birth control

  1. G

    [M/21] [F/18] Should I get Plan B?

    A few hours ago, a girlfriend and I were going at it, when all of a sudden something changed and I pulled out and realized the condom broke. I was not even close to cumming though. However, a few minutes before I strapped on, she gave me a bj and I did come then. But does that not matter...
  2. J

    condom broke and he came inside me, and i took a plan B an hour after. Next day the tip of the condom came out of me... what do i do?

    Should I take another plan B? he came inside me and i peed and washed off everything from my body and then got a plan B an hour after everything happened... but the next day the tip of the condom came out of me... i am really worried and this is the first time this happened please help. thank...
  3. T

    Junel FE 1.5/30 - switch from 1/20 to 1.5/30, possible no period?

    Hi everyone, This month I switched from 1/20 to 1.5/30 due to the amount of cramping from the lower dose and how it was making me feel emotionally. I took 1/20 for a year and some months and my gyno made the switch for me to the higher dosage. I am currently on day 2 of placebo and it just...
  4. W

    Pills + diaphragm (w/ spermicide) = good idea?

    I have been religiously taking the BC pill (monophasic, two packs continuously + 4 day break... repeat the cycle), have never missed, and so far it's been good. However, since I live in a country where abortion is illegal, I'm paranoid about getting pregnant (BC pills can fail for a number of...
  5. A

    What temperature that I need to store birth control pills ( yasmine )

    Hi guys , I need help 🙏 I store my pills in the fridge and there’s a button to change the temperature ( 1-5) I put number 3 because I thought it would be reasonable assumption but I don’t know really what 3 means in C or F ? Are the Pills okay or they got spoiled? I’m a little worried and would...
  6. L

    So I’m apparently pregnant on kyleena iud

    I feel shocked and betrayed by my body and or this device. I had no issues for 3.5 years. Then a month ago I started to have more discharge than normal but didn’t think too much of it. I still got soft mild barely there periods pretty regularly. So when this current period came, nothing seemed...
  7. D


    That’s it! I surrender! I’m getting rid of you asap! I’ve made an appointment for June 7, and I’m counting down the days till you’re no longer making my life hell… No longer causing me to wake up in the middle of the night with hunger pains, no longer causing me to bloat so much I can’t fit in...
  8. M

    Can u get pregnant 2 days after depo shot wares off?

    So my girlfriend had her 2nd shot of depo and was supposed to go back on the 10th to get her 3rd... we had unprotected sex around the 12th and she went for the shot again the 16th.. would she be able to get pregnant?
  9. H

    Got the shot 2 weeks ago, was told I’d bleed for about 3 months after but no bleeding?

    What the title says. 15 years old, and I got the shot about 11 days ago, this is my first experience with birth control. My period was supposed to start the day after, and the person who gave me the shot said that I would probably experience bleeding for up to 3 months after bc my uterus lining...
  10. S

    I just got an IUD and y’all scared me for no reason

    So in the week leading up to me getting an IUD, even just hours before people were sending me posts from this subreddit with horror stories about getting the IUD and how painful it is. So bad I was ready to bite the cancelation fee and cancel the appointment, I’m here to tell y’all it’s not that...
  11. P

    PSA - $7,984

    Is how much it cost to have my IUD removed in an emergency room in the USA. With "incredible" insurance coverage, my total was $961. I wish I took it out myself. It was barely hanging in my cervix. I could have done it. I can't stop crying. I have a 19m old, I'm alone, $1500 in bills every...
  12. R

    When did your breast stop growing on BC?

    Hello! First timer of BC here. About 1,5 months ago I started taking yazmin-28, I haven't had much side effects aside from breast growth, my size has gone from a C-cup to a DD/E-cup within this time. Aside from it feeling uncomfortable and a bit painful it's not too bad, but I cannot use my...
  13. P

    All iud experience requested

    My husband and I are considering for me to get paragard. I have taken the combined bc pill since June 2022 with little issue aside from large mood alteration. Not a big deal though, I'm handling that all fine. In about january, I started spotting randomly. I've n e v e r spotted, or hard...
  14. A

    What would you do?

    Personal background: I’ve been on Junel fe 1/20 for 7ish years (I did try the IUD for about 6 months but had 2 expulsions). I loved my experience on the pill, however, around year 5 I started to develop extreme vaginal dryness, and pH issues. I thought it was my new normal and I completely...
  15. A


    Long read: Okay so boom … beginning of last month I left a 5 yr dv relationship with my 1yr old sons father , you’ll see how that correlates in the end . 😵‍💫 Well I go to get my first iud ever on the 26th of last month . Didn’t really want (bc )at first because I was just refraining from sex...
  16. E

    Hormone results are in and Dr has recommended Yasmin, looking for advice or personal experiences

    Hello, I hope I chose the right flair, sorry if I didn't! My blood test results have come back 'borderline' and my Dr has recommended I try the Yasmin combined pill. I am a cisgendered woman with a family history of PCOS, though I'd need an ultrasound to confirm PCOS, I have acne in my 30s...
  17. D

    never been on birth control. 28 (f). periods are painful. don’t love the idea

    I have an appointment to see my doctor today and have always been against the idea of birth control; no offense to anyone on it but I don’t like the idea of a pill regulating my cycle and the hormones aren’t always good for someone who has a mental illness such as depression like I do. I am at...
  18. D

    2 noriday tablets per day safe?

    Hi all, I’ve been taking Noriday 350 micrograms for around 8 years (I’m 24) due to insanely heavy and debilitating periods. Noriday stopped my periods for a while which was great, but for some reason it’s stopped working? This did also happen a few years ago, and I was told by a doctor to...
  19. K

    Need Advice: In-Office Hysteroscopy vs Outpatient Hysteroscopy for Paragard Arm Removal

    Went to the Ob/Gyn this morning to get my Paragard taken out. An arm broke off upon removal (surprise, surprise!). My doctor tried to grab the arm but I was covered in sweat and hurting so she said she’d prefer to try a hysteroscopy with general anesthesia for me. I got home and started...
  20. L

    Licorice in tea and bc - risk?

    Hi, i have drank some stomach tea for last three days. I have just read that licorice root can interfiere with birth Control. Im on Nuvaring. I checked the amount of licorice - its says its 0,2 g im daily portion. So i consumed a little less than1g in three days. Should i be worried? Honestly i...