad when their partner returns from work and asking them to help out...
  4. A

    3.5moM still wakes up 2-3 times a night to eat. Is this normal?

    The most he’s ever slept consecutively its 6 hours. Most nights he wakes up every 3-4 hours to eat and passes right back out. Wondering if anyone else has had luck with achieving longer stretches?
  5. J

    Newborn sleeping 5 1/2 hours and counting…

    Hello everyone! It is me again and I have a different concern now! So, somehow I must’ve used too much of that SC Johnson baby lotion (the one to help sleep) because my baby (5 weeks + 2 days old) has been sleeping since about 10 pm, it is currently 3:33 am as I write this and I’m a bit...
  6. J

    Who should call who to congratulate?

    I hope this issue fits the sub, I wanted to see what the rest of the world thinks. Our son was born 5 weeks ago. We said no visits for the first 2 weeks, partly because I was having c section. Both of our parents were unhappy, but they respected it. The day he was born we texted each of our...
  7. K

    I can’t do this

    My baby is almost 5 weeks old, it’s my first. My husband went back to work M-F and I can’t do this. He won’t sleep in a bassinet or crib or a swing or anything for more than a handful of minutes. I’m even doing bed sharing now, which I absolutely hate. It doesn’t matter. He won’t sleep unless...
  8. A

    Away from my baby

    I gave birth almost 7 weeks ago, 4 weeks ago I had a D&C. Now I ’m in the hospital again. I have a bad infection and my fever keeps sky rocketing, dr can’t figure out what it is. It’s going to be day 3 that my baby and I haven’t seen each other. He’s home with dad and grandparents . I’m worried...
  9. D


    For the life of me I can’t get blankets as perfect as the crew at the hospital but the Halo brand swaddles have been great. However, lil dudes not even two weeks old yet and one of the Halo swaddles Velcro is already wearing out. I know it’s not the most expensive thing but it’s still 30 bucks...
  10. R

    Best burping methods

    My 2 weeks old has a lot of trouble burping sometimes and it’s causing her gas and I hate to think and hear that she’s uncomfortable. So I need the best tips n tricks to helping baby burp. I sit her on my knee and hold under her chin while I pat n rub her back. I’ve also done over the shoulder...
  11. C

    9 week old sleep question(s)

    It's hard to find a definitive or even roundabout answer on Google.. maybe I suck at searching. She just turned 9 weeks. At night she is sleeping 5-6 hours straight sometimes, and may even sleep longer if I don't wake her up to feed. Is it ok to let them sleep and wake on their own? She is...
  12. C

    8 week old sleep expectations

    Hi everyone! I just wanted to hear from some of you about how your 8 week old is sleeping. I know that at this age they kind of do whatever the f they want when it comes to sleep, but when I see these sleep consultant accounts on Instagram claiming that any baby can sleep 8 hours by 8 weeks...
  13. G

    6 week old absolutely inconsolable unless he’s eating or sleeping.

    FTM here at her wits end. Around the 3 week mark my LO started crying after every feed and it’s slowly ramped up to absolute screeching now at 6 weeks… we’ve suspected all of the things- gas, reflux, etc. He’s both breast and bottle fed and we do paced bottle feeding, burp between breasts, hold...
  14. G

    Concerns about extreme 'cry it out' for a 10 week old

    Edit: TW neglect Hi there! First of all, I want to mention I don't have kids yet myself, so I in no way claim to know a lot about babies and their sleeping behaviours. But this just doesn't sit right with me. A couple we know relatively well (new dad is the son of my mom's partner) has a 10...
  15. L

    Has anyone tried Takin Cara Babies?

    EDIT: Someone from my faceobok moms group gave me the TCB PDF for free. I used several of the tips last night, and SHE SLEPT SO WELL. I got 9 hours of sleep! I don't even know what to say. Main things we changed: Bath before bed Changed bed time from 7pm to 8pm Kept lights completely off...
  16. B

    Witching Hour… W T F

    All I can say is WOW My son is 5 weeks old and just began the witching hour where he will scream and be inconsolable from around 5-9pm. We do bouncing, rocking, dark room, white noise, swaddle, the 5 S, and offer breast. At this point baby is hungry but refuses to eat because is so worked up...
  17. I

    why buy a rocker?

    We were gifted an electric rocker from ingenuity, it says it's for 0 - 9 months, it rocks and it vibrates and it plays music, lovely. But everywhere I read the dangers of rockers, so much so that I'm convinced that merely touching the rocker will mortally wound my baby. I'm terrified that...
  18. K


    I just need to vent… My partner and I are first time parents. I quit my job to stay at home w our baby bc that was best for our situation. I appreciate my partner for working so I can stay home however I feel like I’m doing this parenting thing on my own. I was someone who loved sleeping, I’m...
  19. C

    Need advice re frequent breastfeeding

    Hi! My LO is 15 weeks old and he’s a sweetheart. For context: he is and has been exclusively breastfed and I think he entered the 4 month sleep regression so his sleep might be a bit off these days however he was always a difficult sleeper. Most of his day naps have been contact naps and, in...
  20. G

    Tricks for longer night stretches?

    My LO is 8 weeks….we have sporadically gotten a 4.5-5.5hr stretch of sleep in the last few days—though not really at ideal times, one was 5:30pm-10:30pm and then there was a nice one a few days back that was 12:30-5. Last night his stretches were only 2.5-3. Sometimes he also had a hard time...