
  1. H

    I thought twins where bad but triplets are worse

    I have 5 yo single and 3yr old twins, we welcomed our triplets on the 10th of November and they are now a little over a month old I was fortunate enough to carry them for as long as I did they didn’t need any major nicu time the middle triplet needed a few extra tests but they where able to...
  2. L

    Help: WFH while pregnant w/ 2

    Bit of a strange question, but does anyone have advice for what they used to hold say their laptops and such while doing what I call WWM (working while massive)? I’m lucky enough to work from home but now that I’m in my third tri with twins, I find myself so uncomfortable each day trying to find...
  3. J

    Sleep n' Plays

    Ok so my 7 month boy/girl twins are pretty tall and are barely fitting into their Sleep n' Play outfits which are size 9months. I've been looking high and low for size 12 or 18month Sleep n' Play outfits. Those that I have found are too long, like REALLY long and very slim-fit. There's a huge...
  4. G

    Uk: 3 car seats again

    Hi, the lease on our Ford S-Max is coming up so we are currently looking for alternatives, made slightly worse by Diesel Gate, We ended up with the S-Max when our twins were born as it was one of the only cars which could squeeze in 2x group 0 and a group 1 in row 2. Now the twins are nearly 3...
  5. R

    Insurance question

    Hi, all! FTM, B/G di/di twins :) New to this group. Excited to finally be at this point after a very long journey. I will be moving when I'm around 28 weeks to the east coast to be closer to family, as I am basically single parenting on the west coast and don't have postpartum support. I could...
  6. L

    Baby B loss

    I have mixed feelings 🥺, I went to my OB 2 weeks ago and we saw baby A And baby B moving we even heard their heartbeat, this week we went to the perinatal center for the first screening we were so excited about it and we found out that baby B stopped growing. What we can’t explain and the dr...
  7. C

    I’m hearing a lot of people having miscarriages with single baby’s at 4 months

    Anyone else have experience with miscarriages after 12 weeks? Especially with twins. It’s scary hearing people with single babies having miscarriage at nearly 4 months.
  8. A

    Jogging stroller: BOB, BabyJogger or Thule?

    We got a tandem stroller before the twins were born and it is a huge pain! Looking to upgrade to a double jogging stroller now that they are 6+ months and about 20lbs each… and trying to decide between the Thule Urban Glide 2, BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie and the BabyJogger x3 summit. We do...
  9. C

    9/14/18 7:52 PM EST

    The aggressive one apologized to the other by himself, without a prompt. Gonna go ahead and call it a success. TGIF POM! Drinks on me
  10. B

    What to do when 7 m/o screams at sleep every night?

    My wife and I became parents of a twin boy and girl 7 months earlier. For almost the last three months, my son has been screaming almost every night (four nights a week to the very least) as loud as his tiny heart allows. It looks like he is sleeping since his eyes always stay close. He wakes...
  11. D

    How to keep a fair and equal relationship between myself and the twins?

    I have twins (2.5f) and a singleton(6 month f) I got to hold twin A for a minute before she was brought to the intensive care and only looked at twin b for 30 seconds. They were both bottle fed and I always found twin a harder to settle and twin b easier. My connection with them has never...
  12. L

    37 weeks, twin girls, natural or section?

    Baby A is head down and ready to meet the world. Baby B is transverse, laying on top of baby A. Ob is insisting on a C section in 9 days. There is a 50% chance baby B will be breech. The doctor is adamant about the planned C section, because she wants to avoid the risk of baby B going...
  13. N

    No more cribs (2.5 y/o twin boys)

    Today our twin sons learned how to climb out of their crib beds. We knew this was on the horizon, but didn’t think it was happening this summer. We decided it was probably safest if we just disassembled the cribs and placed the mattresses on the floor until we figure out how to approach this...
  14. P

    Why, child? Just. Why?

    Twin A: “I have 3 bracelets! Hey! [Twin B]! Say, ‘Can I have a bracelet please?’” Twin B: “Can I have a bracelet please?” Twin A: “No.” [Prances away] Cue tears from Twin B over not getting the bracelet she didn’t even want before it was offered. And then tears from Twin A when I made her...
  15. N

    What’s the dumbest thing anyone ever said to you as a twin parent?

    2 different situations. Setting: Home Depot Elderly gentleman: “which one is older?” Me: “she is by 5 minutes” Elderly gentleman: “you can tell, she’s bigger” Yes, those 5 minutes 🤦🏼‍♂️ Setting: Daughter’s neurology office Neurologist: “you’re a twin? Which one of you is the prettier one?”...
  16. T

    1 crib vs 2

    We are expecting twins and wondering what others are doing for their nursery set-up. How many of you are choosing to have the babies in 1 crib for the first year instead of having separate cribs?
  17. T

    What’s worse.. c section recovery or being pregnant with twins?

    So it’s basically another one of those “I’m dying” posts. 32wks with di/di twins and miserable. So much pain just to sleep and turn over in the bed. I’ve got a 3.5y/o and 1.5y/o and am relying so much on my husband and grandparents right now. I mean, you all understand.. Anyways, baby A is...
  18. J

    Just experienced my first twin fall

    H fell off the couch while I was attending a crying P. H cried for 1 minute then we finished dinner. The boys are sound asleep now. I did the google search and he's not symptomatic of anything. It still scared the hell out of me. What can I do aside from never put them on the couch again?
  19. M

    Older twin parents - sleeping?

    Y’all were so helpful with my sleeping dilemma for vacation. I’m in need of some more suggestions for sleep. Long story ahead. I have boy girl twins who are almost 2. We had to split our twins for sleep for several reasons, with great results for all of us. They’ve been separated for over 6...
  20. S

    What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?

    I saw this question posted somewhere else and I immediately thought of my POMs gang coz we hear some dumb shit regularly I’ll go first - I was out with my babies when a man stopped us and asked me if they were twins, I proudly replied yes they are identical when this man looked me dead in my...