
  1. A

    Supporting 3 1/2 year old through adjustment to separated parents - what do I say/do when she tells me she doesn’t want to be with her dad?

    I’m not sure if this is the right place, but I’m hoping to get some good advice and do the right thing for my kiddo. TLDR: STBXH and I separated. We share our daughter (3 1/2). I’ve always been the primary parent and toddler is vocal about not wanting to be with her dad. We’re supposed to have...
  2. B

    50/50 Schedule that has both parents knowing all the kids activities?

    Starting the process to becoming divorced, and I'm looking for 50/50 schedules to propose. I like the idea of 4 - 3 - 3 - 4 as a step towards 7-7 so each parent deals with each day of the week and knows and is involved with all aspects of the kids activities - BUT, our kids have some activities...
  3. B

    Forced to wean off breastfeeding

    If this has happened to you can you let me know how you got through it because I am so depressed right now. My daughter is 9m we just finished mediation today and came up with a parenting plan. Anyways hes going to start trying overnights in August. And since he will be getting her in the...
  4. L

    Co-parenting sleep schedule

    Context: My daughter is almost 3, I have primary custody & she visits her dad e/o weekend. The father of my child & I have very different parenting techniques, including beliefs about routines & bedtimes. At my house we have the same routine every night (outside, dinner, bath, books, bed) &...
  5. S

    My 11 y.o. daughter doesn't like her dad

    My 11 year old daughter cannot stand her father. She doesn't want to go over to his home, ever. It is a fight nearly every single time that she needs to go there and it is getting worse. We do not have a custody agreement because we split up when she was 3 months old and for the most part, do...
  6. F

    2-2-5-5 schedule with a 6 and 9 year old. Please share your wisdom about what I can expect down the road

    The kids have been great sports so far with accommodating this complicated schedule. My ex and I live about 5 min away from each other. Anticipating the kids not wanting to change houses so frequently at some point in the future and possibly needing to switch to 7-7 or something with fewer...
  7. S

    Facetiming a 1 year old

    My ex wife and I have a 1 (almost 2) year old son. It was decreed in our papers that we have a right to one 30 minute phone call a day when he spends the day with the other parent. Since he is so young, he does not understand the concept of using a phone. This results in me having to hold the...
  8. B

    Lodging & Transportation Expectations During Parental Visitation?

    Long time lurker, first time poster! I need some input from the Reddit community about appropriate expectations during parental visitation. For background: I (39F) have been divorced from my ExH (47M) for 6 years. Up until last year, we shared 50/50 custody of our three kids (17, 15, and 12)...
  9. R

    Are wasting our time on this?

    I am looking for advice in general, on right or wrong. Back in 2019 I had a little boy, whose biological father went to prison, has been on drugs and won’t stop. He’s basically non existent to his biological father. So, I ended up meeting a man late of 2019, & we started dating in 2020. So...
  10. T

    Reunification: Incarceration, Addiction, Mental Illness

    So, biodad and I have one son who’s 6. He was around for about 6 months after birth but then went into a drug and psychosis spiral. Our son hasn’t physically seen him since he was 1 and hasn’t had a video/phone call in over a year. He’s been in and out of prison several times over the last 5...
  11. S

    Co parent changes jobs on average every 1.5 years...I could use some advice

    I currently provide healthcare for our child and it is a high deductible plan. Father has recently offered to put our child on his employer provided plan. On the face of it, it appears to be better than what I have. I'm hesitant to agree to a change because father has a long history of changing...
  12. M

    Holiday Interpretation

    My kid doesn’t have school on Halloween this year during their week with me. But it is the other parent’s holiday this year so they pick them up. But when? The coparenting relationship is a rough one so any confusion here is ripe for unpleasantries. How do you interpret it? Halloween Day...
  13. T

    My ex doesn’t want to plan anything regarding our son?

    Trying to plan this years summer vacation and work. Normally we do one week one week. I asked him when he is taking our son and this was his response (we are going to court soon, I don’t want money or anything from him and don’t discuss anything other than visitation with him, he wants full...
  14. J

    Daughter no longer wants to visit her father as often, not sure what to do

    Tl;dr ex and wife fight constantly(screaming and throwing things) and bad mouth me and his mother which functioned as mommy 2 for the first 6 yrs of her life. Daughter now has no desire to visit with her father and he makes no attempts to establish/fix their relationship. Not sure if I should...
  15. L

    EOW w/ Holidays

    New to the EOW schedule. Looking to see how you figure in Holidays that fall on weekends. Neither parent should end up with three weekends in a row. Spam me with examples of how you handle yours. Thx!
  16. F

    Coparenting and Chores

    My children came to me and told me that they felt they were old enough to 'earn some money', seeing as I don't do as my ex-H does and just give them money. I make them earn their treats and new toys, etc. I informed them that- if they were serious and wanted to earn money-, they were old enough...
  17. J

    How do u do it?

    My 34m wife 35f wants a separation after nearly 12 years together. I won't pretend things were perfect but I love her very much. She says we can live together for now and deal with the actual divorce later. I have tried turning pain into motivation. I have been holding out hope if she saw me...
  18. S

    Schedule and clothes

    My coparent and I have 2 boys 14 with ADHD and 11 with ODD. We have been separated for 7 years now and just this past March he moved to the city where we live. This is the first time we are in the same city. Up until then we lived between 2-10 hours apart and I have done A-Z including making...
  19. S

    Suggestions on 50/50 schedules. Dad purposely got fired to start a food business

    I’m 30-year-old female separated from 30-year-old male husband. We have a 2 1/2 year-old. Dad quit well purposely got fired from his 9-5 career. His reasoning for not wanting to work that job was was because he was exhausted of working a 9-5 and being unhappy. We initially and have been doing...
  20. S

    5 yr old threatened to move to dad’s place

    I was being annoyed about him not touching his lunch that I packed for school (again). And he said I was being mean. I raised my voice and said ‘what?’ . He was silent and I mentioned that he’s not touching his Halloween candy until he starts eating his lunch. He calmly said ‘if you are going to...