
  1. G

    Help! 8 month old suddenly can’t sleep unless he’s in my arms

    We have coslept since pretty much day 1 from the hospital. Typically I can put him down and he’ll sleep for 1-3 hours without waking up. Then I join him in bed and when he wakes, I’ll pop a boob in while I’m still laying down and he’ll eat and then go back to sleep. Lately (past week or so)...
  2. T

    Baby 2 to get 2 y/o to fall asleep independently for nap??

    ETA: UPDATE for anyone who might see this and go through the same thing... it's been 2 weeks since this post and my daughter is back to normal naps and bedtimes :) We didn't change anything, just continued to listen to our parental instincts and comfort her when needed (which was a lot, but...
  3. D

    Bed rail for an ikea malm bed

    Has anyone added a bed rail to their ikea malm bed? The mattress is supported by slats and slightly recessed into the frame. I’m trying to figure out if a simple bed rail like this would work with my bed frame...
  4. S

    How to manage baby thrusting self in every direction??

    My baby is 9 months old and has recently starting aggressively falling backwards to get himself to sleep. I’ve always let him self-soothe (in addition to nursing) to get himself to sleep. He’s always been able to either nurse to sleep or shake his head to fall asleep. However, now that he’s more...
  5. D

    Fixing the bald spot!

    Does anyone else’s baby have a bald spot on the side where mommy sleeps/nurses at night? Just wanted to share because we’re seeing some success with the hair growing back on that side! Baby has slept to the left of me on our floor mattress since birth (as daddy sleeps on my right), so at night...
  6. M

    Going on a cruise with a cosleeper

    Bub is 7 months (will be 8mo on cruise), and just started co-sleeping maybe coming into 3 weeks now, and after hourly waking since 4mo regression, I'm finally getting some sleep. Currently, she sleeps like a log, no rolling and Dad is in a separate room, just for extra safety and space. Our...
  7. A

    Waking up without me there

    FTM here and EBF my 2.5 week old. I plan to EBF with bottles supplemented when I go back to work part time at 12 weeks, anyways my question is more to do with night feedings. I love feeding her at night because she’s so sleepy and cuddly. Right now I feed to sleep and we also co sleep whole...
  8. D

    Will a few nights of bedsharing get my 7.5-month-old hooked?

    Our baby loves his crib, so we’ve never felt the need to cosleep. This week, however, we’re doing some work on the nursery. Baby is set to share our room for at least the next three nights. We tried using the pack and play last night, and he hated it (I don’t blame him. It looks uncomfortable...
  9. P

    Close call this morning but can’t figure out how

    I had a very close suffocation call this morning but have been racking my brain trying to figure out how it happened. My son is 9wks, he mostly sleeps in the crib at night but we will cosleep in the very early hours of the morning. We are following all safe sleep 7 guidelines—I nurse him, we...
  10. S

    I am severely sleep deprived

    My baby is 4mo now and since he’s been born, I’ve been doing all nights. Even before he was born, I’d say I was already sleep deprived while pregnant because I was HUGE. Since I was doing all his nights it didn’t take long for me to ditch the bassinet, and we currently bedshare (if you’re going...
  11. M

    Cosleeping and babysitting?

    For parents that cosleep, how do you go out without your little one? Our baby is 8 months old and we’ve only ever coslept for naps and longer stretches of sleep. She’ll stay sometimes if I get up at the right time but usually she’ll wake pretty soon after. We’ve never left her with anyone else...
  12. M

    My baby is 12 months. Can I fall asleep with her in my arms now?

    She's always been an awful sleeper, but she's sleeping EXTRA horribly right now, I don't know what's going on, I think growth spurt/teething. The only way she wanted to sleep last night was in my arms. She was restless and uncomfortable while cosleeping, cried when put down in her crib, etc...
  13. R

    Never thought.

    I was super against bed sharing, until I realized it’s the only way I’m not completely sleep deprived. I was so safe sleep I was shoving it down my husbands throat now he’s worried about bed sharing lol. We’ve been co sleeping so her pack n play next to the bed since she was born, she’s now 3...
  14. A

    Suggestions for very firm twin mattress for floor bed?

    ISO very firm twin mattress to sidecar for my 10 month old. We have been cosleeping since birth, and we just need a bit more room since he’s become mobile. I plan on putting the twin pushed right up between the wall on one side and our queen bed on the other. It will be a few inches shorter...
  15. C

    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    I don’t know what to do. Nothing works to keep my baby asleep except in my arms. My back is killing me, my arms are killing me. We have tried every tip and trick I can find on the internet and in these subreddits. Falling asleep is the easy part, he just won’t stay that way. He keeps waking up...
  16. A

    C curl

    I’ve been co sleeping& c curling with my LO for the past 9 weeks (she’s 12w) it started from her being so over stimulated from Christmas that she didn’t sleep for almost 20 hours and would only sleep on me, she loved her crib but I’ve created a very cute little monster (although I must admit I...
  17. C


    My baby has recently started sleeping on her stomach. We are looking for a firmer mattress to safely cosleep since our current one is a medium firm and it sinks in a little. Anyone use HAUGESUND mattress from IKEA and can confirm firmness/safe for cosleeping...
  18. P

    Baby is waking up every 30 minutes at night

    I cosleep with my 9 month old breastfed baby. When we first started cosleeping it was a lifesaver, she would sleep 6+ hours at night without waking up. It was almost concerning. Over time she has started waking up more and more, usually 6+ times a night. This week, however, she has been waking...
  19. F

    Feeding question

    How to you switch breasts at night with cosleeping and feeding? Does everyone just have a “night time” boob? 😂 my LO sleeps on my left side so I would feed her in side lying in the L, but I don’t feel comfortable switching our positions because my partner is also in the bed and that would put...
  20. D

    New Moderators | Sub Changes

    After 8 years, the creator of r/cosleeping has decided to step down as moderator to pursue other interests. Please welcome our new mod team! @dbirdez is Head Moderator. She has a MSW and is currently bedsharing with her 14-month-old son. @onthepathtogod is also bedsharing with her...