
  1. R

    6 weeks but measuring 4.3. Give it to me straight!

    I just had my 6 week ultrasound and there was a gestational sac present but nothing was seen inside. The doctor said that I was measuring at about 4 weeks 3 days. She then asked me if I’ve experienced any bleeding and I have not. I came in for the scan because my HCG numbers did not double one...
  2. K

    Baby E's Birth Story - A Wall o' Text in 6 Parts..

    Hello my cautious friends! It's taken me longer than expected but the last ten days have also been crazier, busier and more exhausting than I could have ever imagined. Spoiler: all's fine, we're very much in love and my recovery is going well, albeit slowly. Birth is an absolutely amazing...
  3. O

    Things I have cried at in the last 3 days (links in post)

    The hormotions have arrived and I'm! Here's the list of things I've suddenly ugly-cried at in the last 3-4 days. If you're adventurous, add your own links so we can all laugh/cry together! Two scenes in Bones, season 6 (can't find links or gifs, sorry.) Mike Mulligan and...
  4. F

    Early u/s should I rebook for 7 weeks?

    I had an early ultrasound last Friday. Typical LMP put me at 8+1 (last period 10 Sept) but I have PCOS and really crazy cycles so I had no idea how far along I was. Occasionally I have a cycle which is around a month so I wanted to go for an early scan so I had an idea of how far along I was...
  5. Y

    D&E - done!

    D&E Update: Feeling just fine now, chilling at home. Honestly, I already feel a good bit better than I have in weeks. The procedure was really not fun, but it was quick. I definitely felt a fair amount of pain, and it was annoying, because when I was obviously uncomfortable it made the doc want...
  6. Y

    What is going on

    I’ll start this off with saying I’m absolutely prepared for the worst. I’m quite positive this isn’t going to end well. But here’s the situation I’m in: I’m 8 + 4 weeks today, based on last period. My cycles are typically 30-35 days. On Jan 26 (7 + 1), I started having a bit of brown...
  7. P

    Beta hcg only ‘32’ - any chance of successful pregnancy?

    Update 6/2 - it was a chemical :( I did ivf. my day 9 is day ‘14 past ovulation’. Was devastated - beta today ‘32’ 💔. I had a pregnancy Nov 2023 where my starting beta was over 200. It was a MC at 11 weeks bc hematoma. But was a strong pregnancy itself. Any successful pregnancies with such a...
  8. T

    Low 1st beta

    Today I'm 15DPIUI and my beta came back---at 26 😭. I'm so worried I'm going to miscarry. I was so optomistic b/c I got my positive Digital at 11dpo--and while my lines have been getting darker its been slow. Idk how I could have gotten a positive digital Friday and still only have a number of 26...
  9. Z

    First ultrasound should show ... ???

    I'm scheduled for my first ultrasound later this week, when I should be about 5w4d/25DPO. My understanding is that an ultrasound this early should show a gestational sac with yolk, maybe the start of a fetal pole, but likely nothing else, i.e., no cardiac activity. But here's where I get...
  10. A

    What would you do in my situation?

    Hi all- I’d love some advice for my current situation. I’m 34yo, this is my second pregnancy this year. I had an ectopic in May, treated with MTX, so I’m just hoping that this isn’t another 😕 Here’s my timeline 7/31, CD24- first positive OPK 8/1, CD25 - intercourse, OPK still positive...
  11. B

    Denied abdominal u/s at 7+0

    Was supposed to have had viability scan today. When I showed up they immediately told me to empty and that they weren’t going to bother with an abdomen scan. This was before asking my LMP or any pregnancy history. When I questioned this, they were adamant that an abdomen scan “wouldn’t show...
  12. B

    Trouble trusting FRERs? Possible Chemical

    So I got my first positive 13DPO after getting a negative at 10DPO. I took a full box (3) of FRERs on 14DPO to get a mixed bag of responses with the same sample. It was like 2 were mostly positive (but not matching darkness!) and 1 was almost negative. My e@h that day looked darker so I figured...
  13. P

    NT scan showed 6.5mm fluid behind baby’s neck, any hope or positive stories?

    Update: 13w1d official NT scan showed 4.5mm of fluid behind baby’s neck, nasal bone was not seen. OB has referred me to a specialist for diagnosing… Currently 12w5d with my rainbow baby after an unknown location ectopic pregnancy. I just had my NT scan and the fluid behind baby’s neck measured...
  14. M

    [Update] L&D at 25+2

    Long, so: Tl;dr Baby boy is fine, just being a little troll and hiding behind his placenta. Had an awful, horrendous L&D experience complete with humiliation, panic attacks, and a furious SO that resulted in personally being reassured by the head nursing director of the hospital. So yesterday...
  15. D

    No fetal pole largish yolk sac 8 weeks

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to see if anyone has been in a similar situation and had a positive outcome. I’m 8 weeks 3 days along according to menstrual calculations, but am measuring 6 weeks 6 days gestational. I had a second ultrasound and they see a yolk sac but no fetal pole. The yolk sac has...
  16. U

    Finally making a new post (Darn being a on/off lurker)

    Wall of text: First off, I want to let all the new people know "Welcome and Congrats!!" I have been reading a lot of intro posts and it makes me happy. =) Today I am 16 weeks + 2 Symptoms: Headaches, nausea/vomiting if I skip a meal (I try not to), pressure on my bladder all the freaking...
  17. Z

    Had a mc and I think I might be pregnant 3 months later. Q is did anyone else’s hcg not be as detectable as the first time.

    So just for some information for my first pregnancy I tested about 3 days before the day of my first period and had a positive test with some symptoms. This time I’ve had mood swings nausea headaches backaches diarrhea and fatigue, which just for info I usually only get like mood swings and some...
  18. A

    Looking for similarities? CPs/BFP

    F/33 with 2 healthy pregnancies. I’ve had 2 CPs before conceiving my children, no issues since now. I suffer from a short LP so when I began my “period” evening of 4/15 (9dpo) I didn’t think twice. Period only lasted 2 days(4/16-17), a normal/steady flow but no cramps or back pains or anything...
  19. L

    Anyone able to share successful pregnancies at age 39 + w/o IVF?

    Hi All - hopefully this is the best place to post my question. I had a miscarriage at 11 weeks back in January due to a chromosomal abnormality after we ran some tests, which prompted me to start the IVF journey. We’ve completed one round of IVF and before a FET my husband and I just found out...
  20. I

    Does anyone have any subchorionic haematoma stories with a happy ending?

    Started bleeding yesterday at 5+3 and was lucky enough to get a scan that day. Embryo measuring perfectly, sat nowhere near the cervix, no heartbeat yet but not surprising. Subchorionic haematoma identified, they didn't mention the size but it's not near the embryo. All bleeding looks old. bHCG...