birth control

  1. L

    Licorice in tea and bc - risk?

    Hi, i have drank some stomach tea for last three days. I have just read that licorice root can interfiere with birth Control. Im on Nuvaring. I checked the amount of licorice - its says its 0,2 g im daily portion. So i consumed a little less than1g in three days. Should i be worried? Honestly i...
  2. N

    please help

    I usally take my pill at 7am excatly or within a 10 minute window but 2 days ago I forgot n took it Afterschool around 330(I walk home) so I took it late n today I had unprotected sex 2 times n completely forgot about the pill should I take plan b or just wait n take test ??
  3. M

    Weird-y period-u

    So.. I got my copper coil inserted just over a month ago, I still have my (expired) implant in because they're not doing removals ATM because of COVID. I've had a normal period in the week following my insertion, and had 1 day of random bleeding about 10days before my cycle was due but I'm now...
  4. D

    Copper IUD inserted in August (little over 7 months) and I haven't stopped bleeding since

    Hi I'm just curious if anyone else has had this issue w/ their copper IUD? I was on the pill from like 15-21 and then decided the pill was negatively affecting my mental health and it felt nice to live life without hormonal BC esp. during the pandemic and after a devistating loss in my life...
  5. R

    Period that’s lasted for 3+ months

    Long story short- I’ve struggled with BC since I couldn’t get what BC worked well for me anymore back in 2021 … my Dr put me on a sample of nextstellis and I started cramping so bad to where I couldn’t move and passing almost lemon sized blood clots. I took myself off cold turkey and have said I...
  6. F

    What’s vaginal health care like in your country?

    A few friends and I have found over the past few years of traveling or moving to another country, that getting different kinds of care for our vaginas is way more complicated (or not as complicated) as we originally thought. For e.g. one friend needs birth control pills to manage cysts, and...
  7. B

    Bad cramps 2 1/2 weeks after Mirena IUD insertion

    Hey sooo I got my iud inserted Feb 23. Went as you’d expect, hurt but I was numbed and honestly it was more uncomfortable than anything. The cramps after had me in bed the rest of the day but ever since I’ve had consistent cramping. They strike randomly and are worse some days than others. The...
  8. S

    Althea Pills

    Hello! I need help lang. I was diagnosed with PCOS last Nov. 2023. My OB prescribed me with Althea pills (for contraception use too). I've been using the pill for 6 months na and I never missed a pill. Naging regular din ako and my period comes like clockwork since then. Sa pill intake naman...
  9. E

    I L O V E my Nexplanon

    I’m very proud to say I’ve had my Nexplanon for 8 months, and I love it. To start with, I really like the card they give you that tells you when it has to be taken out. It makes me feel empowered knowing that I won’t have to worry about pregnancy in the next 3 years. And I, thankfully, have...
  10. S

    Survey about Oral Contraceptives to Promote Safe Prescribing and Use

    Good evening, I am a medical student doing a data project on predicting adverse events related to oral contraceptive use given known and unknown risk factors. The team needs data to create an accurate model to weigh the risk and benefits of OCs in case alternative methods such as an IUD is...
  11. C

    9 days on Slynd

    So I started Slynd 9 days ago and experienced the headaches and dehydration immediately but have been able to combat that with additional water intake and ibuprofen but then I started my period 3 days ago (early) and have been dealing with these super crazy muscle spasms in my right hand and arm...
  12. K


    Okay so, this might be long winded but I’ll try my best to keep it short, but I really need your help / opinions. A week before I was predicted to ovulate, my boyfriend and I went unprotected. Then the same thing happened three days before I was to ovulate. I took two generic brand birth...
  13. T

    Potency of pills after exposure to over 30°C heat

    I’ve been taking Slinda (drospirenone) and I accidentally left my pack exposed to heat for around 20 mins while at the beach the other day. It’s a tropical climate and the heat index that day was around 43°C (~110°F). It was inside a jelly bag and while the pack itself wasn’t searing hot, the...
  14. N

    L-carnitine w/ pill

    Does anyone know if the dietary supplement L-carnitine interferes with the birth control pill? Specifically, I’m on Sprintec.
  15. T

    2 Plan B’s in 1 Cycle - late period

    Okay going to try and make this simple. FYI using pullout method (not the best I know)… I was just prescribed BC pills but can’t take them until the Sunday after my NEXT period which I’m waiting for, FYI he’s never finished inside me… so here we go: Had unprotected sex the day after my period...
  16. S

    Skyla IUD causing increased breast size?

    Hey yall— I was starting to get a little anxious over some side effects I’ve been having and can’t for the life of me get in contact with my doctor so obviously the next stop was Reddit. I have had the SKYLA iud collectively >4 years (3 years the first go around and now the new one I got in...
  17. T

    I hate my iud lol

    Yes, it has kept me from getting pregnant so it is doing its job. Big TMI warning lol Backstory; I got my Mirena iud inserted after having a c section. I bled for about 6 weeks which is normal and then didn't get a period for about 6 months. Thats it. It came back and is still the same as it...
  18. J

    Thoughts on 0.5/35 vs 1/35 pill dose?

    I've been on Nortrel/Necon/Wera 0.5/35 pill for maaany years. About a year ago I switched to using it continuously (skipping the fake pills) but I still get lots of breakthrough bleeding on it but at least it lets me skip periods and my horrible menstrual migraines. I just had my prescription...
  19. E

    Bf has a big dick and I have c o n c e r n s

    I'm going to schedule a visit with a new gynecologist and more aggressively ask about this situation. A big concern of mine was the possibility of getting pregnant if it was possible to push into a uterus, because no lie it feels like that sometimes. But I guess it's just my vag stretching...
  20. M

    Strange Skyla IUD Symptoms (Long Post)

    I have such a specific situation, and no actual gynecologist due to switching insurances (I've been seeing whoever's available first/the soonest at whatever clinic for the last several months) that I figured I'd just go ahead and explain my situation and ask my questions. I broke this post into...