
  1. Z

    A classic has received new lyrics, and will remain this way in my mind

    I was driving my 3.5 yo daughter back home from the library and Culver’s, because she loves their fries. She was singing the alphabet song. And it went something like this (she even got the melody correct): A B C D F G H I J K N o N o P Q R S T U V W X Y Zhow do bunnies communicate Now I know...
  2. J

    Wife’s water broke Waiting for C Section

    Well my wife’s water broke 2 days before our planned c section. She is getting prepped as I write this for a C section today. I am full of nervousness and excitement. Wish us luck. See you all on the other side!
  3. D

    When did your wife start to feel kicks?

    My wife is 18 weeks today with our first and nothing yet, not even slight fluttering. She does have an anterior placenta we've been told. I know a lot don't feel anything until maybe 20 weeks plus but I do feel worried! Our next scan isn't got at least 2 or 3 more weeks, just hard waiting 8...
  4. E

    What’s the game plan today for my 4 y/o?

    We got him to bed at 8. Found out at 10 his light was on and he was playing with his trains. Put him to bed again. Put him to bed a third time at 11:30. Then he woke up at 5:00, made himself breakfast, and played with his train again. He usually gets 12 hours of sleep. Overall super weird...
  5. A

    Wife is 7 weeks pregnant. When does the anxiety go away?

    We are both mid 30s. We’ve been trying for years. We did three cycles of IVF and got 9 embryos. She became pregnant after the first transfer. I am trying my best to stay level headed and I am reminding myself it’s too early to get attached, but it’s really hard when I am reminded what size...
  6. K

    Nobody told me. From a recent graduate:

    1) bring a pillow and a blanket for you and at least two for her. 2) bring an eye mask 3) bring snacks in a cooler. 3 days worth. 4)sneak in a little champagne in a cooler with some plastic flutes. 5)bring some button down shirts you don’t mind getting dirty and/or a robe. Skin to skin is the...
  7. S

    Gaming as a Dad

    Have a 2 y/o little boy and I get minimal time after 8:30pm to relax however I'm up at 5am for work every day. Usually end up falling asleep once he is put to bed after catching up on my phone for a bit. I was really into my games before we had him, but nowadays I can't be arsed. For example I...
  8. L

    Graduated on Wednesday

    Wife had a scheduled C-section and our beautiful baby girl was born at 12:40 PM, 9 lb 2 oz & 18.5 inches.
  9. O

    Final game of the season. Son (7) went 2-2, with 2 RBI’s. Finished off the season with 0 strikeouts! 😎

    Each time he went down 0-2 in the count then connected on the third pitch. He knew going into this game that he had never struck out and the nerves got to him a little but he came through in the clutch!
  10. L

    Post-Pregnancy question.... What did you do after your wife's c-section? [x-post babybumps]

    My wife went into early labor during the Super Bowl, and after 3 days terrible back labor at home, 16 hours more at the Hospital (got there 2am Wednesday), 2 hours pushing, and then a c-section (6:46pm 8lbs 4ounces), little Benjamin King was born. The whole ordeal was thoroughly exhausting for...
  11. J

    So this morning I hear my 2.5 yo son yelling “F*ck!!! F*ck!!! F*ck!!! “

    I come into the living room only to see him pointing at a truck outside the window. Needless to say, I lost it…
  12. S


    Hey pre-dads, you may have seen several of my posts about anxiously awaiting our babies arrival. Yesterday was the day. Wifey is a fucking champ. 3 hours of pushing, 13 hours of labor and we have a baby! 21 inches, 6.10 oz Wish us luck and see y’all on r/daddit
  13. F

    Miscarriage - feel like a failure (not advocating for her enough)

    Hi all, Wife is going through miscarriage, we would be 11 weeks today but turns out pregnancy stopped developing at 5-6 weeks. Had scans last week and this and absolutely nothing has happened (she’s had some cramps and bleeding but less than a period). Having done the research on management...
  14. B

    My 9 y.o. daughter is worried about getting fat and every meal is a fight

    My 9 year-old-daughter, for the past six months or so, every meal is a fight with her. She doesn't want to eat anything. She always says she doesn't want to get fat. The thing is, she is nowhere near being fat. We've talked about nutrition, calories, healthy eating. Printed out a BMI chart...
  15. P

    It all came crashing down Tuesday

    Tuesday the 6th of June 2023 my partner went into Labour 39 weeks and 3 days. Our first. 6 hours later a scan revealed no heart beat, after 9 months of perfect scans, perfect growth weight and the little bugger doing ju-jitsu in her belly it was over. It was being induced Saturday. My last 48...
  16. G

    35w, go bag is packed, nursery is close to being done, etc…what now?

    Knowing my life is about to change forever in about 5 weeks or so, I’m trying to figure out what are some things I can focus on to enjoy and make the best of these remaining weeks of young adult “freedom” per say with my wife. It’s our first child and we have always enjoyed the freedom we have...
  17. C

    Taking the step from Minecraft to Switch

    I've got two, 9 (B) & 7 (G). They currently only play Minecraft, for about the last two years. It's worked out great because they can be in each other's spaces in a mostly non-competive environment. We get very few fights and a lot of cooperation. But their friends have Switches or Xboxes...
  18. A

    We tried for 4 years before going to the doctors and discovering I had diabetes. I can't wait to meet this little one in person to say "thanks"!

    My wife and I had been casually trying for a couple of years, hoping for a "surprise", but it never came. So we decided to get serious, and downloaded a bunch of apps, so we could track the optimal window of opportunity. We tried for 2 years, but nothing happened. In 2017, we decided to find...
  19. R

    Update to the ‘sit up’ post !

    Once again this community helps each other, two important notes Pregnant ladies if you are lurking, it’s best not to do sit ups / crunches, certainly not beyond the first trimester. There are more efficient workouts to strengthen your core than sit ups, the NHS website in the U.K. has a great...
  20. F

    First vacation

    Wifey and I have our first trip/vacation since having our daughter in a few weeks. It’s equal parts exciting and super nerv racking. I’m worried I’m going to spend most of the trip worrying about our girl, whom is staying with the M.I.L. while we’re gone. What did you all do to coup with being...