
  1. Y

    I created a dependency I’m not fond of…what do I do?

    My baby (5mo) got his first cold. And then I got sick immediately after. Prior to this he was a good sleeper. I could lay him down for naps after walking and humming him to sleep and walk away. Sometimes I’d have to nurse him to sleep, he’d detach and then I’d lay him down, he’d resettle and...
  2. S

    Newborn has trouble sleeping in bassinet so we tried bedsharing last night and it worked but we're still worried

    Hi, we are first-time parents and every single resource we've come across (classes, articles, doctor's visits, hospital) has preached safe sleep and having your baby sleep in a bassinet or crib by themselves. Our baby is one week old and we have tried putting him, swaddled, changed, asleep in...
  3. S

    False starts and cosleeping!!

    Hey y’all! We’ve been cosleeping since baby refused the bassinet at 2 months old. Sleep has never been amazing but when LO’s 4 month regression hit it was brutal and we went from 2-4 wakings per night to hourly wakings for 10+ weeks. He’s almost 7 months old and since about the 6 months mark...
  4. G

    7 month old won’t sleep alone

    I know it’s my own doing, and I know the dangers of co-sleeping. I initially had the Snoo which worked for 4 months when we went overseas to meet her dad, time difference etc threw everything off. She slept on a mattress on the floor next to me, waking countless times needing to be cuddled back...
  5. H

    5.5 month struggling with daycare

    Hi all - we started a daycare transition period for my LO last week and it’s been touch and go. He has been EBF, contact naps and co-sleeps since he was born, so he is very attached. We are starting super slowly with a few hours and trying to work up to one nap there. He’s been great when it...
  6. E

    Tips tricks to safely bedshare

    Hi all I started bed sharing with my LO at 4.5mo and he’ll be 6mo next week. My husband is a sound sleeper and super loud snorer so we kicked him to the couch with a kiss and a pillow lol. So just my son and I sleep in a king size bed and I have my son on a firm bassinet mattress and it’s...
  7. S

    Considering cosleeping and have a question

    Hello, I’m considering co sleeping because my son only sleeps while he is being held at night. I have something similar to this portable bassinet and was wondering if I have my son in this on the bed next to me, is this safe? I’m having trouble finding information on this. Has anyone done...
  8. I

    When will Americans finally not care that I cosleep?

    My LO is 5 months. At bedtime I put him in his crib because I stay up a few hours later than him. When I go to sleep, I sleep on a floor bed in the nursery. In the morning he usually wakes up around 5am and falls asleep while nursing in our floor bed. I then either transfer him back to the crib...
  9. B

    Extreme case of the night wiggles

    Hi all, I bed share with my 7-week-old and it’s mostly wonderful. We started around 3 weeks and it was life changing, we all sleep better. HOWEVER, just this week she has suddenly started this thing where she wakes up to eat around 4 (that part is normal) and then just WIGGLES FOR A WHOLE HOUR...
  10. A

    Bedrails that lie flush against the bed?

    Hi, has anyone found bed rails that lie flush or "seamless" against the bed , ie they have like a ledge that overlaps the mattress, so that there is no gap? This one seemed perfect, but very few reviews, and they say that it only works on a wood bed frame...
  11. R

    20mo starts feeding constantly at night

    The pattern for the last few months has been our 20 month old starts off in their bed 7.30 and comes into ours between 1 and 3am. She's fed and the sleeps on. It's exhausting for my partner at the best of times but it's seen working for us on the whole - the child is happy, is easily soothed, we...
  12. K

    Bring home a sibling - my experience

    Like many of you on here I was nervous how cosleeping with my toddler (2.5 F) would go after bringing home a newborn. Here is how it all unfolded. I knew I was having a scheduled c-section. So I had a little time to talk to my daughter about how mama would have an owie and would have to sleep...
  13. S

    What are we doing about naps?

    Hi everyone! We’ve been cosleeping successfully using the safe sleep 7 since birth and love it, LO is 3 weeks in a couple of days. But what are we doing about naps during the day? He likes to be nursed to sleep and I leave him in the middle of the bed with no sheets, and the monitor, but it...
  14. B

    I need stories of your kiddos moving to their own sleep space

    My LO is 2 months and we bedshare out of desperation. And contact nap. I keep hearing “so and so slept with their kids and they were in their bed until they were 10” I can tell you I do not want that (fine if you do, I don’t). I love sleeping with my LO for the convenience factor, she sleeps so...
  15. J

    Ideas for Connecting with S/O & Cosleeping

    I couldn't find a similar thread here so I wanted to start gathering some ideas for how my spouse and I can make time to connect both emotionally and physically while I still cosleep with my son. Right now I try to put my LO down early to try to have some evening time to myself but it seems like...
  16. O

    How am I ever going to feel ok moving my firstborn to her own room?

    We are relatively new to cosleeping and we don’t do it every night, but my 18 month old has been in my room since birth. She slept in her crib for the first year and on bad nights she’d sleep in my bed but I’d remain awake because my mom-anxiety couldn’t let me sleep with her. After 12 months...
  17. F

    10m baby can't sleep without being rocked

    My baby always needs for the overnight sleep to be rocked in someone's arms. Sometimes it works to bounce on the yoga balls, sometimes she wants to be walked around. For the day naps she falls asleep while cosleeping fairly easy (sometimes she needs to be held in my arms but without rocking or...
  18. F

    11 week old kicking and squirming

    I’ve been co sleeping with my 11 week old pretty much since birth and we were all sleeping quite well (about 2 wake ups on average each night) until recently. I used to sleep through his active sleeping most of the time but recently, as he’s gotten bigger, this has been hard work. He’s a big...
  19. G

    Help! 8 month old suddenly can’t sleep unless he’s in my arms

    We have coslept since pretty much day 1 from the hospital. Typically I can put him down and he’ll sleep for 1-3 hours without waking up. Then I join him in bed and when he wakes, I’ll pop a boob in while I’m still laying down and he’ll eat and then go back to sleep. Lately (past week or so)...
  20. T

    Baby 2 to get 2 y/o to fall asleep independently for nap??

    ETA: UPDATE for anyone who might see this and go through the same thing... it's been 2 weeks since this post and my daughter is back to normal naps and bedtimes :) We didn't change anything, just continued to listen to our parental instincts and comfort her when needed (which was a lot, but...