
  1. H

    I struggle when hearing friends talk about sleep training..

    Edit: You can be sad and heartbroken for the babies who are sleep trained AND place no judgment on the parents who are trying their best to survive like we all are. BOTH can be true. Thank you postpartum therapy 🫠 I know everyone is doing what's best for them, and in the U.S. at least, we make...
  2. S

    Mattress shopping thoughts & research

    After being deep in decision paralysis trying to buy a mattress for sleeping on the floor with baby, I’m this close to making a purchase. Thought I’d lay out the choices I found in case it helps anyone else make a purchase—and maybe you can help me make the final call. Told my husband I’d sleep...
  3. U

    Husband wants to stop cosleeping and let baby CIO

    Our baby has had a tough time sleeping since she exited the womb nine months ago (8mo corrected age). I finally got her into a good nap schedule last month. On a good day, her schedule is approximately 2.75/3/3.5 with two naps ranging from 1 hr to 1.5 hr (between 2-3 hrs of daytime rest). Her...
  4. T

    Infant sleep

    Hi all, I am a mum of a 4 month old and have been bed sharing for a month and a half. We have a queen bed that is on the ground, I do have my own pillow and blanket and have that wrapped fully around me. My baby doesn't really move right now, like no rolling at night yet so haven't really been...
  5. E

    Best Play Yard/Pack n Play Mattress (in Canada🇨🇦)?

    Looking for your tried & true recommendations on a good mattress for a play yard/pack n play!? (I know this sub will have the best advice!!) This would be for overnight sleep, so I’d like it to be more quiet if possible. Prefer to pay under $50 CAD for it. Found this one on Babies R Us, but...
  6. D

    Celebration! 🎉

    TLDR: My contact-napping, bedsharing 5-month-old got 5+ hours of independent sleep on his floor bed, no sleep training needed! It's 1 a.m. and there is no one else up to share my excitement, so I figured I would post it here. Hopefully someone will find it encouraging! We parent with a mix of...
  7. J

    How do you dress baby at night?

    My 9 week old likes to be cuddle up close to me. It’s getting warmer where we live and our room tends to be hotter than the rest of the house at night. I have our AC set to 73 degrees F, how should I dress my baby at night?? A short sleeve legless bodysuit? A zip up onesie with arms and legs...
  8. C

    Hell is when your baby is peacefully asleep next to you but you’re wide awake because your husband is snoring

    Pre baby the snoring didn’t bother me bc I’d wear earplugs. It’s probably really unsafe to wear earplugs while sharing a bed with an infant, right?
  9. H

    Calling all Velcro baby mamas

    My baby hasn’t been able to sleep in a bassinet or crib since he was born. I have contact napped and coslept for 4 months. For the first three, I could just put him to sleep at 8 or 9 pm either by nursing or rocking on a yoga ball. I did this in our living room and would hang out on the couch...
  10. Y

    (Spoiler: Funny) The DANGERS of bed-sharing 👿

    No one warns you that you and your toddler will accidentally build a positive sleep-association to each other and every time you have a little cuddle on the bed or the couch, your toddler will nod off and take naps at the wrong time. And then you will have to fight your own eyelids from closing...
  11. Y

    What do you tell your pediatrician about sleep?

    Specifically for moms in the US! I usually have to fill out paperwork that asks how many wakes during the night the baby has. Last time at his 3 month appointment I wrote down 3-4 wakes and the nurse asked about it, seemed taken aback. I said just for feeds and then he’s right back down. They...
  12. C

    8 month old silent reflux baby

    Hi all! I've posted several times in r/sleeptrain and r/beyondthebump and haven't received much help. I have an 8 month old baby who we are at our wits end trying to get to sleep. She is ebf and will take a bottle. She's teething but has no teeth yet. She is not crawling yet. She wakes up at...
  13. J

    “Cosleeping/bed-sharing creates dependent children”

    Hello! ♡ I’m a FTM to a 4mo and I could use some advice and wisdom when it comes to bed-sharing from your own experience and research. During pregnancy, like many other mothers, I was adamantly against bed-sharing. I thought about how risky it was and how I wanted to reserve my bed for my...
  14. O

    I usually love sweet cozy cosleeping with my toddler…except when she eats beans for dinner and spends the night farting

    P.U. Get me outta here.
  15. A


    My baby is 8 weeks old and we've been bed sharing for about a week now. I, like so many of you swore I'd never do it and that I'd never be so selfish. Well... then I had a newborn and realized I had no clue what l was talking about. The sleep deprivation was making me so angry and miserable I...
  16. G

    is it 4 months regression?

    Hello!! last 2 days, my LO keep waking up every 2 hours. 7:30pm bedtime. slept in her crib for 2hours & then wakes up 10:30pm, (i'll bring her next to me to feed side lying) then she goes back to sleep after 10 mins and then wake up again at 12:30am, 2:30am, 4am, then 5:30am or 6am for wake...
  17. S

    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    Hi! My baby is 6 months and we’ve been cosleeping on and off since she was a few weeks old but consistently for the past two months. From 3-4 months she did fairly well in her bassinet next to the bed, eating 0-2 times between 10 and 6 the average night. Since she’s been back in bed with me...
  18. P

    Do you tell your pediatrician you’re bedsharing ?

    We came back from our two-month appointment earlier today and everytime we go see our pediatrician, we get asked if our daughter is still sleeping on her back, in her own crib ( which she did for a total of 2 nights since birth lol)… To which, I completely fucking lie and say “yes” while my...
  19. L

    Safely co sleeping

    I just started co sleeping with my 7.5 month old. I have literally tried all sleep training none work and I have no support. She can easily roll back and forth and pick herself up. The issue we are having is that she moves closer to be next to me or my husband and I’m scared of us not knowing...
  20. N

    What’s wrong with my routine

    Yall. I’m struggling. My 2.5 year old’s sleep is horrific right now. I know a lot of it can be chalked up to development, molars, and just being two… but I’d like to make sure all my bases are covered from my end. I own a childcare program and we need to be there at 9am weekdays. I’m able to...