
  1. M

    I love this!! Old school Sesame Street clip!!

  2. H

    Linoleic Acid in Breast Milk Can Negatively Impact Offspring

    While there is much controversy regarding whether excess LA is harmful, there is compelling evidence that a maternal diet that is high in LA can alter the mother’s plasma lipid composition which can alter the lipid profile of the breast milk and influence the child’s plasma lipid profile (Innis...
  3. Q

    breastfeeding 2 day old

    im a new mom and my milk supply is not here. i keep hearing colostrum is enough but my baby is acting very hungry and not satisfied. what did you all do in the early days? any advice?? EDIT: wow. i wrote this post deliriously tired with a baby on my boob about to break apart. the support and...
  4. K

    How was your transition from exclusive breastfeeding to pumping during the day (return to work)?

    I have 6.5 month old baby. Up to now I was EBF and have started introducing solids this month. My baby drinks milk about 8 times a day, plus twice overnight. I’ll in a couple of months go back to work, and would like to already get prepared. I’ve pumped a little milk everyday (together with...
  5. I

    Am I doing this right?

    Sorry this got long. Background: I gave birth a week ago Friday via unplanned c-section. After she was out, they discovered pretty bad placenta accreta, and I almost lost my uterus. As it stands, getting pregnant again would be dangerous and possibly deadly. Despite that, my colostrum was...
  6. N

    Breast milk v formula oz question

    I'm not sure exactly how to word my question. I know not to compare the volume of breastmilk to formula because a baby will often need a lot less breastmilk compared to formula, but how does this affect stomach size? I've been exclusively breastfeeding my 5mo since a few weeks old so I have no...
  7. M

    Anyone with postpartum preeclampsia or preeclampsia have low milk supply?

    I ended up getting postpartum preeclampsia. Baby was born 6 weeks ago. I have been really struggling with my supply since day 1, no matter how often i pump (8-10x a day 25-30 mins each), i just cant get my supply up! I average about 40 ml per session, but sometimes it goes as high as 120 ml...
  8. M

    SOS - Save Our Supply

    FTM, girly is a few days shy of 12 weeks. The last few weeks, I feel like my supply has drastically decreased. We breastfeed most of the time, I pump at least twice a day for the freezer stash and so my husband can help with feeding. I used to wake up full and hard. I would feed and still pump...
  9. Q

    F U Medela

    I've never had enough milk to feed my baby so I've been always supplementing and breastfeeding/pumping. Every little drop counts and I'm trying my best. Today I woke up and after feeding my baby (not much, she's on a booby strike) I started pumping some more. I was feeling quite accomplished...
  10. I

    Everyone seems to have a routine, and I feel like I’m just winging it…is this okay or should I make adjustments? I’m trying to build a stash

    I am 4 weeks PP and have been feeding on demand exclusively on the breast. Baby eats anywhere from every 1-3 hours, sometimes for 10 minutes, sometimes he just hangs out for 45. He goes 3 hours pretty consistently through the night. He’s gaining weight and I’m confident that my supply is...
  11. V

    Hey ladies hope y’all are well. Period+supply issue stuff please

    So 8 months strong EBF introduced weaning at 5 m/o is still a bit hit n miss with her but she loves food when she loves it. She mostly loves the mama milk the most and i love that for her. I think as a natural progression my volume has been slowly dwindling anyway (though I don’t know for sure...
  12. R

    Baby's birthday gift for me was 6 h of sleep

    The night before I had insomnia and he woke up very often for a feed. But then last night I decided to go to sleep early to get at least 3 hours sleep.. and to my surprise, it was 6 hours... Hooray!!! It's not very often that he does it... But the downside is that it takes forever to get him...
  13. T

    Suddenly favoring the other side

    Ok so my LO is 9 weeks and just when I thought we had things figured out he suddenly is very fussy and not really eating from the right side. In the first few weeks I could only get him to latch well on the right. I barely had to do anything he just popped on there. The left was another story...
  14. B

    7 months in and I want to stop already. Only keeping it up for nursing to sleep. N

    FTM. LO just turned 7 months old. I’ve always felt my breast milk was… inadequate. She had a hard time gaining at first, continuously fell asleep nursing. Weight was a concern really up until she started daycare at 3 months old. Even after pumping twice a day at work, my supply is hardly...
  15. D

    New dad here, please help. Seeking advice from those with experience in this situation. TIA

    Hello all. Long post ahead. This is on breastfeeding, low milk supply, formula as a backup, and feeling depressed and anxious all while doing it. As I type this, my wife and our 8 day old LO are currently sleeping (finally) after a brutal 36 hour stretch of minimal sleep so I apologize for...
  16. W

    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    *****EDIT****** I am only 75 participants away from being able to stop my data collection, so if anyone has not taken this survey i would SUPER APPRECIATE YOU ALL. And thanks for all of you who've already completed ♥️♥️ Hi everyone! I'm finishing my PhD in Psychology with a women's health...
  17. K

    One side or both sides per feeding?

    I’ve gotten some mixed answers. Do you do a full feed on one breast then the next full feed on the other or do you switch mid-feed. I’m concerned that if my baby eats every 3 hours then one side isn’t touched for 6 hours. For example 8am- L 11am- R 2pm- L 5pm- R 8pm- L Left goes from 8-2...
  18. D

    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 4)

    Hello! I’m looking for encouragement and support from our amazing community. I started my relactation journey at 12 weeks postpartum. This community has been one of my motivating factors for trying again, so I hope you can cheer me on! You can ready my story here: Please help me succeed by...
  19. J

    Cow milk transition advice

    Hey I am reaching out for advice. My baby is 8 months old. Every baby is different of course but I been pumping for the full 8 months now. Supplemented formula once this last week because I barely have enough stash to send to the sitter everyday. They keep saying she’s old enough for regular...
  20. J

    Does this look like teething ?

    My 4 month old cries more often and has this on her gum.. she doesnt really want to eat much