fit pregnancy

  1. A

    Runners: When Did You Regain or Improve Speed Postpartum?

    I’m 10 months postpartum and did my first road race yesterday since the half marathon I did February 2022 shortly after I learned I was pregnant. I stopped running about 20 weeks into my pregnancy but walked everyday until my water broke/stayed active. I resumed running in April starting at...
  2. V

    How are you mentally/emotionally dealing with significant activity modification?

    I’m a runner, and I’m 34+1 today. I did an 8-mile long run at 32 weeks, and it felt like I was cruising. It was a glorious run. My long run last week was cut short (at 1.5 miles) by significant lower abdominal pain. My OB and I think I pulled some rectus fibers away from the origin. Now I’m...
  3. L

    Telling Trainers/Coaches

    I’ve been doing CrossFit for a few months, and I’m 4w+3 today. I want to tell my coaches that I’m pregnant, but my husband thinks I should wait. I don’t want to blab to everyone right away, but I feel like the coaches should know, so they know I’ll be doing modifications, or in case something...
  4. D

    Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours surrounding pre-conception and pregnancy health

    Hello everyone, My name is Linda and I’m in my final year of Public Heath Nutrition in ATU Galway! I am doing a final year study on knowledge attitudes and behaviours around pre-conception and pregnancy heath, as it’s an area I’m really interested in. I am recruiting all mothers and also...
  5. D

    Sex after birth

    Hi you all If this is not allowed, let me know, but o don't know where to post this. I am now three months postpartum, been cleared by the doctor, but I just seem to have a very low sex drive. Part of me wants to the other really cannot be asked. During pregnancy we didn't have much sex...
  6. K

    I ran a 5k at 20+1!

    It was by far my slowest 5k as I normally run about a 27. This 5k took me 36 minutes and I felt no shame when I walked a few times. Baby boy was great and kicked a ton after I finished! Pics:
  7. J

    Working Out Post C- Section?

    Hello all! I had an emergency c- section 2 weeks ago and have been thinking about what exercise will look like after my 6 week recovery. Does anyone have any tips or tricks for what exercises to do, intensity, running/ cardio, e.t.c, especially ab related exercises? I'm very nervous about safe...
  8. D

    27 weeks

    Helloooo! I’m 27 weeks pregnant and maintaining running about 25-27 mpw. However, I’m starting to feel more pressure in my pelvic region during & after running. More specifically, my lower belly, back and upper-inner pelvic region on one side is in so much discomfort any lateral or push off...
  9. C

    How long are your weight sessions?

    I had to take off some time during the IVF process, and the meds were kicking my butt anyway so I had already scaled back. Aside from horrible nausea, I’m able to get back to working out daily again (7 weeks). I’m running 4x a week and lifting 3x. I went back to a simpler template so I could...
  10. C

    C-section and diastasis recovery post partum

    I had an unexpected C-section and also have pretty severe diastasis recti despite doing pregnancy safe exercises and avoiding coning during pregnancy (I have a really short abdomen). I’m 4 weeks post partum and really discouraged by the look of my stomach/abdominal pelvic l area. Pre pregnancy i...
  11. B

    Anyone else struggle with the extra lbs?

    1st time pregnancy -10w 4d. I’ve only gained a little but it’s just a really weird thing for me to see when I look in the mirror or feel when I put on pants. I’ve always tried really hard to be strong and in shape so it’s hard to be gaining weight and feel like i’m not doing something wrong...
  12. S

    Abdominal cramps while running / exercising?

    Hi all context - 16w pregnant. I'm pretty fit but not a huge exerciser, I more walk up stairs in my daily life, or go hiking, than go to the gym. I do typically run a mile once or twice a week, but some months I'm bad about it. I was able to do short runs (1 mi) about twice a week even during...
  13. M

    Cold Water Swimming in Pregnancy

    Hey! Me and my partner are on our first cycle of TTC. I go sea dipping in the UK once a week where the temp is currently 8-9 degrees Celsius. I usually go shoulders under for around 3 mins. Does anyone have any experience cold water swimming during pregnancy? Should I keep doing this when TTC? TIA!
  14. A

    Anyone race a marathon?

    I posted in the r/running community too but curious to see if anyone else has marathon plans. I’ll be 8 weeks by my race date, I’m torn if I should race or just go easy. I’m only 4 minutes away from qualifying for Boston so the temptation is there. I ran my last 20 miler on Sunday and did my 5...
  15. S

    am i running too much to conceive?

    my husband and i (23M and 22F) are currently on cycle #4 of trying to conceive, and have been using the syringe method due to my vaginismus. i used to struggle pretty badly with anorexia, and i still have my moments but am a lot better now and a healthy weight. my periods have been regular and...
  16. G

    Advice please

    Hi everyone! I’m 5 weeks pregnant. So far the nausea and fatigue aren’t too bad. I’m sticking to my normal workout schedule for now. Everyday I try to stretch in the morning and before bed. I do twenty five jumping jacks daily. Monday to Friday I walk to the gym. It’s 0.4 miles away from my...
  17. P

    Lifting weights in third trimester

    I’ve officially entered my third trimester! I’m seeing a lot of information online that suggests you should scale back the intense workouts in the third trimester due to placental blood flow. I’ve been lucky enough to be able to lift and strength train throughout my pregnancy I.e. deadlifting...
  18. D

    Subchorionic hematoma

    Hi all! I’m 6 weeks tomorrow with an IVF baby. While I’m usually a pretty active person, I’ve been pretty stagnant during stims and the beginning of this pregnancy due to being soooo mf tired. I was having a lot of guilt though so I finally got my ass up and did a couple light workouts three...
  19. F

    Fit ladies: what are you snacking on?

    27+4 and all of a sudden I’m noticeably more hungry. What healthy + filling snacks are you going to? Historically I’m a 3 meals a day no snacks person, so this is new to me. So far I’ve been snacking on plain greek yogurt with fruit + nuts or granola, raw nuts, sometimes cheese & crackers (but...
  20. N

    Exercise for L&D prep/recovery

    I’m new to the group so apologies if this has been discussed recently … what forms of exercise helped you prepare for L&D (vaginal or CSection - would love to hear both) as well as your recovery? What do you think served you the most? Currently 25 weeks and workout regularly (strength, yoga...