birth control

  1. E

    nexplanon pregnancy scare

    I’m having serious pregnancy symptoms. I got my nexplanon around the summer of 2021. i’m 19 and my doctor told me that i’m in perfect shape for this birth control and we set a date sometime in 2024(3 years later) to replace it(i DO NOT want a kid). for the first two years, i didn’t have a period...
  2. N

    Didn’t get my period for more than 2 years, even while taking the pill

    Iv (F26) had a problem with my period and no doctor so far has been able to help. I get really frustrated because I went to several internists, 3 gynecologists and two endocrinologists and it seems like they don’t really feel a need to solve it? So I haven’t gotten my period in more than 2...
  3. X

    Could I be pregnant? Combination pill + pullout

    Very worried since we never use condoms. But I take all my pills on time (have an alarm for it that goes off everyday) and haven’t missed any pills or puked or anything. I was on Tylenol for 3-4 days but that was it. Last we had unprotected sex where he cummed outside me was May 6. My period is...
  4. J

    Should I even bother with Plan b even though it’s been 4 days?

    So on the 3rd of August around noon, I had sex with a girl and I used a condom, however, she didn’t get off right away when I came and when she did I noticed small “clumps” of semen around the base of the condom. And of course I haven’t been able to stop worrying because of my anxiety. I tried...
  5. S

    Mini Pill-Progesterone BC, need advice?

    Hi everyone. I’m hoping someone has some advice they can impart on me. I’m (37) this year & other than in my teens & brief time about 3 years ago (think about a 6 month span) I’ve hardly been on birth control. I used to suffer from migraine headaches (knock on wood) they are no longer an...
  6. K

    Experience with PlanB

    So I’m usually on the combination pill, but for that week when I don’t have my period I’m always scared to have sex afterwards when I continue the birth control. I don’t trust that it immediately starts back up after my period like they say lol. Anyways, I took a plan b, got my period a little...
  7. S

    All of the research on Natural Cycles is written by the CEOs

    As a female medical student I was trying to find some research about Natural Cycles to see its effectiveness as a birth control. However, as my professor taught us, I checked the conflicts of interest before I even started reading this article and I read this: All of the positive research...
  8. S

    coming off bc, how did you get through it?

    i (20F l) want to come off bc it messes w my eye sight, add is worse, hair thinning. my bf love to have sex. i’m biggest anxiety is pregnancy. i’m young and not in a place in my life for a baby neither is my bf. for those who came off bc and went all natural and no hormones how did you proceed...
  9. E

    I’m getting the 8 yr IUD

    can anyone tell me how the procedure was? I’ve had nexplanon for 6 years so I’ll also have that removed the same day. I’m a bit nervous. I’ve never had children either.
  10. W

    Copper IUD post abortion P A I N

    Hi! I had a copper iud placed yesterday, and last night was hit with a lot of bleeding (soaked through two pads). Today I was still bleeding and then an hour ago I started having the worst pain to the point of me crying and calling in sick from work. I passed some clots last night and today...
  11. G

    I’m conflicted about going back on b.c

    For context, I’m 25 and have a pretty regular, unproblematic period, now. Main point at pt.9 So I’ve been on and off the pill for years. First got it at 16, not by choice, for 3 months. Back on it again at 20, off by 22 because I felt like my body never had a chance to “normalize.” As I grew...
  12. A

    I don't even have sex anymore

    I live in Texas & the thought of having an accidental pregnancy w/my Mirena in is so scary to me. Abortion isn't an option unless I have travel money & savings for the time off i'd have to take. I've had sex maybe a handful of times since Roe v. Wade was overturned. It's just too scary & risky...
  13. P

    It's been 7 days since I haven't had my period. Should I be worried?

    Recently started taking pills. I started on January 6, 2024 while I had my period. Then got my second bleeding on Jan. 29- Feb. 2. I've been taking it on time and consistently, my concern now is that I haven't gotten my bleeding for 7 days. But I have been having painful cramps. Well, I think...
  14. C

    Liletta, give me hope y’all!

    Listen, I just need some reassurance that even though I seem to be getting all the side effects possible that there’s hope everything will even out in the end. I have been spotting for 3 weeks straight, so bloated my pants don’t fit, crazy heat sensitivity/hot flashes, emotional...
  15. S

    Marvelon b/c experience

    Hello! I’m 20 years old and my doctor recently prescribed me Marvelon 28 particularly for back acne. I’m curious if anyone has been on this birth control long term and what your experience with it was? I’m particularly concerned with if it causes weight gain and/or increased acne! Thanks!
  16. T

    No more period on bc patch

    So I’ve been on Xulane (birth control patch) x 8 months now.. I always take it off the 4th week to allow my period to occur. However this time, I missed my period. I found it weird. Negative pregnancy test (but might retest again). I put the new patch on but now I am experiencing minimal...
  17. S

    pH/burning sensation

    I had Skyla for almost 10 years. I’ve read that it can affect one’s pH levels during most phases of the menstrual cycle. That theory would align with a bout of recurring BV I experienced between 2 and 6 years ago. I met my current sexual partner 4 years ago, and since then him I experienced a...
  18. N

    Vitamin C and birth control patch?

    Hey 😊 I am new at using Evra contraceptive patch and it is my first bc ever. On some sites on internet i found that vitamin C can make patch less effective? Is that true? I have weak immunity and I should drink vitamin C, but I'm afraid that it could affect the effectiveness of the patch… Also...
  19. C

    Small hard lump (possible small hematoma) after self administered Depo SubQ?

    Hello! Maybe some nurses or SubQ users can help me out. I just administered my first Depo SubQ, I was previously using Depo IM administered at a clinic, but I recently moved, was briefly uninsured and after 2 very expensive and disappointing visits to GYNs ($200-$300 with insurance just for a...
  20. T

    random d&c before an iud insertion ?

    My friend just went to hospital to get Skyla inserted. She was sedated and intubated. Afterwards, they told her that they did a D&C in order to "clear out space in her uterus" (the nurses words). I have never heard of this, ever. Has anyone ever heard of a D&C being performed prior to IUD...