moderately granola moms

  1. C

    Non-plastic-y, educational mobiles?

    Caveat, I might be overthinking this one: I want to get a mobile to entertain my 7 week old. We have a simple one I made with Pom-poms, which he loves, and he will watch it spin for 10 minutes at a time. I am hoping to get one with a motor that spins itself (and maybe plays music?) so I can...
  2. P

    Gentle C Section

    Hey friends! I love this sub and have learned so much from you, I thought this might be a great place to gather insight and encouragement before the birth of our second child in August. I’ll be having my first ever c section this fall. My doctor is on board for what I’ve learned is referred to...
  3. F

    Advice for insomnia and/or growing pains?

    Himself is 4.5 years old and sleeps like a rock... until he doesn't. If he's been asleep three or four hours and wakes up, it takes forever for him to fall back asleep. Last night Himself went to sleep at 8, woke up at 11 because he was thirsty, then wasn't asleep until after one in the morning...
  4. B

    “Green” pull ups/diapers?

    My 2 year old recently potty trained. We’re still using cloth diapers at nap and bedtime since she’s no where near ready undies when sleeping. It’s working for now since she’s home with me 3 days a week and in daycare two. However, she doesn’t nap at daycare (too nosey) so once school starts...
  5. T

    Lead content in baby puffs and cassava based foods

    A friend sent me this article about a test done on Serenity Kids baby puffs, Happy Baby puffs, and a couple other things. There are positive results for lead, cadium, arsenic, and mercury. The "Clean Label Project Purity Award" does not mean what you think it means. The article is long but...
  6. C

    Australian cots and cosleepers

    Hi all, I'm trying to find low or no tox cosleepers and cots in Australia, does anyone have an recommendations? I've managed to find custom cot and bassinet mattresses that I'm very happy with (Natural Bedding Company) before I've found an actual cosleeper or cot haha. So I'm not too worried...
  7. W

    A reminder about our rules on asking for medical advice

    Hello fellow moderately granola moms, In light of some recent posts that had to be removed, this is a reminder about our sub rule banning asking for and giving medical advice. We have no way of verifying anyone’s credentials and particularly because many of the questions involve the health of...
  8. B

    teachers feeding kids too much junk

    Do any other moms have any advice as to what to do for holidays and birthday celebrations etc? My son is in pre k and they are constantly giving him gmo cupcakes, cookies, red 40 fruit snacks , and rainbow cereals . Ive already decided to keep him home on the holidays so they dont load him up...
  9. M

    Under stimulated baby: is it concerning???

    Okay prefacing with my sister in law love each other and respect all choices the other makes! I’m just looking for opinions, experience or research! I feel like I’m our home we live a very calm life. We don’t run the TV all day, music is calm if any, we don’t fill our days so full that we’re...
  10. B

    Breakfast supplement

    So my 3 year old just started pre-k and she is not a breakfast person so every morning before school it’s a struggle to get her to eat something and I feel like she should have something in her belly before going to school. My coworker suggested pediasure and I did some research and decided to...
  11. I

    Greenwashing and essential oils

    Two part question. Any experience and knowledge is welcome How can you tell if something is greenwashed? (Examples: Mrs. Meyers, Method Cleaning products, H&M), etc. there are websites where I can look but then find out that companies can pay to have their brand look better than it does...
  12. W

    Will my toddler ever stop fighting bedtime? It's been 6 months..

    I'm not sure where the best place to post this is but I appreciate you guys so I thought to ask here. My almost 3 year old used to go to bed so easily. A little protesting here and there but nothing like what it's been for the past 6 months. With occasional exceptions it's pretty much a fight...
  13. H

    How to deal with being away from your baby

    I know this question might be a little different from what people usually discuss here but for me, being a granola mom also has to do with my parenting style (more gentle, intuitive, attachment oriented approach). And with that comes, for me, a lot of anxiety around being away from my baby. My...
  14. G

    Seeking advice from people who “moved home” to be close to family

    My partner and I moved away from our families in the Southeast to live in sunny SoCal 6 years ago. We now have a 13 month old baby. Our families don’t visit as often as we’d like. Even before we had the baby my mom and brother only came 1 time in 5 years. The last few years have progressively...
  15. C

    Self feeding spoons

    Our 5 month old is starting to explore solid foods and I want her to do so independently. I was looking into spoons, but anything I found (e.g. numnum) is plastic which I would like to avoid if possible. Does anyone know self feeding spoons made of bamboo or wood? I was also wondering to use a...
  16. F

    I’m struggling to know - what’s worth swapping?

    I feel like the more I learn the more it feels like I should swap everything. I am really new to this stuff, but more and more convinced that all this junk is SO awful. I’ve only swapped personal care items so far (my deodorant, menstrual care, lotions/body wash for baby). I have been...
  17. A

    Sunblock? Y/N? Decent brands?

    Looking for advice on sunblock!
  18. E

    Period cramps

    What do you all take if anything for menstrual cramps. I've always suffered from severe cramping but this is my first period in awhile and I'm so over it. I don't want to take tylenol e ery 4 hours but that's the only thing that will knock it out. (I can't take ibuprofen because it gives me...
  19. E

    Looking for new laundry detergent for sensitive skin and allergies?

    I’ve been using All Free & Clear for around 8 years and it’s been great, no issues. With the recent reports of detergents containing 1,4 Dioxane (as I’m sure we’ve all seen by now), All was one of those making the list. So I’m looking for suggestions! Wanting a detergent that is a tough cleaner...
  20. 3

    Am I ever going to sleep again?

    My LO turns 2 next week and is still up 1-2x a night...basically every three hours at the moment. We didn't do CIO, I just couldn't, but y'all, I am so freaking tired. My husband is great and generally jumps up to do the 3am shift so I don't have to, but for me it's still generally me falling...